Part 5

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Part 5 (Pov Kane)

Kane and Owen stayed back for another few minutes, debating what to do with the boy in their exam room—choosing that they would give Damian a choice on his faith. They returned to find Damian crying with the pants lying on the ground. He looked up with red-rimmed eyes and snot running down his face. Damian sniffled, "I couldn't get the pants on. I dropped them and couldn't reach them from the top of the table. My legs won't work, and nothing around me can help me pick up my pants." 

Sorrow filled Kane, and he found himself walking forward. Grabbing the abounded pants from the floor. He knelt and looked at Damian. "Would you like it if I helped you put your pants on?" Damian nodded, silently accepting Kane's help. Though he could tell, it was hard for the young man since he wouldn't look Kane in the eyes when he gave him permission. Kane began shimming the pants onto Damian's legs. Then he got to Damian's waist he paused. "Could you lift your hips, or do you need Owen's help lifting yourself off the table?" Damian, this time shaking his head. He lifted his hips upward, though he leaned heavily onto Kane. Hiding his head into Kane's shoulder. He could feel the heat radiating from Damian's face from shame and embarrassment for having Kane help. "It's fine, don't worry, it's not something to be embarrassed about. Do you want to come to our home and eat something? Maybe take a shower; that way, your clean."

Damian pulled back with excitement lighting his tear-filled eyes. "You're going to allow me inside your home?" Damian's eyes glanced over at Owen. Like he was checking if Owen was angry at Kane's sudden invitation. Kane glanced over at Owen as well. Owen nodded, agreeing with Kane like he knew that Damian was looking for acceptance. 

"Yes, we're fine with having you come into our house. You'll be our guest, and I'll even cook you dinner. And maybe if you shower, we can see how bad your fleas are." Damian wiggled happily and threw his arms around Kane. Burrowing his head into Kane's neck.

"Thank you; you won't regret having me as your guest. I will be quiet as a mouse, and you'll never know I was there. I'll even be gone by morning; you don't have to kick me out."

Kane laughed and hugged the boy back. Warmth filled Kane, accompanied by a strange feeling filling his stomach. Affection ripped, though, and it wasn't repulsing. "You can stay till the morning; we'll make you breakfast. That way, you can sleep in a bed for the night, even for only one night. You don't have to run the moment the sun rises."

 "I can't walk, so how am I going to get there," Damian whispered into Kane's ear. 

"You don't have to worry. I'll carry you if that's all right with you." Damian agreed and tightened his arms around Kane's shoulders, waiting for Kane to lift him. Kane steadied himself before lifting Damian, and Kane felt like he was lifting a bag of feathers. A squeal left the young man, and Owen laughed loudly, covering his mouth with his hand. Like he was trying to hold in his amusement, watching the two of them. 

"Let's get going, so it isn't too dark outside when we're walking back to the apartment. Don't want Kane tripping when he is holding you because he can't see where he is going."

Kane carried Damian out of the building, and Owen stayed behind, locking the building up. They walked together down the sidewalk as Damian twisted his head around, looking at his surroundings. He was staring at the bright lights and the cars zooming by. Kane watched him as the wonder flashed through his amber eyes. Owen walked up, tapping Kane's arm and pointing at his phone.

"I'm going to text Elania and see if she can come over. That way, Damian can have his hair cut if he wants. Plus, she can help with the whole shifter thing. Since this is the first time we are going to be dealing with one for longer than a few minutes." Owen looked over at Damian checking to see if the young man was paying attention to the conversation. Damian wasn't in fact listening in, too mesmerized by passing window displays. Kane lightly shook the man causing Damian to startle, jumping slightly in his grasp. Damian looked rattled back at the two of them. 

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