Chapter 2

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Y/n's P.O.V.
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It is the day that I go to Hogwarts for my first year. I have be honest I'm extremely excited. I get to leave behind my exhausting family AND learn about being a wizard... Well other than the entire year's curriculum that my Father insisted I perfect before I go.


It was interesting and kind of fun the first time I read and annotated it but after that it got stale quick.

Back to today, I get up early and bath myself. Then go onto brushing my teeth and hair, and finally getting dressed. Obviously in something fancy because I'm a Merlin. Father insists that all Merlin's should be dressed in only the best of the best.

I walk downstairs and sit at the Dining Room table with a book to read while I wait for the House Elves to serve me.

After a few minutes the food is served and my family starts streaming into the room and taking their seats. Father sits at the head of the table with me at his right and Mother at his left, the twins sit next to me and Mother.

We all eat in silence until Kiara loudly exclaims, "Big brother aren't you so super excited to go to Hogwarts!? I bet you'll be a Slytherin just like Mother and Father. I hope I get to be in Draco's house when I go to Hogwarts next year." She trails off staring into the distance, lovesick for Draco.

"I would prefer to be in whatever house helps me succeed. And preferably a house where I do not have to see you chase after Draco all lovesick." I add, rolling my eyes at her.

"Y/n. You will not speak to a girl, especially your sister, like that. Also, you will be a disappointment to the Merlin family's name if you do not get into Slytherin. Beg with the Sorting Hat if need be. All heads of the Melin family have been Slytherins since Merlin himself, no son of mine will be the one to ruin that tradition." Father scrutinizes me, looking for any flaw to point out.

I fake nonchalance, hiding all emotions and imperfections easily and answer, "Of course Father. It was my mistake. I will not fail you."

He nods his head and Mother nervously looks between us both, before lowering her head and pretending we do not exist.

I hate her for ignoring the abuse being caused to me as much as I pity her for being the one married to this man.

We finish the breakfast in the same silence as before.

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The entire family went to Station 9 3/4 by floo powder.

I pull out my wand and cast a spell to make my cart with my belongings appear, "Accio cart."

Some worker comes and takes my cart, along with Frost in her cage, to be stored in the train.

Mother gives me a quick hug and kisses the top of my head, quietly telling me so Father does not hear her, "Do not listen to anything your Father says, just try to enjoy your time there and make memories with friends. I know you will do amazing no matter what house you get into, my wonderful Son."

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