Part 31

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Part 31 (Kane Pov)

The morning seemed to be dragging as no new patients had come for an hour. Kane wanted to take that as a good sign. Feeling relaxed and having time to finish paperwork, he couldn't from last night. Owen had been gossiping with two of their employees, Austin and Elise.

Nichole had barged in the back room, stomping her feet, and seemed to have been angrily typing away on her phone. Probably if Kane had to guess, it was to that boyfriend of hers. If he could even call the illusive man that. As no one has ever seen or even heard his voice. Like some kind of ghost.

However, it wasn't his place to judge others' relationships, so he let it go. Pushing the thought to the back of his mind and worked on the papers in front of him. Though after a few minutes, he couldn't really focus on them. Being distracted by the laughter and soft whispers coming from Owen. Kane glanced upward and stared at his boyfriend.

Owen barely had time to brush through his curly hair this morning, so it was mangled everywhere. Strands sticking from every corner, making it look like he just rolled out of bed. His usual precise schedule was thrown out the window for longer cuddle time. Wanting to stay smushed to Damian's back that morning. Claiming it was too warm for work and to merely push for time for a later opening. Nevertheless, Kane had dragged both out of bed, stating that Sundays were the busiest and needed to open.

Little did he know that today was nothing short of lacking. Surely he would be getting joked about by both of his lovers once they return home. Still enthralled by Owen's disheveled appearance, Kane hardly heard Damian approaching him. "Kane, there is a lady in room 2 with a cat waiting to be seen. The owner is pretty panicked and jumpy."

"Thanks; I'll review the chart and introduce myself in five minutes."

"Okay, better hurry. The girl seemed to be in a rush. She almost busted the door off its hinges." Damian chuckled at his own joke. Kane smiled back, loving how much Damian had grown in such a short time. No longer worried about what people thought of him, the confidence Damian had gained in himself helped tremendously. "Alright," Kane said, standing from his seat and taking the folder containing the paperwork for the new animal from Damian's hand. "Better deal with this problem quickly so the owner doesn't break anything else."

Damian smiled and quickly turned around. Leaving the back room as Kane had his way to the back entrance of exam room two. He knocked quietly, wishing not to startle the cat or owner. But, as he entered, bright green eyes pierced him almost judgingly. The girl sat stiffly on the bench seat, her cat carrier on her lap. One of her hands was absent, mindfully twisting stray hair that fell from her loose ponytail. Kane tried flashing a toothy smile, showing he wasn't a threat and merely the veterinarian. "Hello, sorry if I scared you. My name is Dr.Keys; why don't you tell me what's wrong with Starlight?"

The girl relaxed, visibly slouching back into the bench. "She hasn't been eating or drinking. Starlight is even refusing to leave her room." Kane tilted his head, finding it odd that the cat had its own room. "Can you place her up here," Kane motioned to the exam table in the middle of the room. She nodded her head, quickly placing the carrier on top. Nervously she wrung her hands together, refusing to look straight forward and instead glancing towards the floor. Kane understands that sometimes owners could get nervous about the well-being of their animals. However, this girl was setting red flags inside his head.

Kane reached forward, unzipping the carrier and reaching inside. Instantaneous lethal claws ratchet his skin; he hissed in slight pain but didn't pull back. Instead, grabbing hold of the cat and trying to drag her carefully out. The cat fought him for a few moments, giving up only when its head was poking out of its carrier, seeming to understand that it had lost the battle. The calico she-cat sat hunched over, fur spiked in irritation and fret; clearly, it didn't like being at the vet. "Has she gotten all her shots," Kane asked, trying to distract the owner. Felicity seemed worried he had gotten scratched as she stared wide-eyed at him. "Yes," she answered meekly, turning her attention back to her cat. "Starlight has all her shots."

"That's good; we can rule out some of the bigger possibilities. Is she spayed?"

"No!" Felicity shouted, waving her hands in the air. "We don't want her spayed, please."

The cat seemed to jump in fear, bolting towards the carrier. Before Starlight could get back inside, Kane grabbed onto her. Holding slightly down, making sure the cat couldn't run away. "Don't worry; we don't have to do that now. However, just in case, you should probably look into it."

Felicity looked away nervously, refusing to look at Kane. Even the cat seemed to be shaking. "We understand." Kane paused and looked back. Confusing clouding his mind, why would she say we? She would be the only one here with no one else unless she included the cat. "Now, let me take her back and do some blood tests." Kane said, smiling trying to show that everything was alright."

While picking up the cat, Starlight began struggling. Hissing and wiggling within his arms. Suddenly without warning, Kane heard bones cracking and skin ripping. Within his arms, the cat began changing and shifting. Kane immediately dropped the cat-like shifter. Backing up, pushing his back to the door behind him. Felicity bolted upward from her seat, looking scared.

There crouching in the middle of the exam room, was a naked young girl. She had long blonde hair with black strips scattered within. Her skin was scarless and covered in moles. Kane felt his breath lodged in his throat. He couldn't believe what had just happened in front of his eyes.

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