Chapter 18

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Y/n's P.O.V.
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We all head back to our Dormitories, only leaving for dinner and waiting until night. I spend my time studying spells that might help us and practicing using my knife made out of black diamond, my Mother had gotten me it when I started being forced to run errands alone with Father. It has a holster that straps to your thigh, but I changed it so it could fit around my forearm and point downwards, whilst keeping the knife in it, for me to be able to brandish it easily.

Ron paces the room most of the time that we have spent waiting. So much so, that I am positive that he's worn down the flooring where he is pacing. On the other hand, Harry is not much better. He's just been sitting on his bed doing who knows what. But all I know, is that he has not moved fron there the whole time, not even to go and eat.

Once the time arrives we all meet up in the Common Room. We begin to creep past the fireplace when we all spot Trevor, who's croaking at us.

"Trevor!" Harry yells quietly.

Ron grimaces as the toad croaks again, shushing it, "Trevor shh! Go you shouldn't be here!"

Like some kind of badass superhero Neville walks out of the darkness stating, "Neither should you. You're sneaking out again, aren't you?"

That was so smooth. Honestly, this is the first time I have seen him act like a true Gryffindor. I would be proud of him, if we were not in such a hurry to stop Snape.

"Now, Neville. I'm sure we can work this out in a diplomatic and fair way-" I get cut off.

Neville shouts, "No! I won't let you! You'll get Gryffindor in trouble again! I-I'll fight you!"

He holds out his fists and I deadpan at him. Did he forget that he has a wand and is a wizard. We do not have to fight like some scummy Muggles do. This is not some 80's movie.

"Neville, I'm really, really sorry about this." Hermione apologizes then takes out her wand and casts, "Petrificus Totalus."

Neville stills and falls over onto the ground. The rest of the group exchange words, while I quickly drag him to a couch and lay him on it. We all race out if the Common Room and put on Harry's Invisibility Cloak. Which with four children underneath it, is just as cramped as you would expect it to be.

Hermione and Ron proving that, "Ow! You stepped on my foot!"

Ron quickly apologizes, "Sorry."

We reach the door and I take out my wand, pointing it at the lock and cast, "Alohomora."

Quickly our group walks into the room, closing the door behind us, and letting the cloak fall. I stuff it into my robe so we do not forget it here and lose it.

"Wait a minute...he's...sleeping." Ron states.

Harry rushes out, "Snape's already been here. He's put a spell on the harp."

We all approach Fluffy.

"Uh. It's got horrible breath!" Ron complains.

Harry tells us, "We've hot to move his paw."

"What?!" Yells Ron.

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