Part 22

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Part 22 (Damian Pov)

Damian sat inside Elania's apartment nervously, wringing his hands together. He held his head downward, ensuring no eye contact with anyone in the living room. Together sitting on the lounge couch, Harvey and Elania watched his actions. Both kept quiet, wishing not to build onto the tension. As though waiting for the other shoe to drop, neither party speaks a word. Till finally, it seemed too much for Elania. She snapped, dislodging herself from the couch and moving forward, standing directly in front of Damian.

Slowly she kneeled till their eyes leveled with one another. "You understand the pain you have put the two of them through with running away, don't you?"


"The consequences of your actions will falter your relationship with them. You should've stayed and discussed what Katelyn had said."

Damian could feel the burning shame building within his body. He was ready for any punishment that was to be served. Understanding his actions were improper. One that a mere child would make. He was astonished Kane and Owen were willingly going to forgive him. Damian seemed to underestimate their generosity and kindness. What he did was sickening, and now Damian barely fathomed why he would harm them in such a way.

Though the overwhelming fear of being a burden subsequently grew. Today only solidified every lingering fear running rampant inside Damian's mind. "I wasn't thinking clearly; her accusations were true to some point. I'm nothing better than a moocher. Kane and Owen don't deserve to deal with someone as mange as me." Damian curled around himself, trying his hardest to block their scrutinizing glares.

"Damian, you truly don't believe what she said, right?" Damian stayed quiet, looking for the closest exit to escape the interrogation currently proceeding. "You honestly believe the accusations she tossed around. Damian, I may have only been acquainted with you for half a day. However, that was long enough to notice the difference. Kane and Owen genuinely do care for you more than you may believe. They probably allow you to drain their bank accounts and still love you."

Damien could feel the flush rising. He couldn't fathom the possibility of either being in love with him. However, they show affection rather frequently, with constant petting and forehead kisses. They also nicknamed him honey, which caused Damian's heart to go into overdrive--beating like a race car speeding through city streets--carrying Damian tightly against their chest, smothering their scents together.

"I don't think love is the right...."

"No, love is the correct word to describe precisely what they feel towards you. Damian, the two fools have hearts for eyes and flutter around on cloud nine when you laugh. Don't go thinking that they don't have feelings for you."

Damian couldn't handle this much longer. He swore his face was melting onto the hardwood below. Either that or he was being liquefied into the chair he was currently occupying. "Love isn't something I deserve. Maybe their kindness is being manipulated into something it isn't. Owen and Kane couldn't love something as broken as me. However, that doesn't stop them from being kind and helping anyway. What would I be if I missed taking their kindness for love and forcing something onto them when they already have each other. They don't need me; I'm a burden and nuisance; they are better off without me."

The room stayed quiet after that, and Damian felt grateful for Elania for not fighting him back this time. He needed to get that off his chest. Now that it was, Damian felt lighter but hollow inside. Like he had thrown away all possibilities of there ever being something more significant. That he will forever be alone, living on the streets, fighting to survive the unpredictable lifestyle.

"You're never going to have to feel that way again." Damian almost lunged from his seat when he heard Owen speak. "We're going to help dissolve every doubt you have built inside that brain of yours."

Owen appeared from the corner, rounding closer to where Damian was sitting. Damian swore he could feel his entire body shaking. Like a magical pull is drawing him towards the other man. He was trembling with desire, yearning to spring into Owens, awaiting arms. However, he stayed settled, not moving for the uncertainty of being wanted.

Though Owen must have sensed his apprehension, he spread his arms wide open, inviting Damian towards him. "Come here; I need to feel you within my arms." Without a second's hesitation, Damian had flung himself straight into Owens, awaiting clutch. Once they collided, Damian sunk deeply into Owen's embrace.

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