Chapter 105

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Y/n's P.O.V.
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The room is full of peaceful silence as we all sleep. Suddenly, Harry yells at the top of his lungs. I jump out of my bed and rush over to him. He makes biting motions, snarling madly. Then a seizure takes him, his entire bed shaking with his thrashing. I freak out and run over every spell I know in my head, coming up with nothing that would help.

"What's wrong with him?" Neville asks me over Harry's noises of bloodlust and anguish, as he and Ron run over to Harry's side to stand with me.

Harry screams again and his eyes open...they're pure white, without pupils. He makes biting motions again, thrashing wildly.

I turn to Neville and order him urgently, "Go get McGonagall. NOW."

Neville runs of to find McGonagall, Ron and I waiting silently with Harry. Harry still struggles madly.

"Harry! HARRY!" Ron calls out to him in desperation.

I grit my teeth and tell Ron, "Just shut it! That's not helping him or us!"

Ron harshly glares at me, it's warranted and I know it. I look back at Harry and his eyes are back to normal again. He comes to himself, only to let out a shriek of burning agony. Clutching his scar, eyes crossed and unable to focus. He rolls off the bed in pain. I quickly slot my hand under his head so it does not hit the ground, removing it slowly a moment later. I grab Harry's and to let him squeeze it to ease the pain but he wails at my touch and pulls away like I had burned him. I feel helpless, I cannot do anything to help him. Hopefully, McGonagall can.

Neville returns with McGonagall a second later.

"Potter!" McGonagalls shouts to him in a panic.

She runs to him, thrusting her candle into Neville's hands. She falls to her knees next to Harry and tries to touch him, she gets the same reaction that I got. McGonagall backs off, and suddenly Harry begins to vomit all over the floor. Taking a step back, McGonagall draws her wand, looking uncertain with she will do with it in any case.

Then, as suddenly as it began, it stops. Harry slumps over, unmoving. I rush over to him but Ron holds me back, letting McGonagall go to Harry's side and roll him over. His eyes are closed.

McGonagall begs, "Wake up, Potter. Wake up. Please..."

Harry's eyes open and he sits up, looking frantic. Tears of relief begin to fall down my face.

"Mr.Weasley's been attacked!" Harry yells.

McGonagall asks Harry, confused, "You dreamed this?"

"No, I saw it happen! I...I was there..." Harry explains, trailing off probably puzzled on how he was there.

I glance at Ron, finding him to be very pale.

McGonagall questions Harry for reaffirmation, "You sure this happened, Potter?"

"Yes! We've got to do something or he will die!" Harry shouts.

McGonagall orders Harry, then Ron, "We're going to the Headmaster Potter... Weasley you'd best come too."

They leave the room and I go back into my bed, wiping my tears and snuggling in with Nyx. I toss and turn trying to fall back asleep, but am unable to shake the image of Harry howling and writhing in pain from my head. I silently begin to cry and pass out from exhaustion shortly after.

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