Part 40

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Part 40 (Kane Pov)

Sitting with Owen and Damian at the new cafe was something he had wanted to do for ages. Having a date with the two of them, enjoying their time together. However, instead, Elania sat in front of them. Arms crossed angrily over her breast; the eye's holding malice. Damian sat rigidly; no matter how much Kane stroked his hand under the table and Owen's reassuring words, the younger man couldn't relax—fidgeting, not looking directly at the women.

Owen also looked like he was on the edge of breaking. Tired, blank eye's stared at his sister. However, his face was stone cold, showing how furious he was with her. Owen had supposably set boundaries with his sister, who broke them when they sat down—snapping at Damian for possibly forgiving his sisters.

Kane was highly fond of Elania. She had dealt with plenty from what happened with her and Harvey. Nevertheless, that wasn't stopping the anger that boiled beneath his skin. Elania certainly didn't have the right to attack Damian for forgiving his sisters. It was his choice; the decision was his to make without external pressure from others. Elania does have every right to an opinion; however, pushing her viewpoint onto Damian wasn't something she should be doing. Instead, she should respect him, opening his walls, and learning to heal and trust his sisters, no matter how long it takes to make that progress.

Elania sat straight, back rigid, holding herself with power in front of them. Refusing to halter her stance without caring how much Owen and Kane somewhat glared at her. Though Kane slightly held back, not wanting to stress Elania more then she probably is. "Care to explain everything from the start, maybe about how they found Damian for starters. Or how they end up inside your home, sitting in your living room like old friends." Elania looked determined, almost demanding the answer they couldn't answer.

Owen adjusted himself in the wooden seat, leaning forward on his arms, looking like he was preparing for a rather lengthy rant. "They came seeking help; Nova was shifted, so we thought she was a normal cat. Couldn't even tell the difference; Bethany also gave a fake name so Damian couldn't make the connections." Kane wasn't shocked that they were handling this like an integration. Their father was an officer, so this kind of treatment wasn't abnormal.

She slumped backward, looking unimpressed with the answer. "You should have known better; a woman comes in with a calico cat. Maybe you should have invaded with precaution."

"What, every person who comes looking for help with a calico needs a screening," Owen scoffed, crossing his arms in disbelief. "You're making it sound like we should be checking for criminals. You do know we are vets, not the fucking FBI. We don't have that kind of equipment; better enough, the budget."

"Connecting the dots is something you should get better at. Dad taught us better than this, you know."

"Well, maybe our whole family should build our own police precinct that way, we can all solve crimes together." Owen's sarcastic filled tone didn't seem appreciated by Elania. Though it did seem to drag a muted snort from Damian, causing Owen to grin more expansive than a cheshire cat.

"Maybe if you pull your head from your ass, this wouldn't be a problem you need to be solved by someone else rather than yourself." Elania sneered aggressively. "This isn't something you need to be helping us with. It's my problem and my family's. Elania, I appreciate your kindness in trying to help. However, this is something we need to do alone. I have already dragged Owen and Kane down with me. I don't want to add you and Harvey for the ride."

Kane stared at Damian had realized that he used all of his power to merely speak up to Owen's sister. Right after speaking, his eyes fell from her hold on to the white tablecloth at the table. He had hardly touched the tea that Kane had ordered for him. It merely sitting there, steam rolling from its porcelain rims, mint filling the air, alluding to its refreshing taste. He felt a spike of proudness within his stomach; it was rare that Damian ever stood up for himself. And now, seeing him do it in front of Elenia made everything slightly better. Maybe the situation with his sisters hadn't completely derailed his progress as he and Owen had feared.

Elania almost copied Owen leaning back, her arms crossed over her breasts, showing off her evident distaste and being talked down to. "I'm merely trying to help; Owen called me in a frantic panic yesterday night. I'm just saying it be better just to cut them off completely. Don't try to mend that bridge that crumbled years ago. Why rebuild it if they're going to toss you over?"

"You don't know that. And I will admit I called last night in a panic because I didn't know what would happen. But that doesn't give you the right to be a complete asshole." Owen had snapped, slamming his hand onto the table, dislodging their drinks to where they spilled. Shame and embarrassment filtered through his face, and he released a quiet apology that barely slipped his lips.

Kane knew he had to do something before this got out of hand. Elania and Owen are both hardheaded people, and their stances on certain opinions wouldn't be rocked by one another. Damian's already skittish personality was made worse by the two clear beasts having a fierce fight in front of them. So it is better to get this over with.

"Elania," He looked over at the woman. He then glanced over at Owen, "I believe this is a conversation we should be having while we're all calm. I understand the growing frustration around the situation. However, this isn't our place to say anything. If Damian wants to help his sisters, then so be it; there's nothing we can do to change his mind. We can all have our opinions but let's keep them to ourselves. And Elania, if you're willing to help."

He looked over again at Elania, hoping the sincerity in his eyes shone through. "We're eager to take any help we can get with the situation. This is new to us; you've dealt with shifter politics and how the family hierarchies work. Unfortunately, we are entirely left in the dark. So if you be willing to give us information on how to tiptoe around these rules properly, I think that would be greatly appreciated."

One of Elania's finely plucked eyebrows was raised to the top of her forehead, clearly surprised that Kane could overtake the conversation and lead it into a somewhat calmer atmosphere. But quickly, she stoned her face into one of neutrality. "I have a few books I can snatch from Harvey to give you. However, I'm letting you know this isn't going to end as you hope. I hope you begin to look into different places to live, possibly soon that apartment of yours isn't going to be very salvageable. Better start moving your objects now into a storage unit."

She quickly dislodged herself from her seat, putting down a crisp twenty dollars. "Good luck, boys, in your new adventure." She then glanced sadly at Damian, giving him a sorrowful smile. "And if you ever need my help, you know how to get in contact with me; do it before it's too late." And then she was off like a ghost in the night. Her curled hair whipped in the wind as she exited the café through the front door.

Owen released a heavy sigh collapsing back into his chair, almost tipping over his hand, covering his eyes as if trying to block out what it just happened. Damian seemed to lose almost all the tension I'd been building in his shoulders and relaxed. Finally, reaching an unsteady hand towards his teacup, bringing it towards his mouth to take a small sip. And Kane wanted to do nothing more than get the two out of there. To corral them back into their apartment and toss them into bed. Hopefully, it will lighten the mood between the three of them and possibly even wipe away the bad memory of the evening.

However, before Kane could even suggest leaving, Owen filled the empty air; "I am so sorry for everything that just happened. If you want some space, I will give it to you." He glanced over at Damian with a sorrowful expression, and it was clear that he had thought he had messed everything up. Quickly Damian reached out one of his hands, tangling his fingers with Owen and laying them a top of his inner thigh. "You don't have to apologize. I understand it was a stressful night. I don't even think I've been unscathed by what I learned. You wanted comfort, and Elania gave that to you. I'm not going to shame you for it. But let's forget this even happened. I think that would be for the best." Damian leaned into Kane's side heavily; instantaneously, Kane tossed his arm around Damian and showed her dragging him in. "Let's finish these drinks and get out of here. I will close up business for the rest of the day and go home and relax." Damian's face lit up like a Christmas tree, excited at the possibility of getting to lounge. Kane knew that he had made the right decision.

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