Part 17

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Part 17 (Owen Pov)

Owen had enjoyed the company of Damian at their improper breakfast. Kane had brought leftovers from this morning that he had cooked. And man Owen loved Kane's cooking; it was like eating gold. It always made his mouth water. So eating the eggs, bacon, and toast Kane had brought him made this already terrible day a little better. Damian was sitting beside him, eating cat food from a can.

Kane and Damian had argued about whether or not the shifter was allowed to eat the cat food after breakfast. Kane had said that Damian could eat it for lunch. However, the shifter noted that he had successfully descended the stairs. Because of that miraculous event, it made getting the food right then rather then later.

Though Owen feels that Damian would probably manipulate them into giving him more later at lunch. Owen also had some cat treats that he hoped the shifter would like. So now they all sat around in the office. Kane was looking over and organizing files. With different files littering the floor around his desk. Kane had a problem with forgetting where he started, so everything lay randomly on the floor. Damian was watching with wonder, asking questions every now and again. Pointing out different-looking dogs asking the breed and what other medications did.

Owen was listening, intrigued by the things Damian thought were interesting. Everything about the boy screamed curiosity, and he seemed willing to learn. Owen wondered if Damian would be interested in reading some books on different animals. "Damian, do you want some books to read and learn more about what we do."

The boy looked over at Owen, embarrassment burning his face. Rubbing his hands together nervously. "I know how to read, but some words mess with me. So it's harder for me to understand what's on paper." Kane seemed to have left the files to listen to the conversation. "Mother taught me the basics but didn't think I deserved a higher education until I showed my worth."

With everything he learns about Damian's childhood, Owen could feel the anger growing for this unknown woman. She seemed to think that her family name was more important than taking care of her children. He wondered if Damian's sisters also were treated the same. If they had to build their own worth in their mother's eyes. "You don't have to worry; we can ask Harvey if they want to teach you how to read." Kane shifted and rubbed his hands through Damian's hair.

Damian had pulled away from the head rub. He held his head in humiliation, coiling into himself. "I don't need help reading. I can do it myself." Kane has seemed to hit a sour spot about asking for help. Owen reached over, patting the shifters back. "It's alright to take help even if it's for something you wouldn't normally. It's also excellent to admit you can't read."

Damian shot up from his seat, "I can read! And I don't need help learning how to read when I'm twenty-three. I can do it myself." Owen and Kane were shocked by the sudden outburst coming from Damian. Owen stood and walked over to Damian, pulling the shifter into his arms. "You don't need to be ashamed of being unable to read. Everyone has their own weaknesses."

The shifter leaned heavily into Owen's embrace. Nuzzling his head into Owen's chest. Owen continued the calming action, glancing over at Kane. Standing uncomfortably, he couldn't figure out how to help soothe Damian. Owen then leaned down and whispered into Damian's ear. "Better hug Kane; he isn't good at comforting people." Damian quickly pulled himself from Owen's embrace and bolted over to Kane. Throwing his entire frame with a powerful force, almost knocking both to the floor.

"I'm sorry; please contact Harvey and tell them I would appreciate them teaching me how to read." Kane smiled sweetly and tugged Damian's snugger into his body. He then opened one arm and beckoned Owen over. He couldn't explain why he was thrilled at the invitation to join them. However, he wasn't going to decline the chance of squeezing into each other.

Owen walked over and pressed his body into Damian and Kane's. Pressing Damian closer to Kane, squashing him tightly against their bodies. Damian laughed loudly, snuggling deeper into their loving clasp. Owen wanted to stay for as long as they could. Enjoy all of their combined heat, making his whole body warm rapidly.

However, it seemed like the world was trying to test his patients as Katelyn came bursting through the office door. She paused in her advancement when she saw what was going on. She gave Owen a look of surprise and then glared at Kane. "You two better get your asses in gear. We just had an emergency called in. They will be coming through the front door in minutes."

She then waved her hand in slight disgust. Then, sneering, "Break up whatever is going on here." Katelyn then turned around on her heels and stomped, slamming the office door behind her. It caused the whole room to shake and Damian to jump from our grasp. He placed himself in Kane's main chair and spun in a circle. "I'll stay here, don't worry about me. Hurry so you can save a life."

Kane walked over and pressed a kiss to Damian's forehead and quickly, without a word, left the room. Owen then ambled forward. Stopping in front of Damian and bent down. Looking face to face with the shifter. "Are you sure you'll be alright being in here all by yourself?" Damian rolled his eyes and leaned in completely. Kissing Owen on the tip of his nose. Owen felt his heart flutter and wanted nothing more than to swipe the boy into his arms and never let go.

"Yes, I'll be fine, don't worry. I can always try to read one of the books you have laying around here." He looked around at the many shelves covering the walls and smiled weakly. "Or maybe I can just goof around with something else." I laughed and kissed his forehead in the same spot as Kane did. "Do as you please; we'll be right back as soon as we can. Then we can go to the library and get you a book to start reading."

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