Part 4

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Part 4 ( Kanes Pov )

Kane felt nervous, leaving the cat behind alone in the exam room. However, the cat wasn't skittish and seemed to love being pampered. He was still slightly terrified; they rarely left stray alone due to their unpredictable behavior. However, Kane followed close behind Owen, walking into the back office. Owen strolled over to one of the counters, pulled open a drawer, and began rustling through. Pulling out a piece of paper covered in numbers and passwords to get into the computers. Since every computer had different usernames and passwords, Kane needed them written down. He wasn't the best at remembering certain things, so Owen liked accommodating him. Doing so by ensuring all of them were written down and easily findable. "So, do you think he got an owner? Or do we have a stray on our hands?" Owen questioned, glancing towards Kane.

"I honestly don't know. He is very friendly, so someone had to socialize the cat to make him that comfortable with being manhandled. Or he wouldn't be this loving and searching for pets like he was doing." They have dealt with plenty of strays and feral cats. Some had shown fondness towards getting pets, though many turned vicious when they needed to look over certain parts of the body. It was expected most cats would since not many are used to having their mouths pride open or even having their tails pulled on. Owen and Kane had been maned and scratched, having almost every part of their body covered with wounds. Cats would try anything in order for them to get away from stressful situations. 

"Well, if he is a stray, he is very well-behaved. However, I don't think he enjoyed being on the cold exam table. Owen, the poor thing jumped like three feet into the air. I've never seen a cat fly that high before." He laughed, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Never have I seen a cat bounce so high," Owen said, amused. "Though, if you dropped me into something cold. I too, would try and get somewhere warm."  Kane walked around, grabbing medication and bandages. His hands were almost completely full till he felt like he had enough. The cat was covered in fleas, and probably had worms, so they need lots to help the poor thing feel better. 

"So, if he doesn't have an owner, can we take him home? We always care for everyone else pets but don't have our own. Having a cat would make our home feel, well, like a home." He asked apprehensively. They worked for themselves, making their own schedule. So time wasn't a problem since they could permanently close early or open later to spend more time with the cat. Possibly even allowing the cat to wander around the hospital if they wished. Everyone would love having a cat at the office. He had seen plenty of other vets having their own animals within their own buildings. 

Owen looked a little reprehensive to answer. Like he knew that his answer would hurt Kane's feelings. "I don't know, Kane, having our own pet is way different than just helping them get better. We also need to check if he has an owner out there looking for him." 

"Owen, just think about it. We could have a cute little kitten wandering around the apartment. Waking us up in the morning and even meowing at us when he is hungry. And also getting to play with him all the time. We can even bring him to the office, everyone would love him." 

Owen sighed, dragging one of his hands over his face. But a small smile formed on his face. " I suppose we could adopt the little guy, but first, let's see if he has someone looking for him. Please don't be making plans before we know. I know you, Kane, you already have a name picked out for him, so just slow down a bit." Kane strolled over, placed his head on Owen's shoulder, and kissed Owen's neck. Laughter bubbled from Owen's lips, making Kane's heart fly from his chest. "You can't change my mind by sexing me up, stupid. First, we need to see if he has a chip."

Kane groaned before moving away he again kissed Owen's neck. "I'm going to call him Turtle because he looks like one. And we're getting him a cute collar with a bell and nametag. So every customer we have will know his name, he is going to be so popular." 

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