Part 9

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Part 9 (Owen Pov)

Owen felt like he had spent an ungodly time scavenging through his and Kane's cabinets for clothes. Damien was much smaller than the two, meaning regular-fitting shirts would look like a gown. But he supposes that was all he could do for the poor boy. So Owen grabbed Kane's old high school workout shirt and a pair of his own grey sweatpants.

Fortunately, he understood none of their underwear would suit the poor undersized boy. So only Owen and Damien knew that Damian was proceeding commando throughout today. It allowed warmth to rise steadily within Owen's lower quadrant. His groin slightly aching at the thought of the boy not wearing anything underneath his sweatpants.

So Owen walked out of their bedroom and back into the bathroom. He was once again met with the site of Kane trying to wrestle Damien with a towel. The kid was putting up quite a fight. Everywhere Kane's hands would go, Damien would be slapping them away or kicking him about. "I can dry myself off," Damien was screaming. "Just let me do it; it's not that big of a deal," Kane said counteractively. "You already let me wash your body; what's wrong with me drying you off."

Kane was, of course, dragging up memories that seemed to fluster Damien. As the boy's face grew bright red. However, he still snatched the towel from Kane's unexpecting hands. He appeared to dry himself vigorously, scraping his body. His porcelain skin turning a rashy red. Owen wanted to flinch, and it looked painful just staring at it. Instead of stopping Damian, he walked forward, placing the clothes on the bathroom counter.

"Here you're clothes. If you need help getting dressed, you can just holler, and Kane will come in to help you." Owen grabbed ahold of Kane's arm and began to drag him out of the bathroom. The other man fought though ultimately follows behind. "We shouldn't be leaving him in there by himself; he could get hurt." Owen lightly scoffed, rolling his eyes. "I think you're hurting him more by bruising his tiny ego. You continue to do things for the kid while he's naked, killing him from embarrassment."

Kane seemed to grasp what he was trying to say and quiet it down relatively fast. "It looks like we're not going to be having dinner inside of the bathroom. So you might as well grab some bowls and start setting them out. The soup is done. I placed it on the kitchen counter to cool off." Kane nodded in agreement not fighting Owen's authority and headed towards the kitchen. Almost seeming to forget that he had promised Damien he would stay close by to help get him changed if he needed it.

However, Owen had slight ulterior motives. Sending his lover off meant he could be alone with the boy. Get some needed quality time as it wasn't fair that Kane got to touch and pamper Damien. He had been stuck in the kitchen making dinner while the two of them got to rendezvous in the bathroom. He wanted his own time to explore Damien's body. Owen was sure Kane didn't mean it sexually like he was.

However, a minute passed before a subtle, almost nonexistent voice squeaked from the bathroom. "I need help putting on the pants." Even from outside, Owen could tell that Damien was highly embarrassed. However, he didn't want to make the already uncomfortable situation worse. So he decided to make this quick; though it didn't mean he wouldn't be drinking his worth, of the boy's naked flesh.

"All right, I'm coming in right now." Owen had tried to make his entry into the bathroom as loud as possible. Not wanting to frighten the boy by sneaking up once again. Owen knew he was a muscular man and though many said he was quiet on his feet. He had plenty of experience sneaking around due to his home life. Also, having five siblings means you must get around quietly without causing too much attention. If one sibling was getting chewed out, you didn't want to accidentally incur the rage of your parent by being too loud on your exit.

Owen walked in to see Damien sitting with the shirt on. And damn, was he right with knowing that it would be a gown on the poor boy. One collar side of the shirt was hanging off to the side, the other loosely clinging to Damien's thin shoulder. The shirt could easily reach down to his mid-thigh. A part of Owen wanted to merely tell the boy to just wear the shirt and forget about the pants. But then he remembered Harvey and his sister were on their way. He didn't want Elenia to think she could do whatever she pleased. And usually, whatever she pleases, that meant makes crude sexual jokes.

Her partner Harvey was able to tolerate her crudeness though Owen doesn't think Damien could. Owen walked up as calmly as he could, making sure not to frighten the boy though he didn't seem scared. Damien seemed frustrated and angry at himself almost. His face wore a scowl, and his eyes were beaming with unfiltered determination. He wasn't looking at Owen but menacingly glaring down at the sweat pants. As if they had harmed him in some way. Then he quickly pointed across with his finger downwards at them.

"I tried to get them on, but they just won't go up." He seemed flustered as he smacked his thighs. "My stupid legs won't listen to me. I tell them to stand, and they won't. I can't lift myself." The more Damien talked, the more Owen could see his frustration growing. He wanted to put an end to this quickly before the kid threw a tantrum. So he walked over, kneeled, picking up the pants from the floor.

"Here, lift your leg up," Owen lightly grabbed Damian's leg. Pushing one single pants leg at a time. Damian's plush ass was lifted into the air, allowing his hand to drift across the silky skin. When Owen's fingers scraped the sensitive place, Damian shivered, shaking every part of his body. The boy sucked in deeply, dragging in air. Almost like he was panting just from Owen's touching a small piece of his skin.

Owen wondered how the boy would react if he grazed Damian's skin with his teeth. As Damian's face was egging Owen on to explore even further. Soon Owen started trailing his fingers lightly down Damian's covered legs. Pulling on the pants cuff and circling the boy's boney ankle. Maybe he should fatten the boy up before making him theirs. As he was sure, Kane had already had the same thought as him.

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