Part 34

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Part 34 (Damian Pov)

In complete and utter honesty, Damian wanted to do nothing more than run away. To leave their home and bolt out. He loved Kane and Owen from the deepest part of his soul. However, the overwhelming fear currently kerned within his stomach seemed to be overpowering any common sense. Though this was his home, he didn't feel safe. The reason being was Bethany and Nova currently sitting across from him in their living room. Bethany's house a warm cup of tea clutched in her fingers. Her knuckles were white from how hard she was clenching onto the mug. Damian sat there wondering when the poor glass cup would shatter from her unbearable grip. While Nova sat cross-legged, leaning back into the couch. Seeming less than impressed by the current interior of their home. When first entering, she had scoffed at the hand-me-down couch that was currently sitting in their living room. Almost offended that we were making her sit on such a dirty object.

Kane currently sat beside Damian, his hand rubbing soothing patterns on his lower back. Trying to ultimately quell the overgrowing fear and dread. Though it worked fantastically for a few moments; now, the icy glare Bethany was shooting at Kane's made Damian even more nervous. He hasn't told his sisters about his romantic relationship with the two veterinarians he was currently staying with. They didn't deserve to know such facts about his life after showing up mere hours ago. Bombarding into his safe and peaceful world. A minor fracture of him wanted to snap at his older sister to not be so uptight. She wasn't allowed to be judging his life after abandoning him for so many years.

However, Kane's loving gesture didn't seem to faulter under her cold glare. Instead, it seems to only egg him on. As he didn't stop the soothing motions for anything. Owen had been so infuriated that he had to take himself into the kitchen. He claimed he would make dinner for all of them to keep his mind occupied from the situation. And Damian couldn't blame him for wanting to scamper off into the kitchen. He also wanted to follow suit, but these were his sisters. They were his problem, not his lovers. Damian had seen how Owen deals with Elania whenever she comes over uninvited. So it was only fair that Damian dealt with his slightly nasty family.

So now that's where they left currently. Sitting in a horrifyingly quiet room. With obvious tension hanging in the air. Almost suffocatingly dense. Damian didn't want to speak first, and it seemed like his sisters were waiting for him to start the conversation. Though he wasn't going to break, it was apparent his sisters had problems, and he wanted to hear them out first. Because even though they never stood up for him, he was willing to make a stand for them. Family wasn't something he had back then, but there was a possible chance for it now. And if his sisters needed help, he was willing to give it to them. The trust wouldn't come easy.

Bethany released a heavy sigh rubbing her freehand down her face. "We're getting nowhere with this awkward silence. So I suppose I will start from the very beginning. Bethany took a deep breath readying herself for the long rant head. "Juna married Quin Zillion, a leopard shifter of a very high and powerful family. They had been married for over eight years. Juna had been coming to me about abuse after the birth of their first child. A small little girl by the name of Flora. Quin wished for her to be a leopard shifter like him; however, it turned out she was a calico shifter. It infuriated him so much he had beaten Juna horribly in retaliation after the girl's first shift."

Nova jumped in for her sister, immediately picking up from the story. "Juna didn't want to go back to him. But mother forced her to. Afterward, she got pregnant with their second child and had a little boy but unfortunately died while giving birth. They say it was complications, but I doubt that." Nova snapped angrily, seeming to almost tear up the clenched couch cushion in her fist. Damian inwardly winced at the damage to their property. But also, he felt a dreadful pit open up in his stomach for his older sister. So he and Juna were never close, separated by ten years, he still felt sorrowful for the loss of her. "Quin's family argued with mother, claiming they needed more children. Saying that two heirs wasn't enough, and what if the son turns out to be a calico shifter? So mom caved in and offered my hand."

Nova is now growling in between every single word. Making her sentences jumble together and hard to understand. Damian could obviously tell by the frustration of his sister that the current situation was driving her insane. "I told mother I wasn't going to marry that abusive asshole, and she snapped at me. She said that she would denounce my name and kick me to the side of the road if I didn't. I don't care if she kicked me out of the house. I don't care if she denounces my name; I don't want to marry him. But she isn't taking my no for an answer."

Bethany reached over, taking Nova's hand in hers and squeezing tightly. Handing over a sympathetic smile to her little sister. "I myself cannot take up this burden," Bethany said quietly, looking at her little sister with sadness. "I'm already planning to be married to my fiance, Christopher Villa, this summer." She smiled sweetly while thinking of the man Damian had noticed. He leaned forward, looking at his sister Bethany. "Was it an arranged marriage?" Bethany nodded her head, but the smile stayed on her face. "I've known Christopher since we were children. Mother and his family have arranged our marriage since we were mere children. I just got lucky that I actually love Chris. We've been secretly dating behind our families' backs for the past three years. We didn't want our family catching wind of our genuine love. Knowing mother and her wicked ways, she would break the arrangement."

Kane, this time was the one who looked in disbelief. The evident curiosity lay on his face. "Why would your mother want to end a marriage between two people who love one another?" Bethany sighed outwardly, confusion wrecking her own face. "In all honesty, mother is just wicked that way. Mia, our oldest firstborn sister, is the only sister she truly cares about. The one who is going to take on the family title after mother dies. She has a belief that only Mia is allowed to true love. So she forced the rest of us all into arranged marriages to merely benefit Mia in the future."

"And you think mom is wicked enough to end your marriage simply because you love one another?" Damian asked. Bethany nodded in agreement, "Ever since father died, mothers been more," she paused, thinking of the right words to say. Though Nova jumped in before her, "Delusional, deranged, downright fucking horrid. That woman wants nothing more than power. I am not marrying that man." Nova had adjusted herself on the couch to where she was now glaring at Bethany. "I can always just go live with Samantha. I don't know why you think it's such a wrong decision. I am twenty-five and can make my own choices in life mother can't stop me."

"Yes, but do you want mother to go after Samantha next? You know she can destroy that poor human's life if she wants to. Create fake news articles and possibly even file police reports with false accusations to ruin her career. It certainly isn't the first time it's happened, and you think you will be the exception. You and Samantha can run off wherever you want and have an excellent old rendezvous. I know you love her, Nova, but this isn't working how you want it to. Nova seems to crumble in her place, curling into herself at the pure anger that seemed to radiate off her older sister. But this time, Damian jumped to Nova's defense, not liking seeing his older sister so meek. "If you're in love, why don't you just go for it?" Bethany snapped her head to look at Damian, glaring at him as if telling him to be quiet. But he certainly wasn't going to be taking it from his older sister. "You can't stop love; it's something that just happens. And if you love this Samantha person, then just go for it. Why allow mom to fault your relationship?" Quickly Damian snatched Kane's hand holding it out in front of his two sisters. "If mother tried to snatch me away from Kane and Owen, I wouldn't go fair. I would fight her tooth and nail to return to the two of them." Bethany seemed shocked while Nova smiled wickedly at Damian. A glint of approval shone in her eyes.

She smiled all fangs at Bethany; "I knew I wasn't the only gay one in the family. And you always thought I had to hide it. But look at our young little brother. Not only is he flamboyantly gay, goddamn he has two hunks on his side." Damian's face immediately flared up. He could feel the flush overtaking his cheeks in embarrassment. "Yes, he does have two desirable partners." Owen's voice rang from the kitchen. Two seconds later, he came out carrying five plates perfectly balanced on his arms. Damian's mouth almost began to water as he smelled the salmon that Owen had so godley cooked for them. "How about we sit down, eat, and talk this over? I also think the two of you owe Damian a very overdue apology." Owen said, staring at Damian's sisters. Both of them flushed in embarrassment.

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