Chapter 64

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Y/n's P.O.V.
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As Buckbeak feasts on a ferret, Harry, Hermione, and I duck behind a pile of pumpkins. Peering into the Hut, I see Hermione and Ron embrace awkwardly. It's somehow still hilarious. I grin, and turn to Hermione, only to find her analyzing the situation with considerable fascination. A smirk spreads across my lips and I raise my eyebrow at her. Caught she regards me defensively.

"What?" She harshly asks me.

I tell her in a singsong voice, "Oh, nothing. Nothing at all.~"

She pointedly looks between Harry and I, causing my face to fall and I clear my throat looking back through the window.

"Here they come. I better hurry." Harry states, I look back and see Father, Fudge, and Dumbledore approaching.

Fudge looks like a peasant beside those two regal and elegant looking men.

I stop Harry, telling him, "No! Fudge has to see that Buckbeak is still here. While they are watching Hagrid they will know that he didn't set him free. So Hagrid will be free from suspicion."

Harry nods, then looks toward the Hut. Inside, Hagrid is handing Scabbers to Ron.

Angrily Harry starts to rise and say, "That's Pettigrew-"

Hermione grabs him and speaks fiercely, "No, Harry! You can't!"

"Hermione, that's the man who betrayed my parents! You don't expect me to just sit here..." Harry states, frustrated.

Hermione explains to him, as she points inside Hagrid's Hut, "You must! Harry, you're in Hagrid's Hut right now. If you go bursting inside, you'll think you've hone mad. Awful things can happen when wizards meddle with time. We can't be seen."

Hermione turns, watches Fudge and the others drawing closer. She frowns, glances into the Hut.

"Fudge is coming and...we're not leaving...why aren't we leaving?" Hermione wonders.

Hermione pucks up a stone and chucks it through the window. I look at her confused but then remember, that is how we noticed Fudge was coming. Her rock hits a jar and it falls behind Harry and I, hitting the floor and shattering.

"Are you mad?" Harry looks at Hermione and asks her.

I pick up a rock, look Harry in the eyes, mischievously grinning at him, and chuck it at his past self's head.

He glares at me and complains, "That hurt."

Then glares harsher, when sees my past self laughing at his misfortune.

"Oops. My hand slipped." I obviously lie, smirking.

Fudge raps on Hagrid's front door.

"C'mon. Any minute now we're going to be coming out the back door." Hermione instructs.

We all run into the trees directly behind where their past selves are going to go. We settle there just in time to see Harry and Hermione, along with Ron, exit the back door and slip behind the pumpkin pile where, only seconds before, we were hiding. As Fudge appears at the window and picks his nose as before, Father and I walk out. I make a disgusted face at Fudge. How did I not see that before. Although, now I kind of wish I did not.

"Is really what my hair looks like from the back?" Hermione inquires, horrified.

Harry and I shush her. Just in time to see me win my silent battle against Father, and then a small smile comes onto my face.

Ron tilts his head at Father and I, and wonders out loud, "What just happened?"

Hermione ducks out of her past self's vision, as she turns around. Hermione accidentally stirs the branches, I peak out and see her past self staring curiously at the oddly dancing branches.

"Nothing, I just thought I saw... Never mind." She states, looking forward again.

We watch their past selves and Ron, start up the slope. Father and I are turned away from Buckbeak as we wait for the others to come out. Once the coast is clear, we slip out if the trees.

Hermione directs, "Now, Harry!"

As Harry vaults into the patch, the crows stir, cawing at his ankles, pecking at his feet. Now that I think about it as soon as the Executioner came, tons of crows surrounded Hagrid's Hut.

Harry starts to try and free Buckbeak quietly, pulling hard on his chains. Father goes to look behind him, but turns back my past self when I sigh slightly, regarding me with disappointment at having emotions, I suppose.

Harry finally tugs hard and breaks the chain. I pick up a ferret and dangle it for Buckbeak. We lead him away, when Fudge opens the back door. We're doomed. He stops suddenly as Dumbledore calls him back inside, Fudge turns around and goes back into Hagrid's Hut. We shoo Buckbeak along and disappear into the forest. We stop behind a few trees, hiding us from their fields of vision.

Fudge's voice rings out, sounding perplexed, "But...where is it? I just saw the beast not moments ago- Hagrid?"

I peak back and see Father looking absolutely livid. He looks around for me, and I must have run after Ron, Harry, and Hermione by now. I hide again when I see him scanning the trees.

"And my Son is suspiciously missing as well..." Father trails off, then begins again, "You put that Potter boy up to this didn't you? He must've persuaded my Son to help and tainted him. You will pay for bringing my Son into your schemes." Father threatens, his facade unraveling before my eyes, er, I guess ears.

I grin widely. If only I could see him falling apart.

Fudge pipes up, stopping the tension from rising, "Merlin, I saw your boy run off to his friends when we came out, you were watching him before that. I'm sure Potter hasn't...'tainted' him. Maybe the beast broke free."

Dumbledore steers the conversation away, stating with slight amusement, "How extraordinary!"

"Dumbledore. Someone has quite obviously released him. I would have heard the thing making noise while it escaped. No beast like that can be smart enough to break out and slip away silently. The thing is not as devious as Sirius Black." Father says, with disdain.

Harry glares ahead, at what Father said about Black...Sirius? I'll just keep calling him Black, even if they are all just calling him Sirius now.

Hagrid becomes desperate and quickly tries to cover for himself, "Professor, I swear! I didn't!"

"I'm quite sure the Minister isn't suggesting that you had anything to do with it, Hagrid. How could you? You've been with us all along. Dumbledore reassures him.

I can practically hear Father grinding his teeth in immense anger at losing, especially to Dumbledore and Hagrid.

Fudge offers, "We could search the grounds-"

Dumbledore cuts him off, "Search the skies if you must, Minister. In the meantime, I wouldn't say no to a cup of tea, Hagrid. Or...a large brandy." he then informs, most likely to the Executioner, "It seems your services will no longer be required."

I peak again and see the Executioner raise his axe and chop a pumpkin, crows scattering as he does.

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