Part 10

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Part 10 (Damian Pov)

Damian was pretty sure, now that he had spent time with them, that he had been picked up by two perverted freaks. Though he couldn't really hassle them about it. As far as he was concerned, he was the one who mainly was turned on the entire time. Though Kane and Owen both seem fascinated with touching his body. And don't get him wrong, he treasures the attention. Damian hasn't been this pampered over since he was a newborn.

Though the constant fondling was driving him crazy. He had never felt so much warmness coursing through his body before. He's never had time to honestly care about that stuff while on the street. Now it seemed like it was all his body could do. Of course, it didn't help that two attractive men were currently fawning over him. And it certainly didn't help that they both had hands that seemed to wander like stray pups.

When Owen was helping him get his pants on, the man's hands seemed to linger longer on his ass than what was appropriate. Damian was also sure that Owen didn't know he was kneading the sore muscles below. Damian had tried to keep from not moaning. He only hoped that it worked. Yes, he found the men extremely attractive. Nevertheless, he was nothing but street leftovers. Not something to be worshiped by two immensely attractive people.

Damian also didn't know if he was going to be staying forever. They would probably get tired of him and toss him aside to the streets, just like his family had. However, now sitting in the kitchen, he had hoped they wouldn't do it. Because sitting in front of him was probably his first hot, homemade meal in over fifteen years. Even his last few meals with his so-called family had been nothing but cold leftovers. So staring down at the steaming soup bowl in front of him made his mouth water. He hoped he would get to eat it all soon before these special guests showed up.

Owen seemed to be fussing over there coming over. Kane seemed utterly relaxed. As if he wasn't scared nor even cared that these two extra people would be coming around. And if Damian heard correctly earlier, one of them was Owen's sister. A considerable part of him hoped she wasn't nimble like her brother. And whoever she bringing wouldn't be trying to grope him like the other two. Because currently, Damian only wants Kane and Owen's attention. No one else's.

He looked up, staring across the table, watching Kane and Owen eating the soup. Damian wanted to eat; however, in his old house, he always ate last. It was the rule his mother made. His sisters got the best of everything, and he got the hand-me-downs. Though technically, the soup was already inside his bowl, he didn't know if he was allowed to eat yet. He played around with his spoon spinning the floating vegetables in random patterns.

"Damian, do you not like what's inside the soup?" Owen sounded worried. Damian felt terrible for making the man worry. He glanced upward to look right at Owen. "No, it's fine; I like everything in the soup. It's just that.." He paused; should he tell them the truth. What if they have the same rules and want to see if Damian knows them. That sounded crazy since he had already broken many of his family's traditions.

"I wasn't allowed to eat with the rest of the family. So when they finished, I was allowed to start eating freely." After admitting such a shameful fact about his past, he expected them to be repulsed. "You don't need to follow that rule anymore. Eat everything you want."

"You also don't need to ask permission. Damian, eat whenever you need to," Kane said sincerely. Damien didn't halter for another moment; he swiped up his spoon and immediately began shoveling the soup inside his mouth. He had to admit he was being sloppy. If Owen and Kane said all rules were out the window, then so be it. That meant he could eat as sloppily as he wanted if it meant it got in his mouth faster.

Damian was halfway done with his bowl of soup when suddenly there was a knock on the door that tolled throughout the apartment. Owen got up from his seat, abandoning his soup, and went to the front door. Before anyone could react, Damian leaned over, snagging the leftover bowl. He poured whatever was left over from that one into his own. When he looked over, Kane was watching him with pure amusement. "Don't you dare tell a soul," Damian said, pointing a finger judgingly at Kane. Kane flung his hands up in defense, "He's not getting a word out of me."

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