Part 48

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Part 48 (Damian Pov)

    Waking up squeezed between two very muscley bodies was fantastic; warm happiness buzzed violently through his body. Owen's face was smushed into his back with his tanned arms wrapped securely around Damian's waist. Kane had his face pushed into Damian's hair, ruffling the tangles around his head, causing them to become messier. Damian didn't want to move or dislodge himself from their embrace. Wishing to only sink deeper into the loving hold of the people he cared about the most. Then as if god was trying to test everything holding Damian together, a knock lightly sounded through the room. Damian groaned; who the hell was knocking on his bedroom door?

    Damian bolted upwards as if fire licked his skin, tossing the blankets from his body. Also disturbing the other two who were peacefully sleeping from his panicked movement. Who could be knocking at their bedroom door? The last Damian knew Bethany and Nova had left. Kane must have kicked him out because there was no way he allowed them to stay. It must be Elania; she does have a key to the apartment, though she would have just burst in because she thinks she owns everything the sun touches. Damian ran, not caring that he was only wearing his underwear, and joked with Elania that she was getting him like this since she couldn't wait for them to wake naturally. Once again, a light knock echoed from the door; Damian growled lowly, wiping the sleep from his eyes, "Just hang on a bit, give us a moment before pounding on our door." When Damian opened the bedroom door, he saw someone different than he was expecting.

\Standing there in nothing but a long shirt that barely reached her kneed was Nova. Her eyes were tired and red, like she had been crying all night. Her hair was matted to her head, checks flushed in shame. "Sorry, I was just wondering if I could have something to eat," she whispered quietly. Damian couldn't wrap his head around his sister standing there; she hadn't left last night like he thought she would have. So does that mean Bethany is also wandering around their apartment, snooping around no less? Before opening his mouth to talk, Kane walked over, pressing his body into Damian's. "You're welcome to have anything you can scavage from the kitchen. Don't eat any of Damian's fancy salmon; he wouldn't be that happy if you did." Kane winked at her playfully, pulling Damian back into the room, swiftly shutting the door before Nova or he could talk.

    Kane wrestled him back in bed, ignoring Damian's struggling body; he wanted to know why his sister raided their kitchen. Why was she still in their apartment when he thought Kane would have kicked her out? Was Bethany also wandering around? Kane tossed him onto the bed, almost like he didn't weigh a thing, landing on Owen. Owen quickly wrapped his arms around Damian, ensuring he couldn't wiggle away and go and confront Nova about her presents. Kane joined them on the bed, leaning in to be face to face with Damian. "You need to calm down before you hurt yourself and one of us," Kane spoke so calmly it made Damian angry; how could he just be so casual about his sister storming their house? Regardless Damian stopped struggling and nodded his head, agreeing with Kane even though he didn't want to.

    Kane smiled softly as if trying to melt away Damian's frustration; it almost worked; however, Damian wasn't going to let him know. "Why is Nova wandering around the house, and where is Bethany?" Damian was just able to keep the hiss from breaking his lips. He was okay with Nova, but having Bethany raiding their kitchen cabinets wouldn't settle well with him. Owen seemed to stiffen when hearing the sister's name; it only dawned on Damian that Owen hadn't met either sister later that night and had been asleep. Neither Damian nor Kane wanted to wake him since Owen had suffered a rough night and needed time by himself to heal the wounds that seemed to slash over his heart. So Damian calmed, not wanting to fight Owen's hold no longer, seeing as the man was probably just doing it because Kane tossed him into Owen's arms.

Instead, Damian turned in the man's arm, staring at his lover with soft, warm eyes, cupping Owen's cheeks in his hands in a comforting gesture. "Nova and Bethany showed up late last night; we didn't wake you because you had already gone to sleep. They talked, and we argued; the last thing I know is I stormed in here and snuggled up with you." Damian turned his head, looking at Kane, "Care to tell me why Nova is here?" Kane merely smiled and nodded his head, shuffling closer to them, closing the gap between the three men. "Bethany said something I wasn't quite happy with last night about our relationship." Damian released a growl in frustration, and Kane smiled widely at him. "I kicked Bethany out of the apartment after that. Nova didn't seem okay enough to be tossed out of the only safe place she had left. So I allowed her to stay in the guest bedroom."

Damion couldn't argue with Kane's logic; Nova wasn't in a healthy mindset since her girlfriend had broken up with her. So giving her a place to stay to cope was perfectly fine; after all, Nova didn't seem in the right mind. "So you allowed her to stay here because why?" Owen asked, evident confusion on his face as he didn't know what was happening. As he wasn't awake when the situation had taken place. "Bethany and Nova came over because they need someplace to stay since Nova's girlfriend broke up with her." Owen seemed to be taking the information in pretty well, as his face stoned in concentration.

"So is she going to stay for long, or will she go crawling back to her mother's arms?" Damian lightly slapped Owen's arm for the crude comment though he also was wondering the same. Was Nova going back to their cruel witch mother, or was she going to need somewhere more permanent to stay? Damian looked over at Kane, who seemed to be thinking hard about the question; he also didn't know how long Nova would remain with them. "If you wouldn't mind having me, I would like to stay here with you." Nova's scared voice carried softly in the air, not seeming to shock any of them from sitting on the bed. Instead, Damian glanced over at his sister; she was holding herself around the waist, hair still as unkept as earlier.

"You're welcome to stay as long as you need. However, it's clear your living situation at home isn't the best, so you'll be staying with us till you find somewhere better." Kane said it clearly, a smile taking hold of his face. Nova beamed back, though it wasn't very bright. "Thank you for that, though I don't think staying in this city is for the best," she then looked over at Damian, sadness taking over. "Mother isn't going to let us live here, ruining her reputation. She going to run us out of town anyway, so better to do it on our own terms, right." Damian stared back; what did she mean, both of us? He wasn't going to leave when his home was right here. Though Elania also said something about them having to leave because of his mother. Was she being serious about them needing to find somewhere else to live? He didn't want that since Owen and Kane did their own business here and made it their home.

Damian felt chills run through his blood; he didn't want to uproot them when it was clear they had a life here. "I don't want to leave, and I'm not going to make them leave with me." Damian looked down, feeling shame take over his body, flushing his face red. Owen tightened his grip, pulling him into his body snugger. "We'll go anywhere you go, even if it means to need to move away." Owen looked up at Kane, who seemed to shake his head in agreement. "If your mother is going to chase us out, then it's best we get the head start."

Nova walked deeper into the room, rubbing her hands together nervously. "Mother will do everything within her power to drive us away. She only allowed you to stay here before because she didn't think you had the confidence to stand up to her. However, I think that's been proven wrong, so it's better if we leave as fast as possible." She moved closer, keeping her head down, not looking at them. "If you'll allow me to come with you, I won't stay with you long enough to get on my own feet." Damian could stomach the thought of leaving her behind and having to deal with their mother, a solid welcoming lay heavy on his tongue. Wanting his sister close so they can bond and grow a new together, using each other to stand straighter and more robust. Kane smiled, and Damian felt Owen's smirk buried in his hair. "You're welcome to stay, were siblings, so where ever I go, you can follow. I'll always welcome you with open arms."

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