Part 6

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Part 6 (Pov Kane)

Owen smiled sweetly down at Damian as his hand ran over the young shifter's back. "The tub is ready for you, Damian. Take as much time cleaning off. I'll bring in dinner once I'm finished making it. However, if you finish first with your bath, then Kane will bring you out to the kitchen."

Damian looked upwards, tugging Owen's shirt frantically. "I can't stand without help; my legs aren't working properly. I can hardly wiggle my toes; there isn't a way for me to get into the tub." Owen seized Damian's chin, forcing him to gaze upward. Looking directly into each other's eyes, Kane could see a speck of desire flare in Damian's eyes when they landed on Owen. He could practically sense the same building in the air around them. "Kane will help you undress and give you a towel to wear around your waist to cover up. That way you have some privacy inside the tub. How does that sound?"

Damian nodded, still staring intensely at Owen. "I'm alright with that." 

Owen chuckled, dropped Damian's chin, and stepped out of the bathroom. "If you two need me, I'll be finishing dinner. Don't stress; I'll be coming back as soon as possible. " He strode out, waving a hand goodbye, before completely vanishing from sight. Leaving Kane with Damian to get him into the tub. Kane walked over from the tub, reached down, and captured the heam of Damian's shirt. "Do you need help with taking the shirt off?" Damian glared daggers at Kane but nodded. Kane slowly raised the scrub top, revealing pale skin shrouded in scars, wounds, and bruises that came to light. The shifter's frame was delicate; ribs practically ripped through the tight skin surrounding them.

Kane felt queasy, examining the maltreated body before him. Staling himself from recoiling. Kane didn't want to offend Damian, so he darted away, standing up quickly, stepping over to the counter, and picking up a towel. When he diverted back, Damian obscured himself, blocking what little his boney arms could conceal.

"Do you want two towels to cover yourself," Kane didn't want Damian to be uncomfortable. It must already be stressful enough being around strangers and practically being dragged into an unknown environment. Not knowing whether or not it's truthfully safe. So making Damian feel secure was Kane's primary focus. That and not attempting to get a fucking hard-on for the young shifter.

He hadn't gotten one before for someone he scarcely knew since sharing a locker room with Owen the first time they worked out together. Not only that, attraction wasn't a feeling Kane could skillfully mask. Like most of his emotions, Kane could hide them from others. Nevertheless, when it came to Damian, his body was responsive when it came to the shifter. Kane reddened and positioned the towel over his lower half, trying formidable to disguise his boner without Damian noticing. Fortunately, Damian seemed too occupied trying to cover himself up to notice Kane's intention with the towel.

"I'm good with only one towel." Kane hummed in acknowledgment of Damian's answer, strode back, gave Damian the towel, and kneeled. He grabbed the waistband of the scrub bottoms and then peeked up. Damian was staring down with his mouth barely parted. His eyes glazed over with what Kane could only think of was desire, and his porcelain skin flushed. The pink skin appeared luminous in the light of the bathroom.

Kane could feel his flush blossoming. "I'm going to take off your pants now. Make sure to cover yourself. with the towel"

"I understand," he squeaked quietly, gazing earnestly into Kane's eyes. Kane swiftly dragged down Damian's pants as they slipped off effortlessly. When Kane got them off, he turned around and trekked away, folding the pants and setting them on the bathroom counter. He wanted to glimpse up, but there was a mirror, and if Damian hadn't covered himself yet, Kane would get a whole show of everything. So he maintained his head down, attempting not to peek up and willing what little blood journeying down to come back up.

"I'm covered, so you don't need to keep looking away." Kane glanced over his shoulder, catching Damian brooding with the towel on his lap. 

"So, you need me to sink you into the tub? That way, you can bathe by yourself and not have me towering over you"

"Well, I was wondering," Damian's voice faded barely above a whisper. "If you would be willing to remain with me." Kane wanted to coo and nestle the man into his arms with how adorable Damian acted. 

"I'll linger with you," Kane said, leaning down and wrapping one arm underneath Damian's leg and then the other around the boy's lower back. He lifted, pulling Damian tight to avoid dropping him and trekked across to the tub. Sinking him gradually, making sure not to splash water everywhere.

When Damian was enveloped entirely in the water, Kane backed up, pointed out where the body wash was, and grabbed a fresh hand towel passing it over, and explaining how to use it. Damian looked ashamed but seemed to be listening with his full attention, absorbing every last word being conveyed by Kane. 

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