Chapter 83

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Y/n's P.O.V.
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It's about four o'clock by now I will be asking Ginny to the Ball at seven o'clock, so I have got a bit of time. I choose to stay in my Dormitory though, too many admirers watch me when I am out and about. As I am reading a book on Mermaids with Nyx, a loud knock comes at the door. I open it and see Ginny. Did she find out? It is supposed to be a surprise so the shock seems more genuine. Maybe Kiara cannot hold a secret as well as I thought she could.

"Ron wants to speak with you at the Black Lake." Ginny tells me with a sympathetic smile.

I nod and say, "Thank you, Ginny. I will go now."

Ginny leaves and I put away my book and walk out to the Black Lake. I hesitate slightly when I see that it's not just Ron, Hermione and Harry are there too. I think about turning around and going back to reading, but that is cowardly. I must face my fears head on.

I steel myself and perfect everything about myself, perfect posture, neutral expression, a mask over my emotions, and head held high. They look up and all get to their feet. Hermione looks at me happily, but in seeing my guarded nature, her smile falls.

"Well? I stopped my preparations for the second trial for this, what do you need of me?" I ask them expectantly, keeping my way of speech polite and detached, like I am drawing a line between us.

They flinch slightly and Harry's eyes glimmer with curiosity as he confirms his thoughts, "You figured out how to open your egg?"

"Yes. Which is why I wish to study on how to survive the next trial. Now, get on with whatever you called me here for. I must prepare to ask my girlfriend to the Ball." I state stalely.

Harry's face flickers with sadness. Hah. As if he even has a right to be sad over something like this, it is not his place to mourn something that he ruined.

Hermione speaks up finally, after looking frozen in shock, "We were wondering why you've been ignoring us. And why you didn't sit with us this morning."

"Hah! While you were all celebrating, I was writhing in agony and drowning in my own sorrows. My Father was there yesterday. He finally looked proud of me. And I- I had the nerve to love love that the man you abuses me, who has ruined me, finally had a hope of loving me. That moment was perfect...but Mother was not there. None of you were there! I tried looking and found not a single one of you watching and supporting me! And-And then when I had been slammed around by poisonous claws, none of my so called best friends even showed up to at least check up on me. I thought, maybe, maybe one of you would stop choosing a side and support both Harry and I. But in the end...I was alone. And to answer your question about this morning, I am hurt by you all and I saw that Neville has taken my spot. None of you need me anymore, none of you seem to care about me anymore. I will not stand to be thrown aside like some common loser. I am worth more than that." I rant, spilling my heart out to people who may not deserve it.

I pant from not taking a break while I yelled all of that. I do not notice I am crying until my vision completely blurs with tears. A heavy silence comes over us all. I calm myself down and wipe my eyes, composing myself again. Accessing them all, I can see that no apology or remorse will come from what they have done. I turn around and start to walk away, but arms wrapping around me stop me in my tracks. It's Hermione. I try to push her off and go but my arms are weak, no strength behind them.

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