Part 50

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Part 50 (Damian Pov) Final

When it came time to round up everything at the end of the week, Damian's muscles felt sore, and his entire body ached. Moving boxes and hauling around the furniture wasn't exactly what he thought. He had two extreme lovers who could easily do this task but were instead out grocery shopping. They had deemed it their responsibility and left Damian and Nova behind to sort out boxes and find furniture in their new home. Connecticut was something that neither Damian nor Nova could quite wrap their heads around when they first got there. They worked, were covered in immense trees, and the air smelled fresher than it did in California. My sister always greeted them, waving and smiling whenever they caught someone else's eye.

Moving around the house was way more complex than the apartment back in California. It was larger and more complex, with considerable stretching hallways that seemed to go for ages and long stairways that reached the skies. Nova and Damian had grown within a relatively large home, Nova more than him. However, the overwhelming size seemed to loom over them. The Bellina family was large enough to fill out their mansion; they barely had four people living there. Plus, Nova was looking to find her own place to stay when she got financially stable. So there were only going to be three of them living in this enormous house.

The more exciting thing about the massive space had more sunbathing spots and smaller areas to hide within. Which was a plus side of having such a large home. Nova walked past, carrying a box filled with kitchen supplies as it was labeled on the side. She was wearing a smile, skipping whenever her hands weren't full. Damian couldn't feel happier with his sister; she hadn't gotten completely comfortable with them, so seeing her more than pleased about the new house was heartwarming. So he couldn't have asked for anything better; having his family was everything.

Looking over at his sister, Damian reached out. He brushed his arm across hers affectionately, showing his appreciation for Nova. "Thanks for helping. You know, you probably didn't have to." Nova rolled her eyes and continued carrying the boxes to their almost filled kitchen. "As much as my house after this is yours, carrying it around sometimes isn't going to hurt me." He laughed at his sister's determination to show she was worth living with them. He would still allow her to stay with them even if Nova decided to merely sit around doing nothing. "So what will you do the first thing you're free?"

Nova glanced at the ceiling, an expression of curiosity settling on her face. "Possibly find a job; I'm paying rent no matter how much the three of you complain about it." She placed the box she was carrying, then turned to face Damian. "I know you said I don't have to because I have no savings, but free-loading off of you guys doesn't feel right. So no complaining or arguing with me, understand." Nova pointed at him, a look of determination staring him down. Damian merely smiled at his sister, " I know, there's not going to be pushing from me. However, Kane's probably going to bother you about it."

She nodded her head, agreeing with him. When the sound of the front door rang through the empty home. Kane's light chuckles could be heard as Owen talked loudly about something from their past. Damian felt his heart fly, delighted they smoothed over their slight disagreement. Damian quickly ran from the kitchen, seeing the two men holding bags of groceries. Damian could help himself after Owen smiled warmly at him. In a flash, Damian went running, tossing himself right into Owen's arms. Despite the bags hanging from his hands, Owen could grapple onto Damian, holding him up. Owen laughed as he carried Damian and the groceries into the kitchen. As Kane followed behind, smiling at Damian, who smiled brightly back. "Did you get most of the boxes into the house?" Kane asked. Damian nodded, "Nova and I could move a whole five houses without you both."

"No, don't tell them that! I'm not moving someone else's boxes; look at my hands covered in scratches." Nova cried when they entire the kitchen, slumped over the island counter. Kane grinned at Nova, walking over and placing the food by her. She quickly whipped around and began rummaging within the bags. Owen put his bags slowly; when his hands were free, he wrapped them around Damian. Securing him tightly in a hug, their bodies stayed connected. Damian kissed Owen's cheek and hummed happily as he nuzzled his face. Kane walked over, kissed Damian's forehead, and then kissed Owen's. Damian smiled; he could have been happier, having his sister and lovers with him. Forever they will stand with each other. Soon they will be married, and nothing could take them away from Damian. They will always be family, no matter what his mother does if she ever tries. And he'll fight, as he wouldn't allow anything to happen. Quickly a can waved across his face; Damian jumped from his thought and glanced over. Kane was holding a can of what could only be salmon; he placed it on the counter. "Let's celebrate the new home." Damian smiled; he could have asked for a better family.

The End!!! 

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