Chapter 69

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Y/n's P.O.V.
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Father has been leaving every night and getting up to only leave immediately for work. He did not even make time to bring us to Platfrom 9 3/4. As we walk through the stone pillar into the train station, Kira and Christopher excitedly run onto the train.

I sigh and bring out our luggage, "Accio Cart."

Three carts of luggage appear in a puff of smoke, train workers immediately taking the luggage away, and onto the train. I walk onto the train, petting Nyx, as I look for any of my friends through the doors of compartments. I find Harry alone in one.

"Harry! I'm so thankful you got out of that Death Eater attack. How are you holding up, knowing that Voldemort is back fully? Hopefully it has not been too difficult." I fuss over him.

Harry gently pushes my hands away, his hands lingering on mine longer than one would deem appropriate for two male friends.

I pull down the blinds on the door, locking the door, and pull Harry into a tender hug. Now that I have accepted my crush on Harry, and that I am romantically attracted to a man, I feel more confident in these little moments we have. Neither of us speaking out loud the seriousness of our feelings, or the risk of us showing these affections in a semi public area. Harry came over a few times during the Summer, and eventually we ended up acting like touch starved lovers.

Harry pulls back and holds my face, his thumb caressing my cheek. A knock sends us flying apart, I straighten myself quickly, then unlock and open the door. Ron looks at me happily.

"Hey, mate! Great to see that the attack didn't hurt you Y/n." Ron states, moving past me into the compartment and patting my shoulder.

Hermione bustles in right after and sits down, pulling out the Daily Prophet and reading it immediately. I chuckle and close the door, then pull back up the blinds. Ron sits next to Harry, and I sit across form him casually.

I look at Ron and say unimpressed, "Ron, I am Merlin's direct descendant and a pure blooded wizard. Even if my friend group doesn't match their standards, I'm untouchable for the Death Eaters. Plus, my Father shares the same sentiments they do."

Hermione, as if suddenly processing this, asks Harry and I, eyebrow raised, "Oh, right. Why was the door locked and the blinds down?"

Harry blushes profusely, as I hide it better, red barely dusting my cheeks.

Harry stumbles over his words, then gives up on answering, "I-well...we- was..."

"That's for me to know, and you to not." I state, a mischievous smirk on my face.

Hermione studies us both closely, I shrug and pull out a book on Magical Beasts, and begin to read it. The train pulls out of the station and Ron, takes out the Daily Prophet, reading it. Most likely reading only the front story about the Death Eaters, just like Hermione is.

An old lady stops at our compartment, peaking in and asking, "Anything from the trolley, dears?"

Harry and Ron leap up, to get food. Hermione stays seated, as I get up at a leisurely pace to get myself snacks for the long train ride to Hogwarts.

"I'll have a pack if Droobles. And a Licorice Wand and..." Ron trails off as he digs through his pocket for money, frowning at the lack there of.

He then states disappointedly, "On second thought, just the Droobles."

"S'alright, I'll get it-" Harry starts.

Ron cuts him off as he firmly tells the lady, "Just the Droobles."

I can respect his rejection, one could feel like a burden or just embarrassment for relying on others for funds. Ron takes the gum, quickly ducking back into the compartment. I slide up next to Harry, placing my hand on his upper back, while I look at the options.

A sweet voice tells the lady, "One Pumpkin Pastie, please."

I look up and see a pretty dark haired girl standing by the cart. She meets Harry's eyes and smiles at him. Jealousy swirls in the pit of my stomach. The hand at my side, clenches into a fist. Taking her treat she walks off, Harry watching her as she leaves. I scoff and turn back into the compartment, my hunger leaving as envy and anger fill me.

As someone who has always gotten what I want, whether I worked hard for it or it has been handed to me. The feeling of something I want threatened of being taken, it doesn't sit well with me. But, if Harry wanted her instead of me...I know I would step aside, putting his happiness before mine. That, however, does not stop the disgust and unjust anger I feel for that girl.

Harry walks back in after a moment, I glance at him then scowl at the ground, feeling his gaze on me.

I look up when Hermione worries, "This is bad. Very bad..."

(god the script im reading off of is such bad resolution)

Hermione's dart across the Daily Prophet, I read it earlier this morning. The start of the segment speaks of the dark mark that was sent into the sky, showing that the attackers, are in fact Death Eaters and that Voldemort really is back. For some reason the mark looks eerily familiar to me, although I'm not sure where else I've seen it.

Hermione snaps the newspaper shut and looks at Harry, questioning him, "It's hurting again, isn't it? It was hurting that morning too. The day of the World Cup."

She's talking about his scar of course. I look at Harry, hurt and confused that he never told me. I suppose I was busy putting on a show of my fake love that morning, but he could've told me when we exchanged letters later on. First that girl and now this. I can't help but feel so confused at the all emotions going through me.

I go back to reading, trying to hide my upset expression on my face.

"I'm fine." Harry states, truthfully from what I can hear in his voice.

Harry sighs and says to him, "Suit yourself. But at least tell him. You know he'd want you to."

She's right. Black would want to know about this. Just as I would have and still do.

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