Part 42

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Part 42 (Damian Pov)

A heavy daze lay within his mind. Soft swirling clouds seemed to be overtaking everything. All nasty thoughts from earlier in the week had slowly evaporated. Sweet touches and light brushing kisses have entirely wiped all the worry away from Damian's anxious mind. Even Owen relaxed after Kane had closed the building for two days. Claiming that they need time to recuperate after some significant family issues. In reality, the three couldn't keep their hands off each other, reassuring every positive thing about their relationship, clearing all the negative thoughts clean from them.

Now Damian could focus on the computer screen that blinked before him. The lustful thoughts of their two days of paradise kept replaying in his mind, making it hard to focus on the work that he needed to do. It was even harder not to blush when someone caught him daydreaming about everything. Nichole had seen it as her duty to pester him every spear second she got. This includes now, as she was sitting by his legs, staring gloomily down at her phone screen. Small tears bloomed from the corner of her eyes.

"Man is nothing but demon spawns plastered on this earth to destroy my love life."

"Tell me I'm not one of those horrible demons you're spewing about. If so, you better run away before I ruin more than just your pitiful love life."Nichole playfully slapped his calf, pouting before turning away, giving all her attention to the text chat lying idle. Neither she nor the other person seemed to be saying anything. "That isn't your mystery man who ghosted you a few days ago? Thought we moved you to greener grass." Damian joked, nudging her with his foot, trying to knock the phone from her hand.

Quickly she slapped Damian's foot away, glaring at him intensely. "I'm not some cow. However, those filthy dating apps matched me with nothing but creeps and perverts. If I want, it feels like I could go onto the street and pick someone up immediately." Nicole quickly stood from where she was hiding, twisting on her shoes to face him, a stern expression plastered on her face. "Not all of us can be lovers made from god's holy hands. Allow the few unfortunate souls to scavenge the earth for his scraps."

Damian chuckled, throwing his hands behind his head and leaning backward in his reclining chair. "I've scavenged the streets plenty of times and found perfect scrap pieces. Just have to be willing to get your hands a bit dirty. Maybe dive into a dumpster or two." Nicole turned her back on Damian before stomping away, screaming over her shoulders. "If I'm to eat street food, then I'll do it on my term—no straps for this prissy kitty." Before Damian could reply, she walked into the back room, which seemed her go-to move whenever she wanted to make a dramatic exit. It just so happens it works exceptionally well. Everyone sitting in the waiting room had seen Nicole's extravagant farewell.

Damian waved at the patrons, smiling widely, trying his hardest to wave away the strangeness coming from the situation. He turned to the computer, staring blankly at the screen showing the scheduled appointment for today, ignoring everything plastered on the page. Falling back into the steamy daydream from earlier. Kane's chiseled chest and Owen's hard abs kept flashing into his mind. Taking over every coherent thought that could be trying to break down his door. The overwhelming lust built a wall so towering that he could imagine anything today pulling him from heaven swirling in his mind.

He didn't even notice an older woman walking through the front door. Two burly men followed suit, mere steps behind her blocking out the view of slightly older women. Damian was snapped from his steamy thoughts when the older lady coughed loudly, waving her hand in front of his face. Damian reeled backward, shocked that the lady went that far. He wanted to reprimand the woman for her rude behavior. It was impolite to be acting that way to someone who is serving you. However, when he looked up, dread overtook everything thought no matter how hot flead, his skin turned clammy, and fear flooded his veins. Standing before him was his mother; no, he couldn't call her that anymore; Irene stood staring blankly at him. Stern, almost lifeless eye's stared right into his, her arms crossed over her chest; she looked unimpressed with him. Like how she looked at Damian when he was a child. Like when he had done something wrong, seconds from reprimanding him in front of the entire family, shaming him for being a failure.

"It's nice to see you're not dead yet; maybe you can be helpful for once and tell me where your sisters went and why they came to you for help." Irene leaned forward, whispering so no one in the waiting could hear her. "Better come outside so we can talk in private, don't want your employers to know you're a homeless stray." A wicked smile spread across her wrinkling face, smug that she thought her cruel words had hurt Damian. However, before he stood, Damian reached for his phone, pressing Owen's name in his contacts. He pulled the phone to his ear. Looking his mother in the eyes before speaking. "Owen, get Kane and come out into the waiting room."

Owen's conserve voice clearly echoed through the speaker. "Why? Damian is something going on. Kane is in the middle of seeing a patient, but I can come out."

Damian kept his eye's plastered on his mother, who stared back at him with anger, her nose scrunched with a sour expression. "My mother is standing right here. I don't think it would be wise of me to the left without the front desk being covered by someone." Owen fell silent, and Damian could feel the radiating rage flowing from the phone; he felt proud that he had a lover like Owen. Someone willing to stand up for him even when it came to his mother. Before Irene could reach over and snatch the phone from his hand, the door swung open for the back room. Standing in the doorway was Owen; his jade eye's held outrage, and his sienna skin rippled from his muscles as they bunched up. He strolled up, clearly trying his hard not to yell at them in front of their customers; his hands were clenched in a fist. "Let's take this outside before I call the cops for a disturbance."

Owen walked right up to Damian, grasping his hand, holding it tight. "You're not going to talk with him alone. This is going to be a fair fight understand." Irene didn't look taken aback by his actions, but the girl behind the two bodyguards scoffed. Damian released a sub-vocal growl, guessing that the girl was one of his older sisters. "Fine, but let's make this quick; I have a meeting to go to and don't have the time to talk with a feral stray and his pitiful owner for long." Irene turned on her heels and stomped out of the waiting door, her posse following close behind. And Damian couldn't stop the panic that was building in his throat.

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