Part 21

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Part 21 (Damian Pov)

Exhaustion began to settle within his bones. The bottom of his paws eight didn't paint. The pads split open, oozing blood from his perilous journey. His fur was ruffled and covered in sweat. Dripping down words onto the concrete beneath him. Damian had little to no time to care about such mondane things. All that replayed inside his head was a constant reminder of the struggle he put Kane and Owen through. Though his presence only lasted a singular night, it didn't mean much. Their kindness still settles deep within his heart.

And with every step, he took the mocking reminder that it was merely feeble dreams slammed into him. The longer he strolled the concrete jungle, the more his body began to tremble. Cursed the wicked woman who sat behind her electronic throne. Condemned the plastic fingernails she had glued to her fingers that job that his chest. Searing his skin in molting the darkness within his heart. Even Damian was astonished by the woman's cruelty and inept sense of justice. He certainly wasn't mooching off of the two of them. On the contrary, he was a growing fondness for them. He had never felt such a frenzy of emotions for someone. Let alone separate individuals. Each with its own personality and morals. He only spent a single day with the two, and he felt like he knew them.

Kane the tall and muscular and built. Everything that screamed intimidation. Was nothing more than a sweet man. Takes his time to pamper and swaddle Damian. Speaking with soft words and affirmations that made his heart soar to the skies. Making him feel like he was amongst the clouds. Worshiped almost like a deity on a pedestal. And Kane kissed his bare feet like he created the world.

Owen was also tall and muscular. Though a few short inches from Kane, he had the heart of a lion. He was brave, independent, and afraid to show his genuine emotions no matter how bewildering they were. He fought for what he believed in and rattled those around him. Though he seems to have a more somber side. Elegant and fragile, suppressed between his solid muscles and rockhard demeanor. He coddled Damian like someone of familiarity. Friends for years, so they only knew one another for hours. Made him feel welcomed and excepted within the unknown area he had been tossed into.

And now Damian strolled, aching pause screaming for a chance to rest. Though no garbage can or box seemed to hold the same security as the bed, he had slept in the previous night. No place felt safe to bunker down for the night. And his mind round with the possibility of never being able to handle such a way again. Those skyscrapers and businesses were what his home used to be but no longer wanted it. He yearns for the possibility of being in that apartment again. Squashed between two warm bodies in a beautifully comforting bed. He lay his head on fluffy feather pillows and was wrapped in luxurious, comforting blankets. Sooner or later, he would have to settle down somewhere. It wasn't smart wandering the streets such late into the night.

A minuscule part of him wished that either Kane or Owen would come stumbling upon him again. But maybe they honestly didn't want him in this was his life. So, destined to be tied to the streets, he was tossed. Never to be loved and cherished again as God was merely waving it in his face. A taunting reminder that he would never be good enough. He would never know love. He would have no comfort. He would never learn to read such voluptuous words or understand how to work a computer. Damian continued to mole over the stars when suddenly a fragrance smacked his nose. Causing it to twitch and interest in his mouth to begin to water. Shameful to admit it was almost like a waterfall. Cascading down his furry chin.

Damian turned his head to see a somewhat expensive-looking cat food can link perfectly pristine on a porch. Someone's house cat must be wandering late at night. He quickly swooped his head around, examining what part of the alleyway he could see. Nothing in the proximity seemed to be alerting him. No danger, I guess. That must mean free food. At least some things going right for once. Damian went trotting up the porch stairs. Trying to be as quiet as possible. Not wishing to gain the attention of the owners living inside. As they would see that he was not their average cat but yet a stray. Probably knock him with a broomstick. That it happened once or twice. Though right now, Damian doesn't think he could handle such a thing.

He was hovering above the cat food can, taking in giant whiffs through his nose. Salmon, the holy fish of the river. Before even thinking any longer, he dove right in. Devouring every last piece of divine fish he could get his choppers on. The savory taste made him almost cry enjoy. Oh, how it reminded him of Kane and Owen. How they fed him sucks luxury before his ultimate demise. And now he could feel it. Tears welling up in his cat-like eyes though he cannot cry. However, mournful noises escaped his clogged throat. He whimpers for the men that he knew and the glorious treats they had fed him. He only wished to be with them one last time. Say his mournful final goodbyes before dashing away into the sunset.

Damian was so enthralled in his last hurrah that the sound of sneaking footsteps didn't snag his ears until they were already behind him. Basically looming over his small hunched frame. "I have to say you were a nuisance to find. And if it wasn't for the fact that you're obsessed with salmon, we may have never caught you." He ceased eating to glance up at the moderately familiar sound. The voice sounded irritated but filled with undying relief. Damian's misty eyes connected immediately with Elania's concern-filled face. And Damian swore he felt his entire world shift back onto its axis.

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