Part 29

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Part 29 Smut Baby!!

⚠️Warning Smut Is Ahead⚠️

Damian lay flat on his back, holding his legs high into the air. His naked body on display. Sweat covered his skin, and his muscles vibrated. Owen was sitting between his open legs, staring down with passion, staring directly into Damian's eyes, completely overtaken by his body. "You're breathtaking," Owen said in a whisper. The words made Damian blush; his already heated body was sizzling, blood boiling. "Please, Owen, I need you inside me."

Owen smirked, leaning forward, placing small feather light kisses across Damian's chest, making his way down before stopping at the inner part of his thigh, licking the sensitive skin, causing Damian to squirm underneath the ticklish lips worshipping his skin. "Owen, you're messing with me. Hurry up!" He moaned, thrusting forward, wanting the man's cock buried deep inside him.

Slowly Owen advanced, wrapping his mouth around the head of Damian's leaking stranded cock. The sudden action cause bolts to travel through the shifter's frame. Owen began to bob his head, Setting a painful leisure pace. The slow-moving action causes Damian to groan. He wanted to thrust into the warm cavern that swallowed his cock. Unfortunately, Owen had his firm grip clutching down onto his hips, pressing him securely against the mattress. Making sure no wild thrusts caused him to choke.

He continued the casual pace, allowing his tongue to circle his head from time to time, licking the pre-come from the tip. Owen looked as if he was indulging himself every time. He was enjoying that salty tank that laid upon his taste buds. And Damian almost couldn't take it; a part of him felt like bursting down Owens on expecting throat. However, he held on tightly. Making sure he didn't cum prematurely. Finally, after a few minutes of rhythmically bobbing in from time to time deep throating Owen released Damian's cock with a pop. The noise almost caused Damien to go right over the edge right then.

Damian released a growl that had built within his chest--reverberating his body, quaking the entire bed with its power. Even Owen's frame looked as if it had shaken a little. A deep pleasurable chuckle echoed from the back of the bedroom. There sat in one of the living room chairs that had been dragged in a month earlier, said Kane. His naked body looked like a king sitting on his throne. He sat cross-legged, watching Damian and Owen from where he sat. A crooked smile laid upon his face, his cock presenting pridefully, and from where Damian lay, he could see the pre-cum glistening on the head. Almost slipping down the entire godly length.

Damian wanted nothing more than to dislodge himself from underneath Owen to wrap his mouth around the taunting treat. Savor the taste of the man who sat before him. To engulf the scent wafted from his body. He was already doing the same with Owen. So why couldn't he also do the same with Kane? Though the man had a weird thing for watching. He would only be joining when he truly felt like he was needed. However, Damian thought at the moment that he was needed right then and there. Owen also had an empty stare plastered onto his face.

With great grace, Owen reached backward, opening himself up to be feasted upon by Kane's eyes. "Come here; we both need that monster that hangs between your legs." Kane scoffed; however, Owen's playful banter seemed to work. Kane gripped both sides of the seat, lifting himself deliberately at an excruciating pace. We both wait for the possible pleasure that would rip through our bodies. Finally, Kane stood behind Owen. Owen faced completely forward, bending slightly at the hips to have his hands placed between Damian's head. Blocking him in, so the only thing Damian could see was Owen. "Enter him slowly, don't want to hurt him too badly now, do you."

Owen whimpered, his entire body shaking with need; however, he had collected enough to grab hold of his cock and line it perfectly up with Damian's entrance. "Yes, please, please," Damian couldn't stop himself from begging; excruciating weight had caused his mind to go frenzied. Almost wild like the beast that he was. He wanted this so badly it was overtaking every inch of his mind. Common sense had been tossed out the window for just a sliver of pleasure. Carefully Owen pushed in. His mushroom-like head on his decently sized cock pushed through Damian's fluttering hole. Instantaneously Damian felt the pleasuring burn rip through his body, tossing his head back and releasing an earth-shattering moan. Hoping that their upstairs neighbors wouldn't complain about the absurdity he was spewing.

Owen continued to push in until he was buried to the hilt. Pausing momentarily to allow Damian to adjust to the intrusion of his cock. While Owen waited, a pleasant surprise tapped at his entrance. Instantaneously keen pushed forward. Thrusting his monster-sized cock deeply into Owen's wanting body. It's swallowed Kane without issue. Not fighting back the familiar body that always seemed to bring nothing but a pleasure to his world. Owen himself groaned deeply within his throat. Tightening his grip on the sheets between Damian's head. Trying to be careful not to disturb the shifter he was currently inside.

Kane's slowly pushed in, feeling his cock rub against the smooth, soft walls of Owen's inner body. Aggressively he thrust forward, slamming into Owen's plump ass, causing him to jerk forward. Both Owen and Damian release simultaneous groans of pleasure while Kane stifles his. Lodging his head in between the junction of Owen's neck and shoulder, he laid his chin down to see Damian's clear view. Pure joy shot through Kane. Not only from the pleasure currently wrapping around him but also from the thought of having both of these beautiful men. That only made his animalistic instincts flare up. He pounded faster inside Owen, and the man released obscenities that not even the heavens would want to hear.

"Faster, please, Kane, faster. You're slamming right into my body." Owen was shouting at the top of his lungs, thrusting rhythmically with him every time Kane drew out. Owen would slightly follow, barely pulling out of Damian enough to push forward powerfully at the same time he did. Watching their conjoint movements were mesmerizing. Almost as if they were a symphony band. Like a well-oiled machine. A team that had been playing together since childhood. They knew one another's bodies, personalities, and emotions so well. Though merely three months ago, Kane could never have imagined this.

"Yes, harder," Damian shouted. His nails dug into Owen's arms, leaving imprints where they clasped. Damian's eyes slowly began rolling in the back of his head. His pleasure built rapidly as Owen slammed perfectly into his body. He jabbed at the right spot, causing fire to lick Damian's nerves, "I'm going to, oh God, I'm going to."

"Yes, honey. Do it, cum for us. All over that beautiful stomach of yours." Kane's scratched out, still holding in his moans. Owen ramped up his pace, slamming harder and faster into Damian, clamping one of his hands from the sheets. Dragging it slowly down Damian's body, he grabbed onto his weeping cock, and in timed thrust, Owen stroked Damian. The shifter tossed his head back, moaning to the world as he reached his pleasure. A symphony to the two other men in the room. And not soon after, Owen began to spill his seed, painting Damian's inner walls. After a few more moments, Kane quickly followed behind. He latched his blunt teeth into the junction of Owen's neck and clamped his jaw tight as he bit roughly into the skin. Owen himself screamed out. Ripping his vocal cords as pleasure overtook him, white began to fill the corner of his vision. Everything was starting to blur together, nothing but pain and lust, passion, love.

After a few moments of allowing his orgasm to settle in his body to readjust, Kane pulled out slowly. Making sure not to hurt Owen in the process. Owen soon followed suit, collapsing down beside Damian's limp fatigued body. Both of them panting like dogs trying to catch their breath after a strenuous exercise. Kane merely laughed, retreating to the en suite bathroom to grab a wet towel to wipe the three of them off. Kane couldn't wait to snuggle between the sheets with his two lovers, blissed out and utterly content with their lives.

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