Part 13

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Part 13 (Kane Pov)

Kane couldn't fathom how they had gotten so lucky. Damian sat in front of them with wavy hair barely hovered over his shoulders. It made him look younger and more feminine than before. Kane knew they wouldn't let the boy cut his hair any shorter than that because it framed Damian's gaunt face perfectly. However, he seemed so mesmerized by the beauty that he hadn't noticed the commotion around him. When Kane snapped out, he saw Owen rushing straight into the bathroom with Harvey following frantically behind.

"What's happening?" Kane asked, glancing down and looking at a smug Damian. The shifter smiled wickedly and tilted his head sideways. "Owen got a bloody nose and had to clean himself off." Kane was surprised that it had happened and moved to go to the bathroom. But, before he passed Damian, the boy grabbed his hand and halted Kane's steps. "Don't leave me. Take me with you." Damian reached his arms up and reached for his neck. Kane bent down, picking up the boy and nuzzling his nose into the newly cut hair.

It smelled like peaches and vanilla, filling Kane's stomach with butterflies. Quietly he hummed to Damian, carrying him into the bathroom. Owen was bent over the sink with paper tissue pushed tightly to his nose. He looked over and smiled embarrassedly. "Sorry, I don't know what happened. I'll get cleaned up real fast and be right out."

"Don't worry about it. Take your time, and don't push yourself." Kane walked forward and dislodged one of his hands to place it on Owen's forehead. "You're not warm, so that means you aren't sick. Must have been the dry air." Owen's face flushed, and he pulled Kane's hand, kissing it. "Must have been," he then kissed Kane's hand again. "Thank you for worrying about me, but I'm fine now." Owen then leaned forward and kissed Damian on the forehead pulling back quickly after doing so.

Kane smiled when he saw Damian make grabby hands towards Owen. "Hand me over; I want to be in his arms now." Kane didn't want to pass over the shifter, but if that's what the boy wanted, he wouldn't argue. Owen quickly cleaned the blood from his hands and took Damian into his own arms. Damian pressed himself intensely into Owen's frame. Nuzzling his nose into Owen's neck.

Kane cooed at the adorable scene happening and grabbed Owen's arm. Then, leading the three of them out of the bathroom, finding Elania and Harvey sitting in the living room. Harvey must have left the bathroom without Kane knowing. "Well, we're leaving since Harvey has work early in the morning. So we'll see you for that dinner you promised." Damian dislodged his face from the cress of Owen's neck, cheerfully beaming. "Salmon! You promised to cook salmon, right?"

"Yes, I'll cook everyone some salmon, so don't worry, your little kitten head." Elania patted Damian's head, ruffling his hair in the process. They all said cordial goodbyes, and Kane hugged the two since Owen couldn't with his hands being full. Within minutes Damian was yawning, fluttering his eyes. Trying his hardest to stay awake and Kane found it cute. "I think it's time to sleep. How do you feel about that."

Kane ran his hands through Damian's silky hair, and the shifter leaned into his touch. "Um, I'm not tired." As Damian was saying it, his eye's lingered closed. Owen hulled the boy closer and began walking straight to their bedroom. Kane followed behind, watching in pure bliss at the two. When they got inside, Owen plopped Damian down in the middle of the bed and walked away. Kane watched Owen leave towards their en suite bathroom.

"He isn't sleeping with me." Damian sounded melancholy, burying his head into the comforter. Kane crawled into the bed and pulled Damian into his chest. "No, Damian," he said, sweeping the boy's hair out of his eyes. "Owen is just changing his clothes. He's been in work clothes the entire time. He just doesn't want to sleep in them."

"Well, don't you need to change your clothes as well? I did soak you pretty badly in the tub."

"I'll change once Owen returns and takes his place in bed." After five more minutes, Owen walked back in his shorts and a black tank top. He grinned and forced himself into Damian's back, wrapping his arms around the shifter's waist. "I'll be right back," Kane peeled himself away from Damian to hear him whimper. "Don't worry; I'll be right back before you know it."

When Kane returned, he was dressed in long pajama pants and a short-sleeve shirt. He stopped before hopping in bed to stare at the cuddling pile of limbs. Damian had his head lying on Owen's chest, and Owen's arms were wrapped around Damian's frame. Holding the boy tight to his body. Kane plopped himself into bed and curled around Damian's body. Allowing his legs to tangle with the shifters and resting his head atop Owen's. It wasn't the most comfortable position; nevertheless, Kane stayed still since he could hold both of them.

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