Part 16

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Part 16 (Damian)

Damian had strutted into the building with confidence before spotting someone sitting behind the front desk. The person wasn't who he though would be waiting in the front and it shocked him. He expected Owen to be sitting there and taking in patients or cooing at cute animals. However, a women with long blond hair in a high ponytail sat behind the desk. She had gum in her mouth and the only reason why Damian could tell was because she was popping it loudly. Her nails seemed to be clicking on the computer infront of her.

She hadn't looked up front the screen and he was wondering if he should just sneak by her. Running into the office to get to where Owen was. Hopefully Kane would be following close behind. However, Damian doubted that as he has smelled the growing arousal from the man. So he guessed Kane was taking car of himself outside. Maybe he should turn around and just stay outside with Kane and help him with his 'growing' problem.

Nevertheless, Kane entire the building knocking right into Damian making him stumble and almost smakc into the ground. Kane had reached out just in time to catch his arm and dragged Damian into his body. Embracing the him firmly into his chest. "Jeez Damian, don't be waiting there. I didn't even see you when I came through the door. Are you alright?" Kane started patting down his body and Damian pushed away Kane's wondering hands. "I'm fine," he glanced over his shoulder, find that the women was watching the two interact with each other. Damian quickly looked away and stepped back away from Kane's embrace. Making distance so they weren't so close.

Kane wore a worried expression, however, didn't comment any further or on Damian's sudden weird actions. "Katelyn, what are you doing here? Shouldn't Nicole be working today instead of you?" The women, who's name was Kateyln apparently rolled her eye's. Causing the fake lashes to reach her combed brows. "Nicole called out last second because her boyfriends dog got sick. She taking care of the mutt. So she called me and asked me to cover and I agreed." She then leaned over pushing her breast onto the conter top. Elevating them so they were showing from the blue v-cut blose she was wearing.

Katelyn then pointed one of her bright yellow french tip acrylic nail in Damian's direction. "So, you going to introduce me," she purred smiling lustfully. "I haven't seen a twink quiet like him for a while." Damian felt fear shoot through him and if he was shifted then his fur would be raised on it's ends. Tail puffed put and ears shot forward in alert. Kane seemed to sense the alarm pulsing from Damian and stepped sideways blocking Katelyn's view. She tried to change the way she was resting a top the counter but couldn't get the right angle.

She plopped down huffing out in frustration, rolling her eye's. "I was only joking Kane, don't have to go all bear on my ass." Damian was taken aback by that statement. Bear? What was a bear and when he thought about it. What is a twink? He was going to ask before lossing that train of thought as Kane grabbed him dragging him to the office.

"We'll be in here if you need us. Please don't be talking to customers with that mouth of yours."

"Oh, but you and Owen love my mouth right. That's what you said that one night right." She winked and blow a kiss straight a Damian. He almost reched up the breakfast he had eaten thst morning. Kane better give him ectra expensive cat food for having to deal with that lady. Damian swore her green eye's where burning cavernous holes into him. He wanted to bolt to the office and hide away. However, he didn't know if Kane would be happy with him for leaving the man once again. So instead he stayed glued by Kane's side making the pain staking casually stroll to the office door.

Kane was trying to make it seem like they weren't running away from the foul mouth lady. Eventually they make it inside the office and Damian flung himself into the closes chair. Curling around himself, rubbing his hands up and down his arms and thighs. "That lady creepied me out really bad. She reminded me of some of the suitors my mother dragged into the house to meet me. I hated those people, I think I feel the same towards her." Damian spat with as must venom he could muster.

At the moment he was shaken, trying hard not to think of the horriable people his mother us to make him be around. The things they said and did to him as a child just to see of he was worthy of being married off to one of there daughters. He even had a few whisper about how they were just going to make him there's. That their daughters didn't deserve such a pretty husband. So he was feeling safe anymore and wanted to go back to the apartment.

Kane walked over and placed his hand onto the back of his neck. Ruffingly the hair laying on his nape. "If she makes you uncomfortable, merely tell her to stop. She is respectful enough to understand your boundaries. Katelyn is just way to flirtatious for her own good." He then bonked his forehead with Damian's and kissed his nose. "I'll never let anyone treeat you like that and not defend you. Owen would do the same if he saw and heard what had happened out there."

Damian relished in the fondness that was oozing off the man. Absorbing every last drop of the affection being given. "Thank you," Damian whispered nuzzling affectantly into the sidse of Kane's head. "So, you two get to cuddle while I merely watch from the sideline." Damian peeked over Kane's shoulder seeing Owen leaning in a doorway with a wide spreading smile. "I'm fine with it, however, I would appreciate something to eat before things get hot and heavy in the office." Damian grinned and waved his hand excitedly, "You won't believe what I did today! I shimmied my pants on today without Kane's help!"

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