Part 27

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Part 27 (Damian Pov)

Damian half lay onto the kitchen table. He was exhausted beyond belief after spending two hours accompanying Harley. However, Damian did have to admit that most of the time spent overheating in the scorching sun had been spent watching the passing bystanders walk down the sidewalk. Nevertheless, Harvey seemed captivated, submerged heavily into the historical literature novel he read. Hardly sparing any notice or possibility, merely not caring about Damian's lack of attention to the book on his lap.

Damian's already staggeringly appalling attention span seemed to dwindle after a few short chapters. He was completing nearly three lousily short chapters and his fictional romance book. However, Damian chose not to leave Harvey out on the porch, toasting by himself. He believed it was better to keep his fellow shifter company than to get to safety inside the fantastic apartment, away from the blistering sun that beamed and tore at his delicate skin. He already caught enough sun rays for the day while sunbathing in his cat form at the veterinary hospital. Now the overabundance of the sun had ultimately given him a burn.

Owen had returned from the veterinary clinic an hour into the reading lesson. He graced both shifters with a cool glass of ice water. Damien had downed his in a heartbeat; Harvey calmly sipped theirs, casually flipping through the pages of their novel. Giving no mind or care in the world that the sun was currently roasting them to death. Damian had joked about how they would be eating roasted hawk sooner or later. Harvey found it amusing and merely blocked Damian out for the rest of their session.

By the end, Harvey had given everyone an enthusiastic hug, waving their goodbyes awkwardly, carrying his heavy tombs in his hand. Unfortunately, almost immediately tripping down the stairs during the action. Now Damian simply sulked in the kitchen.

"I hope you appreciate the chicken parmesan I made for dinner tonight." Owen casually walked past Damian rustling his soft tousled hair with his calloused hands and paying no mind to the soaking shifter on the table while advancing towards the oven. "No complaints from me," Damian mumbled from his lips though they were pressed tightly onto the chilly surface of the table's wood.

"Well, that's good to hear. Wouldn't want to serve you something you don't want to eat."

"I'll eat anything you place in front of me."

Owen glanced over his shoulder, "You'll even eat the spinach I'm going to place on your plate." Damian recoiled, disgust clearly playing on his face. "Maybe not that, anything but that." Damian stuck out his tongue, scrunching up his nose. Owen laughed boisterously, plating the food for everyone.

Soon dinner was served, and Kane quietly joined, sitting a cross from Damian. They all ate in peaceful silence, enjoying one another's company over talking nonsense. However, Damian's pent-up frustration from earlier came creeping from deep within. A voice inside his head was telling him to trick Kane back. And Damian couldn't have agreed more.

After a few more minutes of sitting quietly and thinking, a plan formed within his head; Damian knew precisely what he would do to get revenge. Slowly Damian began rising his foot. Inching closer and closer, trying hard not to move his entire body in case Kane noticed him fidgeting. Finally, Damian's sock-covered foot made contact with Kane's clothed cock.

Kane slightly jumped in his seat, forcing his crotch into Damian's foot. Damian felt like grinning; however, he held it in. Making sure Owen doesn't notice, he wants to have fun with Kane before being found out. For a few halting moments, Damian keeps his foot snug against Kane. Only after making sure that Owen was none the wiser did he rhythmically began to grind. Massaging his foot against Kane's flaccid cock.

Kane's face twisted, biting his lip, attempting to hold in a groan. Damian loved feeling the cock harden underneath his foot. Bending the more prominent man to his will with a few grinds. Damien himself could feel the blood begin to build within his lower body. Lust began overtaking, completely burning out any frustration and anger built up from earlier. He relished watching Kane hiding his pleasure and action, only egging on the shifter more. Each time Damien pushed down a little more harder. Enjoying the way their two body parts seem to dance together and mend as one as if meant to be. Kane even pushed tiny thrusts upward, meeting Damian, creating a consistent movement.

"You know, this sexual stuff shouldn't be done at the kitchen table. Leave it in the security of the bedroom." Instantly both stopped, yielding in their pleasure. Owen was laxly staring, unimpressed. "Everyone has a hard day, but please get each other off where we aren't eating."

"He deserves this," Damian said coldly, glaring at Kane.

"How exactly did Kane gain getting off at the table as a prize?"

"This isn't a prize but a punishment for leaving me rock hard in the office."

Owen looked shocked by the confession and then turned in his seat. Owen tilted his head, facing Kane, "You left him hard in the office?"

Damian quickly bounced out of his seat, pointing accusingly, "He left me defenseless. Forcing me to will it away. A pervert could have waltzed in the office and done something." Kane didn't seem worried, leaning backward in his chair. "That imagination of yours is out of hand. There's no way someone could have sneaked back there and passed Nicole."

"Someone could have!" Damian shouted, tossing his arms dramatically into the air. "I could have been that pervert. I definitely would have gotten you off." Owen joked, winking playfully, "Why don't we finish inside the bedroom right now."

Damian's face flushed, and he instantaneously bolted towards the bedroom. Behind him, Damian heard Owen fling himself from his chair, giving chase. Kane also followed slowly behind. Damian could feel the fire burning inside, desire pumping through his veins.

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