Part 30

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Part 30 (Damian Pov)

Time ticked by, dragging out the boredom at the front desk. Earlier in the morning, all three men had dragged themselves out of bed. Damian and Owen were groggy and immensely sore. However, Kane had seemed to be flush with life. Morning routines were done sloppily, almost like zombies. With Owen not even having time to make breakfast. Subbing for something fast and easy to deliver to the veterinary building.

Now Damian sat swirling in his spin chair on a dragging Sunday. Usually, the weekend was more of the busier days; people did not have work. So usually, everyone brought in their sick pets they couldn't during the weekdays. Nevertheless, oddities always seem to appear. As this Sunday was the slowest day that Damian had ever worked. They had probably checked in and seen around two cats and three dogs. Another woman had called in an hour ago claiming to bring in her Saint Bernard. Damian now was waiting for the dog and its owner. Twisting around absent-mindedly, doing anything to relieve the boredom building within his mind.

At least he wasn't alone in his sulking state as Nicole barely sat under the front desk. Hiding away from the snooping eyes of her two bosses and fellow coworkers. Knowing no one else would come searching for her if she hid with Damian. Though, in all honesty, Damian had been snooping on her phone. Nicole had been texting the same man she's been talking to for the past eight months. They've never met, but Nicole swears it's destiny sooner or later; they stumble upon each other like lost spirits and kindling their dying relationship. Damian had cackled when he first heard the theory and likes to make fun of her from time to time. "I guess two crazy minds make a sane one," Damian mumbled under his breath.

However, he wasn't quiet enough; Nicole snapped her head from her screen to glare daggers straight at him. "It's meant to be." He rolled his eyes heavily, "Maybe if you actually agreed to a date, it was meant to be. I don't count talking over text messages as faded destiny. You guys don't even FaceTime."

"The only reason we don't FaceTime is that he is insecure. Men are allowed to be shy too about their looks."

"Nicole, use that sense of self-worth in your brain and figure out that this man's catfishing you. He definitely purposely disagrees with meeting you in real life because he isn't really the guy in the pictures." Nicole scoffed violently, dragging herself off of the floor. Standing directly in front of Damian. Her arms crossed, laying on her puffed out breast. "He is real." She emphasized and began to walk away, pouting; frustration almost echoing from her steps. "And I'll prove it to you by going on a date with him next weekend. And if he disagrees, then I'm ending it." Damian, in a gesture he had seen in a movie, snapped his fingers side to side, "There you go, Nicole. Woman of the year. You go get your man." Nicole smiled wickedly before walking into the back veterinary space. Damian wondered if Nicole had forgotten that she was currently trying to avoid all the other employees. However, her fierce temper must've blocked out all cognitive thinking.

So now he sat isolated in an empty lobby all by himself. Lazily spinning in his swirly chair, counting down the seconds. Last Damian estimated, they had an hour, 40 minutes, and 28 seconds before going to lunch. Looking at the clock, the time had only dropped by five minutes. Maybe he could talk Kane into leaving this place early. Shutting down because there's no one to do business with. Damian was proud of his thought, almost patting himself on the back before a young girl came rushing into the clinic. Tossing open the front door, almost slamming it into the wall dashing in with a cat carrier dangling from her unoccupied hand.

This bold action had snapped Damian right out of his mind, stopping mid-swirl and straightening himself. He tried looking professional even though he acted extremely childish moments ago. The girl quickly came bolting to the front desk, and she seemed slightly familiar to Damian. He couldn't quite put his hands on it; his mind was wondering at a thousand thoughts per minute, nothing connected. "Hello, I need to see the vet; my cat needs to be checked." She sounded nervous, shocked, and refused to meet Damian's eyes. "Of course," Damian said calmly, hoping to smooth the situation before it escalated into an owner possibly having a breakdown at the front desk. "Can you just tell me the name of the cat, the age, and what breed she or he is?"

The girl looked nervous and paused for a minute before answering the questions. "Her name is Starlight, I believe 2 1/2 years in cat years, and she's a purebred calico. And my name is." The girl paused again, looking as if she couldn't remember her own name, and then quickly blurted out, "Felicity." Her actions weren't that strange though it did flash a couple of warning signs in Damian's mind. Usually, panic owners forget certain things, and it certainly wouldn't be the first time owners had fumbled with their own names while in an emergency. "OK, Felicity, do you know what's wrong with Starlight here?" Damian tilted his head just enough to peer inside the cat cage to be met with bright greenish-yellow eyes. Pupils like slits showing that the cat was afraid. Almost every strand of fur on its pelt was standing straight into spikes.

"She just isn't feeling well. She stopped eating. She's not drinking water. She barely comes out of her little hiding spot at home. Please, I just need her to get looked over." Damian smiled widely at the nervous owner. "Well, you don't have to worry. Felicity, luckily it's dead today, so our two veterinarians can be in at any moment. I can take you to one of the examination rooms, and you can sit there with Starlight until one of them comes to check on her. Is that alright with you?"

"Yes, that would be perfectly fine with me; thank you so much." Felicity's shoulder seemed to relax significantly; her tasseled copper brown hair, tossed into a messy ponytail, was sprayed across her face. And she stared back at Damian with thankful green eyes that seemed familiar.

Author Note!!!
My computer broke!! The motherboard fried meaning that the entire computer is toast! My new one isn't coming till Friday so I'm trying to write on my phone and it isn't working that well. So don't expect an update for a while. I'm so sorry and I'm hoping to be updating again soon!!! Thanks so much for the support!! ❤️

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