Chapter 73

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not me proofreading like and correcting like 20 chapters from 2 to 4 am instead of writing this one but ive spent the past 3 days writing it so its practically done

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Y/n's P.O.V.
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Even in the faded lights that Mr.Moody has caused, I can tell who he is. Father has briefed me, through ranting about him, on his theatrics and his normal arrival etiquette. And his "satisfying" dismissal from the Ministry. Moody's frame is shown when lightning flashes, clutching his staff, clad in a long black traveling cloak, all grizzled gray hair, and scarred flesh. He limps forward on his wooden leg, that makes such a loud sound as he walks, no one could miss it. The electric blue eye in bedded in his skull scans the Hall warily.

He seems...uneasy. Perhaps being the center of attention is not Moody's area of expertise like Father said it is. Is his confidence just an act he puts on? If it has slipped past Father's prying eyes, then Moody must be a bloody good actor.

Moody's eye stops on me for a second, causing him to scowl and move past me. Well, I suppose Father annoys Moody, as much Moody annoys Father.

"Bloody hell. That's Madeye Moody." Ron states surprised.

Hermione looks at him and asks, with shock evident in her voice, "Alastor Moody? The Auror?"

"Auror?" Dean Thomas questions.

"Hah... Father would be fuming to see him here. Moody has quite the reputation in the Ministry. I would not say it's a good one though." I tell them, unbothered by Moody's presence.

Father says he's all bark and no bite. So I am fine with him being here. If he wants me to fear him, maybe he should pick up Father's belt and see who's better.

Ron gives me the cold shoulder and ignores me continuing his gossip, "Dark wizard catcher. Half the cells in Azkaban are filled thanks to him. Supposed to be mad as a hatter these days though. Sees Death Eaters as his dustbins."

Ouch. I guess I cannot blame Ron. I randomly show up engaged to his precious little sister, and then obviously flirt with some gorgeous girl in from of Ginny and him. I would be mad at me too if I were him. I still have not made up my mind whether or not to tell him Ginny and I's relationship is fake. I feel like the cons outweigh the pros in this situation. Maybe I will just act lovey with Ginny and try to only talk to Fleur like that away from him, along with others who would tell him. (HELP I JUST REALIZED THERES A THREE YEAR AGE GAP Y/N LOOKS OLDER THAN HE IS BUT GIRLS 17 AND HES 14 BC HIS BIRTHDAY IS IN JULY😔😔🙅 i already committed to it tho🙄)

I wrap my arm around Ginny's waist and pull her close, whispering in her ear, "Apologies, for earlier. I seem to have made Ron mad. Act like I just apologized to you about it. Seem mad but make show of forgiving me shortly after. He might forgive me as well. Sorry again for causing issues."

Ginny turns away from me with a huff. Pouting, before slowly calming down and putting her head on my shoulder. Mumbling at me gibberish, to seem like she's talking to me. I smile her thankfully and kiss her cheek. Ginny blushes and pushes my face away looking embarrassed. I laugh and discretely glance at Ron, seeing his face soften and his anger towards me fade. Winking at Ginny, I pull back and leave her to lean on me as Moody continues his dramatics.

Another bolt of lightning flashes. Looking annoyed, Moody points his wand to the ceiling and, casting a red jet of flames, calms the enchanted sky. Slowly the torches regain their bloom. Satisfied, Moody pockets his wand, brings out a flask, and tips it to his lips. He would get along with Father if he did not catch and imprison dark wizards, considering the fact that Father is most likely one.

"What's he drinking, d'you suppose?" Seamus wonders.

I chuckle and ask, "What else would you put in a flask, other than alcohol?"

Seamus looks away, cheeks pink from embarrassment at such an obvious thing. To be fair, maybe he's never seen a flask. I only know because my Father's an alcoholic, he probably has never seen an alcoholic if he does not know what goes in a flask.

Moody and Dumbledore exchange whispers and a handshake, then Moody takes the one remaining seat at the Tall Table, where all of the staff of the three schools and guests are sitting. The said staff eye Moody in mute disbelief.

"Barty, as you were saying..." Dumbledore urges Crouch to continue his speech.

Crouch blinks, turning back to the stunned students he reads to us off of a parchment, "After due consideration, the Ministry has concluded that, for their own safety, no student under the age of seventeen will be allowed to put forth their name for the Triwizard Tournament. The decision is final."

"What?!" Fred exclaims.

George protests as well, "That's rubbish!"

Other students make sounds of resentment at the rules.

Dumbledore, seemingly done with the disobedience, commands loudly, voice booming, "SILENCE!"

The result is absolute. Not a single sound is made.

"Thank you." Dumbledore says calmly.

Taking his wand, Dumbledore turns to the "casket" and gives it three taps. As the lid opens, he removes a wooden cup, dancing with blue-white flames.

Dumbledore proclaims, "The Goblet of Fire. Anybody wishing to submit themselves to the Tournament need only write their name upon a piece of parchment and drop it into the flames within the next twenty four hours. Do not do so lightly. If chosen, there is no turning back. As of this moment...the Triwizard Tournament has begun."

Well. Good thing I will not be able to compete. That sounds like more risk than reward.

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