Part 28

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Part 28  Smut Baby!!

⚠️Slight Warning Smut Ahead ⚠️

Damian practically catapulted himself on top of their plump bed. Hearing the springs of the mattress creek under his weight. He sprawled out onto the velvety soft blankets making sure to starfish his limbs to take up as much space as possible. Owen came bustling behind him and barely stopping before slamming into the bed. He stood above Damian, staring hungrily down at him. Lust coated his eyes. A devilish smirk flashed across his face. "I can't wait to ravish you tonight." He said lustfully, almost in a whisper. Damian shivered; his entire nervous system was on fire with want. He felt like he was in heat. Every inch of his body craved to be touched by Kane and Owen.

"Yes, please," Damien whined, rubbing his tight body onto the bed, causing heated friction to bubble on his skin. "Could you touch me? I want to feel you all over me. I want to feel you both." Damian continued his relentless whimpering. Owen looked as if he was about to snap. He grabbed the hem of his shirt and began to lift it. However, before getting halfway up his chiseled stomach, Kane's hands gently yielded his actions.

"Allow me to do that," Kane immediately replaced Owen's hands. He continued the motion of lifting his shirt. Damian could feel the saliva building up in his mouth. Owens chiseled muscular chest was on full display. His abs were covered in a light sheen of sweat, causing his body to glisten in the dim light. His buds were rosy red. A heavy contract compared to the rest of his darker, tanned body. Kane hummed, satisfied with what he was currently staring at. He slowly began to glide his hands around Owen's chest. He lightly brushed his fingers across the muscular body and felt the silky skin underneath his fingertips. Owen looked utterly blissed out. His face relaxed, and his mouth formed an 'O'. Though no sound escaped him that Damien could hear.

Though, in all honesty. Damian was focused on not only the immensely erotic scene playing out before him but also his straining cock. It throbbed and whined for attention to be released from the restraints of his pants. It was painful, just allowing it to stay underneath the fabric. Meticulously he began to drift a singular hand down towards his jeans. Releasing the button allowed some of the built-up tension to be released. He let out a small whimper, quickly biting down on his lower lip, not wanting to stop the current show that was happening before him. Then, slowly and carefully, he wiggled his hip, dislodging his tight skinny jeans from his body and pushing them off onto the floor.

However, his actions didn't go unnoticed as Kane stared at him with hunger and desire built within his eyes. Kane's hands are now twisting and squeezing Owen's nipples. The other man had his head tossed back, laying upon Kane's shoulders, utterly unaware of Damian's current state of undress. However, Kane seemed to be enjoying his little striptease. The moment Damian hooked his fingers against the waistband of his underwear Kane thrusted forward. Owen released a godly-sounding moan pressing his body harder against Kanes. Kane, in retaliation, bites down onto Owens's neck. Sucking on the sensitive skin causing a mark to form. Oh, how Damian was so jealous. He wanted to be ravished by the two of them.

"Kane," Owen shouted, gasping for more air before speaking again. "Stop before I come in my pants like a teenager." His remark caused everyone to burst into giggles. Always leave it to Owen to make the environment more friendly. Kane seemed to release Owen reluctantly. However, the man tended to want to keep himself busy. So he quickly made his way to Damian. Sliding himself between Damian's pried open legs. "Allow me to take care of this for you." Kane grabbed Damian's shirt and lifted it above his head, throwing the garment across the room. "Is that your thing today?" Damian said jokingly, "Removing everyone's shirts." Without missing a beat, Kane bent down and attached his mouth to one of Damian's nipples. He bit down almost harshly, and Damian pushed forward his chest, plowing farther into Kane's face. "Kane!"

"Shush, I'll take care of you." Kane reached down, grabbing hold of Owen, standing by the edge of the bed, watching everything going on. "I'll take care of both of you."

Before Damian knew what was happening, he was on his hands and knees, ass presenting straight into the air. Owen had his face buried between Damian's spread open cheeks. Kane slotted right behind Owen, standing on his knees. "Kane, we have to do this quick I'm not going to last," Owen said tightly, trying to hold the whimper in his throat. "Just prepare him, and everything will be fine, baby." Kane rubbed his large calloused hands, crossed Owen's ass spreading his cheeks to stare at his rosie hole.

"Please, Owen, I need you. I'm going to go into a total frenzy soon." Damian wiggled his ass in front of Owen, trying to motion the man into hurrying up. Luckily for him, the actions seemed to kickstart something inside of Owen. Suddenly a wet rough tongue laid crossed his entry. Damian just twisted his hands tight into the bedsheets pushing backward onto Owen's tongue, whimpering and begging for more. The searing hot muscle prodded aggressively into Damian. Penetrating his tight ring of muscle, stretching him open, and slicking his walls. Owen continued to eat him out while Kane fingered Owen from behind, stretching him open.

Repeating the motion, Owen darted his tongue inside Damian's fluttering entrance. Stretching cautiously, making sure not to hurt the shifter. Owen couldn't help the pants being released, the fingers playing with his hole picking up the pace. Almost hitting his prostate. "I'm not sure... if I'll make it..." Owen gasped between breaths. He was clutching harder onto Damian's hips, possibly leaving bruises. "Kane... Owen... Cumming soon, please need you inside." Damian moaned, pushing his face harder into the mattress.

"Guess we can begin. Are you both ready?" Kane asked, leaning down and kissing the base of Owen's neck, then caressing Damian's lower leg. They all quickly got into place, and Damian couldn't shake the excitement in his stomach.

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