Part 41

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Part 41 (Damian Pov) Smut Baby!!

Immediately as they all entered the apartment, Owen quickly scurried off into the bedroom. He slammed the door behind him, not in infuriation but in shame and embarrassment. Damian wanted to comfort him as what happened at the café wasn't his fault. He completely understood wanting comfort from family, and Owen had reached out to his sister for that. And he wasn't going to shame him for wanting help in a difficult situation that had nothing to do with him. However, it seemed like Owen needed his own time and space. Regardless, an overgrowing nagging had urged Damian toward the bedroom.

Damian peeked inside and saw Owen sitting on the bed, humiliated. His head hung low and buried in his arms. He almost looked as if he was cuddling himself for comfort. Damian's heart shattered, staring at his lover, looking so defeated. And he damn well knew that Owen shouldn't be feeling this way due to the behavior and actions of his younger sister. Elania had her mouth and opinions and all; because she spewed them didn't mean Owen had to feel shame. They didn't share the same view, and Damian knew that. So Owen had nothing to be ashamed of, and he certainly didn't have to bear the situation on his back.

Slowly Damian strolled into the room, keeping his footsteps light and airy in order not to make too much noise. He wanted to be silent and stealthy, to sneak up on the shame-wallowing man. And it seemed to work as Owen was too busy wallowing in his self-hatred to realize that Damian was sneaking closer and closer by the second. Until finally, he sprung. He collided into Owen and collapsed the two onto the bed and a tangle of limbs. Damian squealed happily while Owen shouted in surprise. "So what are you doing, Damian," Owen giggled; all past shame seemed to be thrown out the window at the current moment. And all Damian could do was smiled wickedly at his lover, knowing that his sneaky plan had worked.

"What are you talking about? Can't I comfort you? Today was a rough day." Damian began running his hands seductively up and down Owen's arms, trying to soothe the way all the tension that had built in the man's shoulders. And it was almost like watching magic be worked as all the tension slowly oozed from Owen's frame, and he turned to what seemed like jell-o in Damian's arms. "Let me take care of you. You're so stressed." Damian reached over, pecking a small kiss on Owen's lips before traveling down his jaw, sucking on the sensitive skin underneath. Owen released a low groan, and Damian swore he could feel all of his blood rushing south. Owen reached upwards, grabbing his hands onto Damian's ass, kneading the muscles in his calloused hands. And Damian swore he was preening, a purr bursting through his throat as he felt hard hands rubbing around his lobes.

"Are you sure you want to do this after everything I did?" Before Owen could finish the sentence, Damian quickly placed his lips on his. He certainly didn't want his lover overthinking the situation at hand. And he didn't wish Owen to ruin the mood with his self-sabotaging attitude. Quickly Damian pulled back once again, kissing at sensitive skin, hoping to get Owen to be groaning again. But instead, all he got was a jumble of apologies and rambling words that barely made sense to his ears. He sighed loudly, pulling back merely glaring into Owen's eyes. "Don't you understand? I'm not blaming you for what your sister said or did. Elania has a mind of her own right now." Damian pulled forward, kissing Owen sweetly on the lips and then on the tip of his nose. "I want to blow that mind of yours."

Owen's breath hitched, and before Damian could even register, he was lying sprawled out, looking like a meal still wrapped. Owen began to suck hickeys into his neck. And Damian knew there would be marks covering him tomorrow due to his porcelain color. And he couldn't stop purring at the image and thought of everyone knowing that he belonged to Owen. Quickly Damian thrust it upwards, grinding their groins together, trying to soothe the aching pain in his cock. Finally, Owen released him before grabbing onto both of Damian's hands and placing them over the top of his head. "You're not allowed to move your hands understand?" All Damian could do was nod fiercely, wanting this to continue.

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