Part 7

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Part 7 (Damian Pov)

At first, being naked in front of two extremely attractive men was nerve-wracking. Damian almost couldn't keep his eyes off the men. Damian was quarreling with his inner self. Peeping on people was uncivilized, and he knew that. Whereas when you are naked, they stand around gaping at you. Damian could feel the color encroaching on his skin, heat traveling through his blood. All he wanted to do was twist into himself; that way, Owen and Kane didn't have to gaze upon his unappealing mangled body. The scars were hideous and humiliating as they covered a majority of his frame. Laying litter on every surface of his skin, hardly any surface was left smooth.

Damian knew damn well people didn't appreciate looking at disgusting things. So, why would anyone want to glance at his maimed skin and filth-covered hair? Nevertheless, Owen and Kane's reactions were not what he was anticipating. Never before had someone gotten enraged over his scars and wounds or so furious at the thought of his family booting him out. Leaving Damian to fend for himself because he was worthless. He had no purpose and couldn't offer anything worth to the family name. Nonetheless, these two men didn't appear to care.

Damian had found himself naked, sitting in a tub of warm water. Besides the occasional dip in the park river, he hadn't bathed in years. Only when the river was flowing with water, and it wasn't freezing outside, being wet and naked in the cold almost always led to him catching a cold.  So having a warm bath made Damian's body completely unwind, and all uneasiness about someone noticing his scars was gone. Damian slouched backward into the tub and tilted his head sideways. He placed it firmly onto Kane's arm, resting nearby. Damian released a sigh of relief and allowed himself to leisure inside the tub. Not reaching for the body wash and merely enjoying something he hadn't in so long.

"If you need me to. I wouldn't mind scrubbing your body. You seem like you're exhausted." Kane asked hesitantly, reaching over, petting Damian's hair. Damian glanced upward, grinning at the bashful man. 

"I wouldn't mind, though I could do it myself."

"No, I want to. You should relax and appreciate this. You seem like you haven't had a bath in ages."

"Okay," Damian said, slumping farther into the tub. Sinking downward to emerge half of his face. Hoping this would cover the growing rosiness fanning his body. He didn't have to peek to know that it was there. The additional heat radiating off his body was an obvious sign. But, of course, Damian could always blame it on the boiling water he was sitting in. Yes, the rolling steam was getting to his body and mind.

Damian watched Kane reach across the tub and grasp the bottle of soap. He lathered the loofah heavily and massaged it into his hands until suds flooded. Kane then lightly grabbed Damian's arm and started scrubbing delicately. It was like he was frightened to scrub too ruffly. Like he didn't want to scruff Damian delicate skin. He almost wanted to laugh, thinking that, even if Kane did redden his skin it would be the worse thing on his body. But Kane didn't stop, showing devotion to the task at hand. Like cleaning Damian's filth cover skin was a privilege only the most worthy could do. Damian gradually began to feel devotion; the rhythmic pattern danced across his body.

Damian dared a glimpse at Kane, wishing to see the older man. He found Kane's face gazing lovingly down at his frame. Like the man had forgotten that he was also there. Cleaning away the filth from his body was something he honestly relished in. Almost like Kane was mesmerized by every scar he passed over. Kane's eyes lingered on every crevice and dip he passed over. Damian couldn't fathom why he was staring with such tenderness when Damian knew his body was repulsive.

Damian couldn't stare at Kane's shifting muscles any longer. It made his stomach flip flop, and bile rose in his throat, not from disgust with the older man but instead with himself. His eyes darted away to be met with bright jade eyes. Damian maintained the gaze and didn't yank his eyesight away from Owen's. His gaze was harboring yearning as he stared intensely into Damian. He wanted to finch away from Kane's hold and plunge beneath the water. The need to hide scorched feverishly inside his stomach. The bile that clung to his throat finally tore out.

Kane launched himself away, and Damian scrambled out of the tub. He attempted to crawl his way into the corner. Nonetheless, his bones started splintering before he could make it, and his muscles pulled. Fur began sprouting from his every notch covering him completely. Paws pounded the damp tile floor, and he bolted, shuffling into the corner. Damian swathed his tail around his eyes and covered his ears with soaked paws.

I'm so sorry! Please, I didn't mean to goggle at him like that. I wouldn't, so don't harm me. I'll be a good cat. Damian shuddered in fret, coiling tightly into a ball. Hoping that making himself smaller would hide him better from their angry eyes. I'll leave. You'll never see me again, I swear. Please, I will never search for you and will leave you alone.

A calloused hand began rubbing tenderly at his fluffed-up pelt. Another hand also started petting his ears. Damian wanted to purr and untangle from his ball. "Damian, please settle down, honey. I didn't mean to frighten you. I shouldn't have crept into the bathroom." Owen's voice was laced with concern. Damian was feeling remorseful for how he reacted. If Owen was comforting him, then that means Owen isn't furious. He wasn't seething at Damian for the way; Kane was gazing at him.

"Please, baby, we're sorry for scaring you. Don't worry about what happened inside the tub. I'll clean it up." Kane said softly. "It's not the big of a deal. You can eat with Owen in the kitchen." Damian moved his tail and peeked upward. The fear that was racking painfully through his bones vanished into the air. Owen and Kane both stared worriedly at him. Owen softly patted his head, and Damian pushed into his palm.

"Let's get you into the kitchen. Then I'll grab you some clothes that will hopefully fit you. That way, you are not naked in our kitchen." Owen chuckled lightly. "Damian, you should shift back inside the bathroom. The neighbor's probability doesn't want to see you naked. Though we may like it, others may not." His words shocked Damian and almost forced him to shift immediately without a second thought.

He sauntered away with his tail lying down. Then, trekking back to the toilet and hopping on top. Damian pivoted his head and pouted back at the two men. Privacy would be appreciated; I'm no perv like you. And when I shift, don't chase me away. He once again turned, sitting down. His hands scramble quickly to conceal his semi-hard cock. Wishing that the others didn't witness that. He was flustered and feverish after they brushed him. 

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