Chapter 94

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sorry that this chapter took a bit. i was taking a little break from writing since i need to recharge after every year that i finish in this book. also ive wrote this all in four months so im kind of burnt out lol. i dont really remember the plot past the fourth year so there might not be as much foreshadowing and things such as that sorry in advance.😭

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Y/n's P.O.V.
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The last two months have been good to me, I have picked up running again and working out to keep my body busy, while building up muscle. I'm fifteen now, but Sirius says I look like I'm seventeen, because of my height, physique, and sharper facial features. Now that I think about it, I have always looked older than I am, so I suppose this is not such of a bad thing.

Mrs.Weasley has been trying different potions and remedies to help with my nightmares, so far none have worked. But I am still happy that she is trying and that she cares.

The twins have been thriving here. They go out and play or hang out around in the area around the house- er better described as apartment. Thankfully, none of the press have recognized them and I make sure to wear sunglasses or a hat when I go out. We all wish for this place to remain unnoticed.

The only downside to living here, is that I have to travel back to my mansion to practice my spells for the coming school year. Along with practicing more dueling spells, I have a feeling with the Dark Lord back I will need to.

This Summer one more thing has been different, we have all been tasked with not contacting Harry all Summer. Thankfully, he will be here soon and we can talk to him again. Hermione, Ron, and I have missed him dearly. All week everyone, including myself, have been busy preparing the house and a room for Harry to stay in when he moves in tomorrow. This mass chaos has led all of us in the Merlin family to learn how to do house chores, or more accurately, how to use magic to help tidy up.

"Come now, dear! The meeting is about to start and Harry is almost here." Mrs.Weasley calls out to me from across the apartment.

I put away the broom I was using, and rush over to the dinner table. I smile at Hermione and Ron, waiting on the landing of the stairs for Harry to arrive. After a minute or two I hear a commotion downstairs, and Harry's head pops up from behind the half wall in front of the stairs.

"Harry!" Hermione exclaims, Harry's head snapping up to look at us.

He grins broadly and races up the steps to see us. I smile at his enthusiasm and breathily laugh. Hermione throws herself onto Harry in a large hug, giggling.

Ron scolds her, "Let him breathe, Hermione."

"Would not want to have all of those wizards protecting Harry come and take you away." I tease her.

Hermione wails, "Oh, Harry! We've missed you! Are you furious with us, I bet you are!"

"Hermione! I sure he's had a rough day. Let him say hello to us, and then we can show Harry to our Bedroom." I say, placing a hand on Hermione's shoulder.

Hermione lets go of Harry and takes a deep breath. I pull Harry in for a warm hug, and step back smiling at him.

I tell Harry, "It's wonderful to see that you're in one piece. I was above myself in worry that he would have gotten you by now."

I step back and Ron clasps his hand on Harry's shoulder and states, "Good to see you, mate."

"Come on, inside." Hermione insists.

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