Part 2

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Part 2  ( Damian Pov )

After an hour of laying down, Damian decided that now or never was time for hunting. His empty stomach growled, begging for food. The closes thing that had edible food was the dumpsters shattered around the alleyway. However, Damian knew better than to scavenge close to where he was resting. The stray scrapes could attract another starving animal that will challenge him for food. So it's wiser to travel and then carry it back to the boxes.

He stood and stretched, still feeling the aching pain from the scars riddling his chest. Two weeks ago, Damian was attacked by a dog when he was done dumpster diving for an early dinner. It had been waiting for him to jump out of the trash. Taking him by surprise meant he couldn't protect himself very well. Nevertheless, he scratched the mutt right in its stupid muzzle and sprinted away without second thoughts.

Now when looking for food, he needs to be observant. That kind of accident wouldn't happen again. Damian walked close to the buildings keeping his side almost pressed into the bricks and steel. That way, attackers could only come from one side. Plus, this way, drunken people didn't stumble onto him. As it wouldn't be the first time, so he kept weary. After walking for five blocks, Damian decided that was a reasonable distance to start hunting.

He turned into the closest opening and dashed down the dark street. Flinging himself on top of the closest dumpster lid, there was. He walked to the edge and dipped his head down to find mere scrapes. They looked rancid and smelled rotten. Damn, better go check the other ones. Guess tonight won't be easy. Jumping down, he pranced to the subsequent closer one checking to find nothing but plastic and other waste. He scoffed. Couldn't people be more wasteful with their food? Maybe finding restaurant garbage would give more suitable options.

Damian was about to leave, when a figure appeared in front of the only exit point. He froze, staring at a tall, muscle man. Black hair was pushed up, and steel blue eyes stared directly at Damian. Glasses sat on the edge of the man's slightly hooked nose. You have to be kidding me right now. Why can't I be left alone today? Damian flattened himself closely to the ground. Barely hovering inches away from his belly, touching the ground. He pinned back his ears and flashed his teeth aggressively.

The man crouched down, reaching out timidly. He was even making a weird clicking noise with his mouth. Oh please, that children's trick won't work on me. Damian began backing up, still keeping low to the ground, hissing at the man, causing spit to fly from his mouth. Quickly the man withdrew his hand and reached into his jacket pocket. Damian tilted his head slightly, watching the man with curiosity and fret.

When the man pulled out a can of what could only be described as expensive cat food, Damian felt his heart jump. He hadn't eaten cat food like that since his youth. Yes, he was aware eating cat food as a human is weird; however, he is a shifter, not a human. So it's not truly strange for his kind to enjoy and indulge such a craving to eat food made for their animal side. Seeing the fancy tuna can sent excitement pulsing through his veins, and without think, Damian had gone right up to the man.

Damian meowed; hurry up! I need this! I haven't been satisfied with such treasures in years. The man laughed and opened the can. The popping noise and flooding smell of fish made drool drip wildly down his chin. The can was placed on the ground, and within moments Damian was munching down on the savory goodness, filling his mouth with singing tastebuds and making his stomach happy.

Damian was too busy eating to notice the man was making small advancements toward him. Before he could finish the food, he was pulled upwards. Damian panicked and hissed loudly, swiping at whatever was holding him from finishing the goodness still on the floor. Nooo! I haven't gotten to finish that! Put me down I want to eat the tuna. However, the person holding him couldn't understand cat, so of course, it didn't work. Damian almost wanted to roll his eyes and punch himself for being stupid enough to fall for such a simple trick.

A crossing sensation filled his back and spread through his body. Shock waves traveling down his nerves lick ice water being dumped right on top of him. "You sure a skinny cat. You're malnourished, and I could only guess you're covered in fleas. Let's hope it isn't worse than I think, right, pretty lady." Damian froze at being called a lady. How dare whoever this man is for thinking he's female all because of his coat color. Yes, male calico rarely is seen. However, a majority of calicoes are girls, so this man probably thought the same thing.

Damian was soon being swaddled in the man's jacket while he was distracted by being called a lady. While snuggled into the suit jacket, the man scrapped his fingers lightly over my head. So maybe this wasn't the worse thing to happen in Damian's life. The warmth and softness made him slightly sleepy, and he could feel his eye libs slopping. A semi-filled stomach and comfort were all it took to subdue Damian. "Alright, lady, I'm talking to a special place. There we'll look you all over and see what needs to be done." The man said it sweetly, melting all the tension from Damian's body.

Maybe this wasn't such a bad idea. Plus, he may be given more expensive cat food, so that's always better than trash. Damian curled into the jacket wrapped around him and released a high-pitched purr. Showing he was okay with this idea. Though I warn you now. Call me lady once more; these claws will penetrate your nice skin, mister. 

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