Part 45

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Part 45 (Owen Pov)

Suffocating tension wrapped around his body; breathing wasn't something he had ever had trouble with till now. Owen avoided Kane and Damian as they stayed inside the office for the rest of the work day. He didn't feel he deserved to be in the room with them. So Owen throws himself into work. Seeing patient after patient, not allowing himself a break, as slowly down would mean his mind had time to think about how he had fucked up. Not only had he failed Damian by not defending him like he wanted to. But he also felt Kane wasn't crucial by leaving him out of the conversation. Owen never wanted to do that, he loved both men, and regardless of his fondness for them, he kept failing them.

He couldn't defend Damian from Katelyn or even his family's cruel words. Now he was leaving Kane behind, not allowing him the chance to be there for Damian as Owen kept thinking he could do it himself. It wasn't just Owen and Damian, it was all three of them, and Kane must feel like he was being pushed aside. It crushed Owen's heart, knowing he was causing his boyfriend so much pain. Maybe they would be better without him. Letting them push him out slowly would hurt too much; he possibly would have to leave before they genuinely fell out of love with him.

Now they were closed, and everyone and gone home beside them. Owen knows that Damian and Kane haven't left the office. He didn't know if he would be welcome to even go inside. If they would want to see him. So going home alone was the only option for him at the moment. He slowly dragged his numb body around the back room and gathered everything that was his. Piling patient folders into the desk, he would organize the files tomorrow when his world isn't falling apart in front of his eyes. He grabbed his bag, flinging it over his shoulder, and moved to leave. Eyes glued to his shoes that scuffed the floor, he walked, barely lifting high enough to be called steps. The closer he reached the door, the more reality set in. He had truly messed everything up; he was no better than the people he had wanted to hate. He was causing more pain to his lovers than anyone else in his life. Maybe he could stay with Elania tonight; he knew she would tear him to shreds, criticizing every decision he made through the situation. However, it would be better than being comforted by his mother and father; kind words weren't what he was looking for at the moment. He wanted something hard-hitting that would snap him out of his funk.

"You're not going to leave again without telling me where you're going," Kane's gravely voice pierced Owen's heart. Causing him to glance up, meeting the steel blue eyes glazed with frustration. Owen flinched, seeing such emotions clearly plastered on Kane. He darted away, not wanting to witness what his malicious actions had caused. Striding back was the only thing he could think of doing to try and preserve himself from the damage that was going to be done. "Please, I'm sorry. I truly am ashamed, but can we not do this here." He bowed, encasing his arms around his waist, wishing it would keep everything in. Kane's footsteps were the only indication he moved forward till his hand laid on Owen's cheek softly. He tried to pull Owen's face up. However, Owen forced himself to keep it down. He didn't have the heart to stare at Kane, to see the hatred that could be filling his eyes. He knew that would be the end of him. "You didn't come into the office to talk with Damian and me."

"Someone needs to make sure the patients go taken care of. So I decided it was better for me to stay behind." Owen couldn't believe he was making such an excuse. They have taken time away from the building to do things all the time, leaving patients to wait for them to get back. Owen wasn't great at lying through his teeth, so he knew Kane could tell he was being run around. Kane's hand didn't move from his cheek; instead, he caressed the skin softly, ensuring Owen knew he wasn't going away. "You and Damian should be going home. I think it's best if I stay with Elania tonight; we need to talk for a bit anyway, so it works out splendidly."

Owen pulled away but was stopped abruptly; Kane grabbed both of his arms, holding him tightly, ensuring he could escape even if he wanted to. "You're not going to go to Elania's to escape the problem." Owen's head snapped upward, he knew Kane caught on to what he was doing, but he didn't want to be so openly confronted. Owen tried to rip himself from Kane's grip; however, Kane held on tighter, possibly bruising his skin. "You don't understand! I've hurt you and Damian. I left you out when I knew damn well you hate that, and I couldn't even protect Damian from his family. You saw how hurt he was; I couldn't stop that; I couldn't even stop myself from hurting you." Tears were streaming down Owen's cheeks; he had never honestly cried so hard about something before. However, knowing he had caused such pain ripped him to shreds.

"I'm no better than the people before me; how can you trust me when I have caused nothing but a problem." Owen cried out, burying his head into Kane's shoulder. Hoping the bigger man would allow him this small gesture of comfort to soothe his breaking heart. Tears streamed rapidly down his cheek, running like a river down his skin. He just couldn't damn up the tears that fell so freely. Kane placed a hand on the back of his head, pushing Owen's face deeper into his shoulder. Running his fingers through Owen's hair in a calming manner. "You haven't failed us; you tried helping Damian. He told me how his mother forced him to talk with her. You were the only one free; I was with a patient and could get me. So I understand, but I wish you had told me so I would have to know what was happening." All Owen could shake his head, agreeing with what Kane was saying. Although he didn't want to cause any more problems, he also agreed with what Kane said.

"Now that you know I'm not angry, can we head home? Damian is heartbroken. You didn't come back to the office, and he thinks you left him because you're frustrated with him with what happened with his mother." Owen stayed quiet, hoping he could stay just a bit longer in Kane's embrace.

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