Part 14

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Part 14 (Damian Pov)

Damian was surrounded by warmth and silky soft fabric. He wrapped himself tighter in the blankets covering him. Burying underneath the mountain of plush sheets loving the security it brought him. It had been the warmest he had ever been in ages with having to sleep outside in boxes. Maybe he would get lucky some nights and find tattered blankets or even clothes that were thrown away. He adored the affection he was given that night being mushes between the two ripped men.

Damian had fallen asleep with his head laying in Owen's chest and was pretty sure he had slightly awakened later at night. He felt Kane's legs tangled with his own, and Kane also had a hand resting inside his hair. Now, however, he must have dislodged himself from their grips. He was the only one wrapped up inside his blanket burrito. He wanted Owen and Kane's touch so badly.

He wretch one of his hands from the sheets and reached out. Instead, however, Damian felt nothing but cold space everywhere around him. Immediately he whipped his head from the blankets and glanced around. From what Damian could see, no one was around, meaning they had left him alone. Panic began rushing his body, and he jolted upwards, rustling completely from the sheet bundle.

Where have they gone? Did they leave him because he did something wrong? Damian could feel his breath coming in staggering short pants, and the edge of his vision was begging to blur together. "Kane!" He tried screaming. "Owen!" The words were coming out sounding like tiny squeaks. He couldn't drag the air into his lungs. He wanted to do nothing but scream till someone came for him but couldn't catch his breath.

Damian felt the world begin to spin when suddenly strong arms encased his waist. Pulling him into a solid warm wall. A callused hand stroked down rhythmically on his arm. The soothing motion helped calm his racing heart. After a few minutes, Damian's breathing started coming back to normal. He had finally caught his breath and was now slumped into the stranger's embrace. When Damian tilted his head, he was met with Kane's eyes. They were filled with worry, and his face wore lines of fret.

He reached out and collapsed his hand over Kane's cheek. "I thought you had left me. Please, don't ever leave me again," He tossed his arms around Kane's neck and pushed his face into his neck. Tears poured down his cheek, soaking Kane's shirt. "Hey, honey, let's calm down a little. I didn't mean to leave you for very long. I was merely making breakfast."

Now that Kane had said that, Damian could barely smell the aroma of bacon and other foods cooking. He sniffled and pulled back, whipping his runny nose with his sleeve. "You made breakfast?" He asked quietly, scared that his actions earlier made the man frustrated with him. "Yes, I made you breakfast. We better eat fast so we can head to the building and meet with Owen." Damian felt confused and leaned his head sideways. "Owen isn't here right now?" he asked.

"No, Owen had to leave early because an emergency was rushed this morning. He didn't even have enough time to eat, so we're bringing him leftovers." Kane leaned over and kissed Damian's head, moving away and walking to the closet. He seemed to be checking inside for something, so Damian looked around the room since he couldn't last night. The walls were a pale blue with white trim, and the furniture was a glossy oak. A nightstand on the right held a picture of the couple holding onto each other at some park.

It reminded Damian that they were a couple, and he had wedged himself into their family without warning or preparation. He felt shameful for intruding into their home. However, Kane and Owen didn't seem to mind that Damian had made a home with them within the single day he had stayed. Plus, they made it seem last night that he would be a permenate figure within their lives and home.

"We took that photo on our third anniversary. It's a dog park we used to hang around as students." Damian jumped, surprised that Kane had snuck up behind him. The man could walk silently, and that was scary. Damian looked away, ashamed, and hung his head low. "I didn't mean to intrude on your family. If you need me to, I'll leave." Though Damian didn't want to leave, he would if that's what Kane wanted.

"Honey, you don't have to leave unless that's what you want to do. Owen and I enjoy your company and don't mind having you around." Kane has strolled over, carrying clothes in his arm, and placed them beside Damian on the bed. He then rubbed Damian's head and kissed his forehead. "Here, a change of clothes, and if you need help, I'm going to be in the kitchen, so just howler."

Kane left Damian to just stew in his own thoughts. They confused him because Kane and Owen had been acting lovely around him but was it friendly or romantic. He couldn't really tell with how they operate. The kissing has mainly made him feel like it's romantic. However, some people kiss each other but are just friends. Nevertheless, that's a problem for another time as he had to tackle the challenge of putting on pants.

First, he grabbed his feet timidly onto the floor and slowly started raising himself. He wobbled slightly but was able to stand. Damian chanted happily, flinging his arms into the air in triumph. He could accomplish something basic like standing but didn't know if he could raise his leg to pull his pants up. Damian had gotten them halfway up his legs and was already about to celebrate. Finally, however, they lay on his hips, he shouted in glee. "I did it!"

Kane had poked his head in to see him dancing around the bedroom cheerfully. "I was able to get them on all by myself" Damian ran over and jumped himself right into Kane's arms. Kane had willfully caught him and laughed. "Do you want me to carry you into the kitchen so we can eat?" Damian nodded in agreement and playfully kicked Kane the best he could when being held. "Hurry, I want to eat some tuna before it gets cold!"

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