Chapter 107

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ugh im so bad at writing romance. so, sorry ahead of time also im watching barbie movies as i write this, i found a place to watch them for free😜

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Y/n's P.O.V.
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Ron, Hermione, Harry, and I sit in the Library, huddled around a table as Harry explains what he saw at his Occulumency lessons with Snape. I already learned Occulumency when I was young, Father would terrorize me every waking and sleeping moment in my head until I learned how. He said it was how he learned, so it is how I had to learn.

Back to Harry, he ended up revisiting a dream of his that was connected to Voldemort, of a corridor to the Department of Mysteries at the Ministry.

"So you're saying this weapon You Know Who is after is in the Department of Mysteries?" Ron asks Harry, seeing if he understands what Harry is insinuating.

Harry confidently confirms, "It's got to be."

"That's got to be what Surgis Podmore was doing in the Ministry when he was arrested." Hermione hypothesizes.

Ron then inquires, "But why the Department of Mysteries?"

"It must be something the Ministry is developing, something top secret. Hence the usage of the Department of Mysteries. It makes perfect sense if you think it through." I explain, Hermione smiling at me.

Harry nods in agreement with my statement. Hermione picks up a copy of the Daily Prophet, from the table we're sitting at.

Hermione informs us, "Look at this. There's been an escape form Azkaban."

"Bloody hell!" Exclaims Ron.

Harry stares at the front page and states, "They're all Death Eaters!"

"Yes." Hermione concurs, as she nods fearfully.

Harry grits his teeth and says with venom, "Voldemort."

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I stand in front of the bathroom mirror, inspecting my outfit. It's more casual than normal, since my everyday clothing is what Ron calls "stuffy". The outfit fits me perfectly and is exactly my style. I smooth out my clothing and say a quick goodbye to Nyx as I venture out to Hogsmeade for my...for my date with Harry.

I nervously play with my wand in my pocket as I walk, making it to Hogsmeade and searching for Harry in the crowd.

I quickly find him go up behind him, covering his eyes and asking, "Guess who?"

"Y/n!" Harry happily shouts, as he turns around and hugs me.

I chuckle and hug him back, kissing his cheek and saying, "We can do whatever you would like today. I want you to have fun."

I pull back from the hug and interlock our hands.

Harry smiles at me and I notice Hermione watching us with a smirk.

"Have fun, you two. Meet me in The Three Broomsticks after, Harry. There's something you need to do." Hermione states.

Harry nods to Hermione and she walks off.

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