Part 49

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Part 49 ( Damian Pov)

Damian couldn't help being nervous; however, maybe moving was their best idea. The looming threat of his mother seems to be hanging over all four of them like a very haunting ghost, knowing that at any moment, she could appear from nowhere to demand either me or nova back. Though Damian knew full well that he wouldn't go trotting back to his mother so willingly without having to fight. It was Nova that he was mainly scared of; the girls sat on the kitchen stool, looking as if the world was crumbling around her at every fleeting second. Her shattered heart seems to have stopped her brain from processing anything else that seems to be happening around her.

The possibilities of moving seem to spark something within her, a new will to fight though she doesn't have the person she truly wanted. Her break-up with Sam seems to strain her already weak heart even further. And she sat in our kitchen silently fighting to keep herself together with the prospect of knowing that soon everything would change. The thought and discussion of moving had happened over two weeks ago. So at first, I wasn't so willing to accept. Knowing that I was the reason everything had to change tour holes through his confidence, though Owen was constantly there reassuring every stop and move they made. Ensure Damian knew that they were making this decision together and that even though it was due to his mother, Kane and Owen would follow him wherever they went.

It warmed his heart, knowing he had two unique and open-minded lovers. Men who would do anything to make sure that he was safe and then nothing horrid would happen to him—but knowing that they had to move from the home, they all slowly learned to love each other in the tour at his guts—making him feel sick as if everything was crumbling around him and that he would soon crumble to the floor. The strength seemed ripped from his body, knowing that everything around them would soon change due to him. However, Kane and Owen didn't display any signs of caring.

Almost immediately after the decision, Kane and Owen announced to their staff and all of their customers and patient base that they would be moving soon. That situation has popped up within the family, and the need to change states seems overwhelming. Everyone was sad, and Damian clung to Nicole as they both cried. He didn't want to lose her; she was my best friend but knowing that my mother could get to her due to me Allowed me some new strength. Running away as fast as they could to reassure themself that our friends and new family wouldn't get hurt by some malicious actions caused by that cruel, sniping woman. So instead, Damian merely clutched tight to her, crying on her shoulder the day of the announcement to show his appreciation for her friendship.

Elania, that sniveling sneaky woman, had already found apartments for us in a different city, so she didn't think that we would be moving state; she nearly believed we would move to a more different area in California. Somewhere far enough away from where my mother's reach may not be as powerful as where we were staying. Though when she heard that we were deciding to move states away, that's when the sad realization seemed to settle in. She stared at Owen with such sad eyes and had her fist clenched into tight balls beside her side. Her evident warning weeks ago though it may have seemed extreme at the time, was finally settling into Damian's bones. Elania knew how to deal with shifting her families due to the events of her and Harvey's relationship. Little did Damien know that Harvey and Elania had never actually lived in the city they were currently in. Elania and Harvey had met in New York, where Harvey had originally been born; only after being denounced by their name and secretly marrying Elenia did they move to Irvine.

So her words that Damian thought were meant to scare him into no longer contacting his sister were merely a warning of the future that she already knew would be laid out in front of her brother and his two lovers. Owen has nearly clutched onto his older sister, Telling her how much he was going to miss her, and she mirrors the scarf, rolling her eyes. A snide snort of, "Of course, you're going to miss me," slipped from her lips, despite tears misting her eyes. It was clear that Elania was putting up a front. On the other hand, Harvey had to toss themselves into each of their waiting arms, crying their goodbyes and good wishes. Promising to visit any chime they got, and always making sure to send them cards for every single holiday that ever came up. They also had a rather extensive list of books. "If I'm not going to be able to teach him how to read anymore, then I suggest he continues with you guys; this is a list of everything that he should be able to read soon; just give him that." Damian had never felt more appreciation for someone than for Harvey and their patience in dealing with him.

And now, all of them sat within the kitchen, blank walls staring back at them as the decor and dishes littered the place had been packed into boxes and put into a moving truck. Everything within the apartment was empty like no one had even lived there. Like Damian hadn't first met his lovers at this place. Like they haven't shared their first kiss on the sofa in the living room or about all of the very scandalous adventures they had scattered within these walls. Always been a memory that we were packed into boxes and as soon to start a new somewhere else. Damian couldn't help but feel his heart clench, knowing that he was at fault for their current situation but also that he had the reassurance of his family.

Owen and Kane had discussed their differences within the first week of the decision to move. Owen had profusely apologized while Kane merely told him he hadn't needed to. The first night they talked was good, but Owen had no confidence in himself or in Kane's words. Now everything seemed to settle. And knowing that tomorrow they were going to move with Damian to a tiny town in Connecticut seemed to do something to them. Kane frequently fidgeted in his seat, glancing at Owen and Damian every couple of minutes. At the same time, Owen's feet rapidly bounced up and down, clicking onto the tile floor, echoing in the empty kitchen room. Damian watched the two nervously fiddle as they waited for their last bout of takeout to reach their empty apartment. And nova herself was sitting on a foldable chair and a makeshift table they had conjured from cardboard boxes. He glimpsed down at her newly bought phone, dabbling about with whatever game she most likely playing. The two other men's anxiety was wafting and messing with her, even causing her to seem anxious.

Damian leaned back on his small wooden stool, staring at the two of his lovers. "So what's got the two of you so stressed out?" Owen stopped tapping remotely and whipped his head to look over at him. Kane merely changed his glance from Owen to him. A sly smile spread his face as he fiddled with his hands. "Everything is fine just needed to think of something before doing it," Kane said softly. Owen quickly whipped around to glare at Kane; Damian was slightly worried that Owen's neck from all the quick movements would hurt from whiplash. "What? I'm freaking out because our new landlord hasn't gotten back to us about the house we're renting. So what are you talking about?" Owen said, tossing his hands up, his eye's looking wild with fear. Damian and Nova laughed, though they kept it quiet. A smile was evidently on Kane's face as he gazed back at Owen.

"I wanted to do this for the longest time and wasn't going to till we had a bit more time. Regardless this needs to happen so we can start a new, not just in a renewed place but also in the relationship." Kane swiftly stood and trekked over to Owen, grasping his hand, dragging him over to Damian, and making them stand close. Owen's face seemed flushed, and Damian could help the giddy smile that laced his mouth. "I want to know if the two of you will possibly marry me," Kane pulled out a box, opening the lid to show three golden rings. Engraved vines and leaves layed the surface, twisting around the whole ring. Owen gasped slightly, Damian could not keep his feet planted anymore, and he quickly launched into Kane's arms, making a laugh burst from the man. "I want to spend the rest of our lives together if you give me that." Kane reached with his free arm towards Owen, who gratefully walked over. Joining them in the cuddle pile, Nova is off to the side with her phone pointed at them. Damian knew too well that his sister had probably recorded the event and would send it to Elania and Nichole since they had a new group chat. And he couldn't get to care, as this was the best thing to happen in his life. "Yes, I'll marry both of you," Owen whispered, sinking his face deeper into Kane's neck. "I'll also marry both of you. You have changed my life for the better, so I can't see myself marrying anyone else but my two saviors."

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