Part 38

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Part 38 (Damian Pov)

That night Damian had a fitful night. Constantly tossing and turning, smushed between two heaters. Though his over extruding warmth wasn't the problem, the overly ramped nightmares that occurred every chance he closed his eyes were the problem. Overwhelming anxiety and tear fueled the perfect storm within his mind. Producing every possibility modifying scenario conjured into humanity. Causing Damian to lose bouts of sleep, blending seconds into minutes and minutes into hours. Relentless braids pummeled doubts and insecurity deeper, fracturing any progress made within the months.

Now, Damian entered slowly behind Kane and Owen, dragging his steps, hoping to not entire the building, not wanting to deal with the countless customers coming in constant waves. Seeking the help and comfort, he wouldn't be able to give. As Damian himself could barely handle being around his lovers, the overwhelming fear of causing them harm outweighs any rational thought.

He must have been showing these emotions because Kane's large calloused hand soon rested on the back of his nape. Squishing in solace, practically trying to suck away the dread swelling inside. "Maybe we should take the day off, close down so we can have time to process everything that happened yesterday." Damian reeled back, shock racing his heart. He couldn't allow them to close because he could get his emotions in check.

"Everything fine; we shouldn't close," Damian forced a crooked smile. Giving false reassurance to his lover, praying they could see through the facade that was his mask. Kane smiled sadly, nodding while Owen merely glanced over his shoulder. Damian almost would have missed the sour expression on Owen's face if he wasn't staring right at the man. Damian's stomach knotted and flipped; he was causing so many problems that it was rotting him from the inside, probably causing him to smell rubbish.

Quickly he slumped his head in humiliation, wishing the concrete would swallow him whole. Letting him wallow in his pity and self-hatred. Damian trudged behind, allowing his lovers to be entire first, refusing to leave his head from his shame-filled position. Making sure his tear swelling eye's stayed glued to the blank grey stones beneath his feet.

Though the moment Damian ambled through the entrance, a slamming force knocked him to the ground. Nicole had come barreling towards him when he walked through the door but hadn't seen her due to his low-hanging head. So now the two lay tangled together on the veterinary floor, giggles slipping from both. Kane and Owen had watched the event with amusement, both smiling like mad men.

"You're horrible! If you hadn't talked me into meeting my man, I would be in blissful denial!"

Damian chuckled, ruffing Nicole's hair though it wasn't like it did much since her hair was already a mess. "So your dream man wasn't real then?" Nichole's cheeks puffed out, clearly potting in anger. "I asked to meet in person, and he kept telling me no. Then he blocked me! The bastard blocked me!" She nuzzled her head into his shoulder, making some guilt build within him.

Casually, Owen strolled over, kneeling beside them, placing a hand on Nicole's shoulder. "He wasn't worth your time. Better encounter someone new." Without missing a beat, Owen stood waltzing away, ignoring the cries shouting from her mouth. She glared at his retreating back, whipping her head towards Kane, "Your boyfriend is an ass!" Nicole then turned to Damian. "You need to find a better third. Owen doesn't deserve two angles like you. Maybe you can think about adding me?" She fluttered her lashes playfully, causing him to roll his eyes.

"Sorry, you aren't my type. Maybe you should meet others like a normal person by joining online dating sites."

She scoffed loudly, almost echoing the walls " Never have I been more offended in my life. Me, online dating. Please, I'm better than that."

Damian grinned, feeling his worries gradually slip away with the mischievous banter. Nicole could remedy every crisis he was facing. Quickly Damian lifted to his feet, hauling Nicole up with him. Then, tugging her towards his desk, "We better start setting them all up. Plus, we need to discuss some things that happened last night."

Her eyes opened widely, then peeked a glimpse over at Kane. He smiled feebly, waving his hand, granting her permission. Nicole leaned in, whispering into Damian's ear, making sure no one else could listen. "They better not have harmed you. I will terminate them both." Damian almost couldn't control his laughter.

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