Part 47

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Part 47 (Kane Pov)

\Sitting in the living room by himself with Bethany and Nova was a strange thing. He never thought he would ever be alone with them for so long. Elania is a firecracker; she always has something to say, whether funny or snarky. So he wasn't used to sitting in silence unless he was reading a book. Bethany didn't seem to be paying him any mind as she was busy comforting Nova. Who was a balling mess of tears and snot, sobbing loudly into her sister's shoulder? He, of course, felt terrible for the younger women but could muster saying it out loud when they have done nothing but cause problems for them. So instead, he sat quietly, wishing that Damian would come stomping back out of the bedroom, maybe with Owen on his heel, to kick the two women out.

However, it became clear he wasn't going to return after another fifteen minutes; nothing but sobbing cried pouring from Nova's mouth. Kane sighed heavily before standing from the chair and moving towards the kitchen, better be a good guess as the two women didn't seem to be leaving anytime soon. "Would you like something to eat or possibly drink?" He asked, trying his hardest to be polite though all he could think about was how he wanted them gone. He needed to get to the bedroom and soothe every bump that had happened today, wanting to hold onto his lovers and never let them go. But, instead, here he was, playing the excellent host of the house, wanting his guess to feel safe, though all he wanted was for them to be gone. Bethany gave him a weak smile and nodded her head, "Water would be great, for the both of us. No food; 

I don't think Nova can eat anything right now with the way she is."

Kane nodded, stepping into the kitchen, dragging down two cups and filling them with Water. What was he doing, being friendly to the two women who led Damian's mother right to them? Bethany made it sound like she had always known where Damian was. Possibly keeping tabs on the shifter at all times, making sure he didn't cause too much trouble. Kane just couldn't wrap his head around the problem floating around his mind. Maybe Elania was right; we shouldn't have allowed them back into Damian's life or blocked any chance of them rekindling the relationship that would obviously be useful for only one party. Instead, they use Damian to get what they want, away from their wicked mother. And they are hurting the people he loves the most to get their way.

He clutched the glasses in his hands, hoping not to break them as he released just the slightest bit of anger on them. Bethany was pissing him off, acting like it was Damian's fault for not knowing his mother was keeping an eye on him. Damian didn't even know that his mother was watching him so closely. Slowly he walked back out to the living room, giving him time to process and calm down his anger so he didn't snap at the two. Bethany was now sitting with her back straight, and head held high. Looking proud, but behind her eye, it looked empty, like she was hiding how she truly felt at the moment. Nova was curled around herself, spiraling downwards into a crumbling mess. Kane handed the glasses to the sisters and moved back to the armchair away from them. He sat down staring at the women, unable to hold back any longer. "How long are you planning on staying here?"

"We were hoping you would allow us to stay here with you for the night before we can find somewhere else to stay." Bethay said cooly, staring Kane right in the eyes. Probably hoping the contact would sway his opinion on whether or not to allow them to stay. "I don't think that would be for the best. You have caused us some pretty big problems. So you two showing up, once again unannounced, has done nothing but cause us more strain we aren't needing."

"You can't be serious; we aren't the reason why our mother came stomping to your door. She decided it on her own, wanted to cause a problem, and she has done that. So why take it out on us when we have done nothing wrong. We are victims of her horrible acts just as much as you." Bethany snapped, flinging her hands in the air. Her off-handed anger was pissing Kane off. She had no right in his eyes to be mad about them not wanting them here. They dragged them through the mud and left them to dry without giving them a warning or even a hint about their plan. Last they were here, Bethany had said they weren't going to run because it would do nothing but cause problems. Now, look at what their actions have caused, hurting them and their relationship.

"I'm being very serious right now. You have done nothing but hurt Damian; yes, you had tried to mean what you did when you were younger. And we were willing to allow it to happen. However, you have caused us nothing but pain. So I think it's better if you leave and give us some time to heal from what happened this morning. The wound is too fresh for you to pour and rub salt into it."

"We aren't the reason why your relationship has taken a hit. Maybe if you had a normal one, there would be a problem. Three people being together is strange, and now problems are bubbling to the surface. You're pointing fingers at us when we have done nothing."

The last straw broke the damn holding everything back; Kane snapped up from his seat and stomped to the front door. He whipped it open, hearing the hinges creak with the focus being used. "You're leaving right this moment. I won't allow someone to come into my home and disrespect my relationship with my lovers." He looked over at Bethany, who seemed shocked by his outburst. He pointed out the open door and smeared at her. "Get out right now." Bethany slowly stood from the couch, like her going slower would allow Kane some time to change his dissection. But that wasn't going to happen; she didn't deserve his kindness after attacking them ruthlessly. When she and Nova walked past, Kane grabbed onto Nova's arm.

She looked up with tear-filled eyes, checks blocked red, and tangled strains covered most of her features. "You're allowed to stay; you didn't cause any problem. If you want to take it, the guest room is down the hall past the bathroom." Nova's eye's widened, and then she tossed herself onto him. Whispering small thank yous into his chest. Kane couldn't help the small smile that spread across her face. However, Bethany's voice snapped him out of his happiness quickly. "She isn't staying with you without me. If I'm leaving, she is coming with me, understand."

"Last I check, Nova didn't insult my relationship like you did. So you better walkway and allow Nova some time to heal from her heartbreak. So you better leave before I call the cops and get you removed from our property." Bethany looked over at Nova; however, the younger sister didn't look over at Bethany. Hiding her head into Kane's chest, refusing to move to acknowledge her sister. Bethany scoffed loudly before moving down the stairs. "Fine, take care of her if you want. But that won't change anything that's going to happen." Kane just watched as the women walked away, happy to have the problem finally left their home. However, Kane looked down, staring at Nova, who had buried herself into his chest. They now have heartbroken women to deal with when they are dealing with their own problems. He hoped he hadn't caused more problems by kicking Bethany out and allowing Nova to stay with them.

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