Part 15

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Part 15 (Kane Pov)

Damian has been sulking since eating breakfast because he hadn't made tuna. He was angry at Kane; however, the shifter had eaten all the sausages. So Damian must have not been as furious as he was acting. Kane walked around the apartment, finding everything he needed for work. Picking up his suitcase and took his jacket from the wall hook. Then he looked over to see Damian sitting crossed-legged on the couch. Arms crossed, pouting, refusing to look at him.

"Are you ready to get going? So we get to see Owen." Damian didn't move or even attempt. With everything going on, Damian was sulking about not having tuna. Kane couldn't understand the boy's mind. "Do you know, we have some pretty expensive cat food at the...." Kane hadn't even needed to finish the sentence as Damian bounced straight from his spot. Bolting right to his side and looking excited.

"Why didn't you lead with that? Let's get going! I can eat with Owen!" Damian was now circling around him, bounding with energy. Kane was surprised that the shifter had gained back all his strength. His legs seemed to be working for now. Nevertheless, Kane would be watching him just in case something happened. He didn't want the boy to get hurt.


Kane has been standing at the bottom of the stairs waiting for what feels like ages. He had been texting Owen, telling him they would be later than expected. Damian was halfway down the stairs gripping the railing. His knuckles were stark white, and his legs wobbled, causing his whole body to shake.

Kane had asked if Damian wanted help climbing the stairs and got snapped at. He wanted to laugh because the shifter was adorable when he was mad. However, he knew that doing so would frustrate Damian, so he kept his mouth shut. Though he knew they needed to get a move on. He wanted to get to work before the sunset. "Are you sure you don't want help getting down the stairs?"

Damian had shot an icy glare down at Kane. However, it melted within seconds as he hung his head in shame. A flush spread his face. "I'm making it down myself. But I don't think I can walk after this. So maybe I can ride on your back?" He asked timidly, moving his eyes upwards, giving Kane puppy eyes. Pouting out his bottom lip and trying to make himself look pitiful worked wonders on Kane's heart.

" Alright, but if you can't make it down within ten minutes, I'm coming to get you." Damian had agreed to the terms and started struggling faster to get down. Every step was shaky, and his breath was coming out in short gasps. Damian's face was flushed with exhaustion, sweat glistening his skin. Finally, his feet landed on the sidewalk , and Damian threw his hands up. Kane thought he was celebrating; however, the shifter started to clasp and unclasp his hands in a give-me motion.

He was begging to be picked up. Not celebrating his triumph fit success with completing the fifteen-step staircase. He sighed, turning around and bending his legs. Got down to the ground, almost kneeling entirely on the sidewalk. Damian climbed onto his back and wrapped his arms around his neck. Kane stood and felt the extra weight strain his neck. He would have to get Owen to work his heavenly hands to kneed the sore muscles in his neck.

They had walked for around ten minutes before coming to the vet building. Kane exhaled happily that they had made it to their destination. His back was killing him from carrying the weight of the shifter. Though Damian wasn't that heavy, he wasn't used to holding so much weight for a long time. Since his weight lifted, it would only last a minute or two. Then he would take a break and then do another set. However, this was a consistent workout.

When they get to the front door, Kane drops Damian without warning. Damian, however, caught himself without tripping or stumbling. He landed with grace only a cat could carry and seemed rather smug about it. As he trotted up beside linking his arm throw Kane's and smiled wickedly. "I'm happy I have such a strong man to carry me around everywhere I have to go. Let's do that again on the way back."

Kane could feel the light leave his body and slumped slightly. "How about you get Owen to carry you, and I can just watch. Or maybe I can just carry you in my arms, and we can give my aching back a break." Kane pleaded with the shifter. Damian seemed to take it into consideration and shook his head in rejection. "No way. It has to be you and your back carrying me home. I like the way your muscles shift under my body."

Damian had said such a thing without blinking, and Kane wondered if the boy knew how dirty he was. That mind of his was working at a lust pace. However, Damian doesn't seem to understand and just leaves through the front door. Leaving Kane with a hard-on as he thought of his body pressing into Damian's. Their muscles shift and gridding together. Both of them were out of breath and covered in sweat. Owen watching from the side of the bed. His hand lowered into his...

Kane stopped before he blew a load right in front of his workplace. He knew that if he did, he wouldn't be able to look anyone in the eyes for the rest of the day. So he carried himself confidently through the door to almost run right into Damian as the shifter had stopped directly in front of the lobby. Barely out of the way of the entries.

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