Part 24

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Part 24 (Kane Pov)

Kane stayed snuggled with both men. Damian squished between himself and Owen. He loved the way the sheets swallowed the more petite man. Covering every inch of Damian's frail body smothered heavily underneath all the blankets. Warm within the bed nuzzled profoundly into the fluffy pillows.

Owen had wedged himself on the other side of Damian. He was resting his head upon the shifters, coppery blonde weaves. The man seemed to be enjoying the intimacy of the action. Kane swore he could hear Owen inhale lengthly every now and again. As if trying to memorize the fragrance that wafted from Damian. Kane's hand lazily connected with Owen's other. As Owen had his other hand currently occupied with manhandling the shifter's waist.

Kane himself had slotted his legs between Damian's. He was pressing his bare chest as close as possible to the shifter. Without jostling, the poor boy Kane contributed to the overgrowing heat their bodies were currently sharing.

Though sleep is easy for the others, Kane couldn't find himself slipping into the sweet abyss. Alarming thoughts deranged what little calmness he had obtained over the few hours. As his heart and mind barely upheld after hearing of Damian's scattering. Everything within him worked overtime to produce nightmares of possible scenarios and outcomes. Ones were possibly Damian never returned. Or with Owen so driven with distraught he became bewildered, leaving Kane to suffer quietly by himself. They seem to be reverberating inside of his mind, playing over and over like a movie on a screen.

Kane is the only audience sitting in the chairs. Watching his nightmares replay on repeat, constantly driving his mind into darkness. Agonizing pain and fear overtaking everything within him. Even after Damian's triumphant return, Kane couldn't stop the scrutinizing distress built within his mind. He had been left before while he was young. His parents no longer wanted him while he was merely an infant. All he knew was the orphanage he grew up within--other children who had been dropped off at various ages of unwant. Many showed the same signs Damian had when he first arrived. Starvation, abuse, both physically and verbally.

He had seen kids come and go without much thought of himself ever leaving. Kane knew he was doomed to forever thrive within the walls surrounded by other children. Unwanted souls clambered into a singular building. Relatively large enough to obtain every single one of them. As Kane shared a room with multiple different boys varying in ages. He had seen them be adopted, returned, and even run away. Believing a better life outside of the orphanage walls.

Kane himself had never sought such freedom. He thought he was to rot inside the home that he always knew--never gaining the attention of any passing-by families. And if they ever, Kane would cause quite a commotion. Throwing tantrums or possibly hurting the people who would wish to adopt him. But, Kane never grew attached to any workers who came and went or the children as he only needed to believe in himself. Owen was the first person he allowed to get so close to him. Never had he shared emotions or dreams with someone so personally before. And soon, their friendship turned to lust and wonder. Leading to their current relationship.

However, when Damian stumbled into their life merely two days ago, Kane felt an instant connection. Drawn to the man like he was to Owen. He allowed the boy to slither into his heart. Cracking through his stone-cold walls, excepting the infection that bubbled within his skin. However, the fear seemed to be thriving. Damian had left like so many others. Leaving Kane to be isolated. He wanted to think that the boy was no better than the rest of the people who had abandoned him throughout his life. Though he knew it wasn't the shifter's fault but instead Katelyn's. The fear and terror she had drilled into Damian's mind led him to run away. However, that didn't stop the distraughting images of Damian leaving forever. Never to return again.

So now Kane lay in bed staring at the two men who seemed to shine light into his life. He wished to shake the infuriating thoughts. However, no balm appeared to be coming. As feeble as his actions were. Sighing heavily, Kane detached himself from Damian. Shuffling to where he sat on the edge of the bed. Resting his hands on his head. Hoping that by squeezing his eyes shut tightly, all horrors would vanish away. He thought maybe getting a drink of water would do. So he began to stand from his spot. However, Kane doesn't make it very far before a feather-like touch grasps his wrist. Kane stops slightly, swiveling his head to be met with tired eyes. Damian was staring through slits with a sour expression playing across his face. "Where are you going?" He said in merely a whisper, barely reaching Kanes own ears.

Kane reached down, placing a kiss on Damian's hair-tasseled forehead. "To get a drink of water, I'll be right back." Damian released a grumble of protest. Clearly displeased with the thought of Kane leaving. That made the man's heart soar. "Get water when you wake up. Lay down with me, please," Damian whined. "I don't want you leaving my side. I need you as much as you need me." It was as if the shifter understood all of Kanes horrid fears.

As if Damian understood his leaving had torn Kane apart. Almost instantaneously, Kane popped himself back into bed. Once again, sliding his legs amongst Damian's, entangling them together. Quickly he placed another kiss upon Damian's forehead. And then did the same to Owen. "I love you both more than I can express. I would never abandon you. Either of you for anything or anyone." Damian hummed sleepily, accepting Kane's words of promise. Before drifting back asleep peacefully. Kane lay there in bed. Once again in the same predicament. However, this time, he didn't mind having to stay awake all night. Especially if it meant being able to hold the two things in life that gave him so much purpose.

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