Part 25

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Part 25 (Damian Pov)

    Three Months Later

Sunbathing was something Damian had missed every day. The luxurious sunrays heated through his fur. Warming every aching limb of his body. Time had been flying without a care in the world. As three months sped past in a blur of love and growth. Damian had gained weight, though he wasn't ecstatic about it. He could no longer count his ribs, and Kane loved to point out that his spine couldn't be seen anymore when bathing together.

    Currently, Damien was spending his time off lounging on their porch way. Enjoying his 30-minute break before ultimately returning to the building to continue his shift. After the entire scenario with Katelyn, Kane and Owen decided it was better to get rid of her. Not wanting a toxic woman connected to their establishment.

    They had been looking for someone new to hire to replace at the reception desk for a week. He had gained the brilliant idea of begging the two for a chance of showing his worth. Damien had reassured them it was more for himself than to earn money. Wanting to prove he was no longer a burden or a moocher. Kane was reluctant to allow him to uphold such a position. However, Owen had come through, granting him the job. Under one lousy condition. Damien was to have regular reading sessions with Harvey. Improve his intellectual capacity, as Owen put it. Damien had understood half of the significant words that spewed from Owen's mouth.

Nevertheless, Damien jumped at the opportunity to be helpful.

It had taken a week of training. He understood how computers and phones worked until he was allowed off the leash. And Damien thrived like no other. Or at least he liked to think so himself. He started to become friends with one of the regular vet techs name Nicole. She was a ball of pure energy. Constantly blabbering about Internet drama or even recommending reality TV shows for Damien to enjoy. Which he had, of course, taken up.

Before his time was up, a shadow lurked forward. Covering the sun, blocking Damian's glorious sunbeams. "You're break is coming to an end. Better shift back and get your ass inside." Damian glimpsed upward to be staring directly at Nicole. A thin, olive-skinned woman stood above him, hands resting on her narrow hips. Her long brown hair was tightened into a bun with her pink tips straying everywhere.

    She tapped her white cleaned vans showing evident impatience. Though Damian knew she was someone who needed to constantly be moving. Her bright blue eyes burned holes into Damians' body. He shifted, flipping his tail lazily towards her. Hoping the action will deter the woman. Maybe she'll even leave him alone to continue sunbathing.

    Suddenly, clothes fell from the sky, plumping directly onto Damian's head. He jumped, pelt spiking, turned, and hissed at Nicole. She wore a shit-eating grin and kneeled down. "Better get dressed and come inside." She patted his head and scratched behind his ears. "Hurry so we can talk about the new episode that came out last night." She strolled back inside while fixing her bright pink scrubs.

    He didn't want to shift back just yet, but the tempting possibility of learning everything that happened in last night's show edged him into deciding. Damian picked up the clothes in his jaws and carried them inside. Sliding through the cat door, Owen had installed especially for him. He waltzed passed the waiting customers with confidence. Swinging his tail from side to side without care. "Well, looks who here to rule his desk." Nicole joked as she occupied Damian's desk chair spinning in circles. Making Damian dizzy from just watching her action.

    He meowed muffledly at Nicole and strolled to the office. He pawed at the door hoping Kane or Owen was inside. Slowly the office entrance opened, and Kane glazed downward. A smile danced across his face. "Getting changed in here," Kane asked. Damian nodded the best he could and trotted in. When he got to the middle, Damian dropped his clothes and shifted. He could quickly change between both forms without agonizing pain shooting through his frame. His breaking bones and tearing muscles didn't bother as much either.

    Damian stood naked in the middle of the office. Stretching his muscles and reaching toward the ceiling. Kane had walked over, wrapping his hands around Damian's thin waist. Damian preened and leaned backward, caressing his bare skin onto Kane's silky clothes. "I love the way your clothes feel rubbing against my skin."

    "There is something better we can try rubbing together. Your skin on mine." Kane whispered seductively into Damian's ear. Nipping them and pulling the lobe. Making Damian release a low sub-vocal moan. His cock began filling with blood, and his body radiated heat. Damian ached, thrusting up towards Kane's hand that started to wondering down his body. Kane gripped the base of Damian's cock and lightly squeezed. Barely giving enough pressure to make it enjoyable. "Kane," Damian mewled, heaving his head back. Slanting it on the other man's shoulder. "Please, I need this."

    "Then you'll have to wait till we get home." Kane gave Damian's whimpering cock a few more light strokes before moving away. Damian growled, reaching out, clutching Kane's wrist. "Don't do this to me." Kane merely grinned back and kissed his forehead. Licking some sweat that had built up. "Better get dressed; I think Nicole is waiting to talk to you." Kane then left, leaving Damian shocked, desperate, and rock hard in the middle of the office. Naked as the day he was born.

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