Part 23

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Part 23 (Owen Pov)

Clinging to Damian desperately, Owen felt the anxiety drift away. He nuzzled into Damian's head, taking in the fragrance that clung to the shifter's hair. "You're never leaving our side ever again," he declared. Owen then lifted Damian's chin, allowing him to stare deeply into Damian's eyes. Hoping his own eyes expressed the emotions stirring within his stomach.

While glazing intensely, Owen swore flashes of anguish and concern flickered across Damian's eyes. "Making promises you can't uphold isn't respectable. You're both going to grow exhausted of me sooner or later." Damian whimpered, tears swelling his shining amber eyes. "Damian, never would either of us develop such feeling towards you. We'll always love you."

Damian snuggled tighter against Owen's frame, stealing his heat from the action. Owen ruffled the shifters' fluffy, partially tangled hair. "I'm ashamed to admit your astonishing fast relationship is miraculously saved. Whereas, leave before you stink our entire home with your fondness." Elania waved her hands dismissively, directing us towards the front door.

"Kane's probably distraught being left behind without knowing precisely what's happening. So scurry away before Kane comes wondering over, guided by fret." She lifted herself, balancing on her toes to place a peck directly onto Owen's cheek. Then she did the same with Damian. "Your unyielding love for one another is overpowering. Imagine what including Kane would do."

Elania no longer needs to berate either Damian or Owen. As before she even finished her sentence, Owen was dragging Damian straight out. Then, throw a quick thank you behind himself toward his sister and her partner. Then, without haste, both went dashing through the city streets, dodging past and weaving through the pedestrians.

Owen's vice-like grip ensured that Damian wouldn't slip away. Nor fall behind if something happens. Their pace only quickens the more familiar the scenery becomes. And shortly, without recognition of time, they stumbled clumsily up the apartment stairway. However, before crashing through the front entrance, Owen swiveled Damian around. Slamming the more petite man aggressively onto the front door.

Damian released a huff of air. Owen cringed, his intention not to knock the poor breath out of the shifter; nevertheless, he didn't give Damian time to recuperate. Hastily Owen smooshed his lips onto Damian's. Wrapping his arms tightly around the man. Damian's body went rigid. However, he didn't remain standing for long. As he soon returned the feverish kiss with his feverish excitement.

Immediately both men were entangled with one another. Owen swore Damian tasted of zingy oranges. His citrusy tang shocked every tastebud on his tongue. They continued kissing for four minutes on end. Neither genuinely kept track of time as each was so exorbitant. Owen wished to take it farther. Gliding his hand seductively down Damian's back, inching closer to his ass and wanting to squeeze the globes covered in the fabric of his clothes.

And he would have nearly succeeded if it weren't for Kane's horrible timing. Because right before Owen could grasp Damian's ass, the door flung open. Both tumbled like buffoons, stumbling over one another before landing on the solid hardwood floor. However, Owen didn't have time to soak in his dismay. As Kane rapidly brought up his face to kiss Owen passionately. Hardly lingering for a second before doing the same to Damian.

Promptly all three were piled in the apartment doorway and smothered together like strange dogs that hadn't seen one another for years. Kane had them both in a death grasp. He was refusing to release the hug for anything or anyone. "Never am I allowing either of you to leave my line of sight again."

Without missing a beat, Damian scarcely quipped, "Owen already gave me that talk. How about being original." Both chuckled boisterously. Owen enjoyed that Damian had already gained all his confidence back from earlier. "Let's gather ourselves off the floor before the neighbors start rumors," Kane said.

"Wouldn't you love being the talk of the block," Owen leaned forward, kissing Kane sweetly. Then moving to kiss Damian as well. "Everyone will be jealous, three extremely attractive men lusting over each other. So we're giving them a free show to please their hearts."

Kane blushed bright red, while Damian pushed himself till his body was basically melted with theirs. "I wouldn't mind letting everyone know you both belong to me." Damian proudly puffed his chest outwardly though it didn't work well due to him being skin and bones. Owen's frenzy of lust devoured rapidly through his body. Loving the action of the shifter. Kane adjusted himself, allowing him to kiss Damian's forehead softly. And Owen couldn't be more grateful for being with both of them.

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