Chapter 34

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Y/n's P.O.V.
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Ron left saying he wanted to check on Ginny and Harry and I went to go see Hermione together. Hermione looks over the book, thinking over everything we told her.

"So you checked if it was invisible ink, Y/n?" She asks me, looking up from the book to meet my eyes.

I nod and reply, "Yes. I cannot tell what else it could be."

Maybe you have to hold the pages over a candlelight? But that would burn the rest of the book so most likely not. It only being seen under the Sun or Moon would be something to check. We already were reading it in sunlight so maybe moonlight? None of those hypotheses made much sense or were really plausible. Guess we'll just have to wait and figure it out as we inevitably get pulled into whatever is happening in the Chamber of Secrets.

"Tom Riddle... Hm. And Ron said he won an award fifty years ago?" Hermione inquires.

Harry answers, "Special Services to the School or something-"

She cuts him off, "Fifty years ago are you sure?"

Wait... No, she can't possibly mean someone who won such an award would be so hateful and stupid as to do such a thing. Although, it would make sense on why Father knows him if it's true.

"Yes. Why?" Harry says to her curiously.

She informs him, "Don't you remember what Malfoy told you? The last time the Chamber of Secrets opened was-"

"Fifty years ago. My Father mentioning his name makes sense now. He is cold blooded Muggle born killer. He opened the Chamber of Secrets and unleashed whatever monster lives in there." I finish.

Hermione looks at me determined and states, "Tom Riddle was here, at Hogwarts, when it happened. What if he wrote about what he saw? It's possible he knew where the Chamber was, how to open it, even what sort of creature lives in it. If so, whoever's behind the attacks this time wouldn't want a diary like this lying around, would they?"

"Ron might be right then. If what your insinuating is correct Hermione, whoever keeps this diary will be in immense danger. Please be careful with it and with who you let see the diary as well, Harry." I warn him.

He looks between us and hopefully asks, "You don't think I'm dangerous, do you, Hermione, Y/n? I mean you're not scared. Of me."

I swear I can feel my heart breaking for this poor boy.

"I'm scared, Harry. But not of you." Hermione tells him.

We leave and I drag him to an empty hallway.

"You are not to blame for any of this. I could never be scared of you, or all of the crazy things that happen when we are together. All of it is cherished in my mind. You are cherished in my mind, Harry. Don't doubt that any of us will turn our backs on you. We are all here to stay." I reassure Harry.

I smile at him comfortingly, before I notice how I said too much. I see that I am still holding his hand and quickly let go if it. Clearing my throat, I back away a little. We were much too close. His smile falters a little, but I can tell Harry is feeling much better about himself now.

"I...I should get going now. I promised Adelaide I would teach her a new fascinating spell I learned. You- you could come, if you want to." I tell him

I turn away in shame. For what reason, I am not sure. He looks down seeming upset.

"No. I wouldn't want to ruin your time alone together. Hope you two have fun." He says with a defeated look in his eyes.

Harry turns and walks off. I reach my hand out to him, but stop short and let in fall. Somehow, I feel like I messed up. But, Adelaide is waiting on me so I walk off to the Courtyard to teach that new spell.

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"Hello, Y/n! I was wondering if you maybe thought I wasn't good enough for this spell of yours." Adelaide teases me.

I tsk and state, "Patience is a virtue. Maybe you should learn, Adelaide."

I grin jokingly at her. We both start laughing before I begin teaching her.

Once she finally learns it, we sit underneath a tree next to each other. I take out a book and start reading as she leans her head on my shoulder and reads along with me. We lose track of time and before long it's dark out.

"I suppose we ought to go back to our dormitories. I apologize for you having to go to bed without dinner." I say to her.

She smiles softly and tells me, "It's quite alright. I sometimes have to do this at home. With how poor my family is we can't afford food sometimes."

I sigh and caress her cheek, whispering, "I'll try to help with that. Goodnight, Adelaide."

Feeling disgust coil in my stomach from doing that, I quickly gather my things and walk out. None of that felt real but acting is something that you get good at when you live as a celebrity in the wizarding world, especially with Father watching my every move to correct me. I wish to help her out financially to ease the guilt I feel for not loving her like she loves me. I cherish her as one of my closest friends and I fear breaking this mirage will ruin our friendship. Any attraction I had for her when we first met is not there anymore and it all feels so wrong. I'm not sure where, but somewhere along the line she became less attractive and more like a good friend to me.

I rush into my room and see Harry shaking Ron like a madman, telling him how Hagrid was the last person who opened the Chamber of Secrets. I should make it known that I am here as well. His intense tone of his voice scares me.

"What in Merlin's name are you going on about, Harry?" I question him.

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