Chapter 28

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Y/n's P.O.V.
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I am sitting in Hagrid's Hut with Frost in my arms. She's taken to an extremely bad illness. I was going to wait until after classes to try and find someone to help her, but she ended up collapsing in her cage while I was getting ready this morning. She's quivering in my arms and breathing very heavily. I'm sure this is not good sign for any type of living being. My first thought was maybe she's pregnant, but she attacks any owl that comes near her. So that is not an option. Only other option is that she is very sick.

Hagrid lightly picks her up from my arms and starts examining Frost. I take out the textbook for the class I am missing. I read through the notes I took and the text for the lesson I should be missing, transfiguring an animal into a goblet. Hagrid stops his muttering and goes scarily silent. I look over and see that Frost has stopped breathing...

"No... What happened Hagrid?! What was wrong with her to cause this?..." I beg him for anything to make sense of her sudden illness then death.

Hagrid kneels down and hugs me, I try to stay strong like a true Merlin. But I crumble, and start to sob. Embarrassingly I sobbed into Hagrid. After a few minutes, I calm down and push away from Hagrid, blushing in shame and embarrassment. I quietly and swiftly wipe my eyes, then straighten my my school uniform.

Hagrid looks at me with sorrow and tells me, "She died from the West Nile Virus. It's carried from mosquitoes, then transfers teh birds when bitten. The virus isn' well known and there's barely any information on it."

"Oh... Could you help me bury her here at Hogwarts?" I ask him quietly.

Hagrid gives a strained, sad smile and states, "We can bury 'er behind me Hut."

And that is what I spent my morning doing.

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I walk numbly with Harry, Hermione, and Ron that night. They catch me up to speed on how the only the Heir of Slytherin can open the Chamber of Secrets, since Salazar Slytherin built it to kill all wizards but pure bloods. They all agree that Draco is the only one who would most definitely be the Heir. Whatever horrible monster the Chamber is hiding, it will most likely wipe out all Muggle born and half blood magic users. We must stop Malfoy. Crabbe and Goyle are the key to finding out more.

That's all I was told, but I would think it is not Malfoy. It is never the person we expect it to be, last year the situation with Professor Snape proved that.

We end up at the the library after some walking. Hermione pulls us all into a dark nook and takes out a book about dangerous potions, called Moste Potente Potions. By the way that title is horrible, why just add an e to the end of those words, pretty worthless I think. She opens to a page with disturbing looking illustrations on it.

"Here it is,

'The Polyjuice Potion. Properly brewed, the Polyjuice Potion allows the drinker to transform himself temporarily into the form of another'..." Hermione reads to us.

"You mean, Harry and I drink some of this stuff and we turn into Crabbe and Goyle?" Ron asks her.

Hermione nods and replies, "Yes."

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