Chapter 125

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so...i reread and edited every single chapter in this book multiple times over and changed a few details as well as adding some a week ago. reread the book if u want to know the new stuff, its not required to reread it to understand anything thus forth tho.

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Y/n's P.O.V.
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Walking into the Kitchen in the Burrow, I fix my tie using my right hand. The suit I am wearing currently is a three piece, might as well go all out for the only wedding I have ever been to.

It is a tad bit strange to have a wedding in the middle of what I would as describe as a small war. But, it is also just what everyone needs, something good in the sea of bad. Plus, Fluer and Bill might as well get married now just in case either of them do make it through this war.

I ghost my hand over the stump on my left wrist. The bandages on it are gone, the place where my hand connected to my wrist completely healed over, scar tissue covering the area. Thankfully, I was able to heal quickly with the help of spells and potions. I also found someone who can make me a functioning mechanical prosthetic, it should move with how my brain commands it to, if the magic works correctly. Sadly, the prosthetic will take some time to create and perfect. So I will be one handed for a while.

I rub at my tired eyes with my thumb and my fore fingers, the dark bags under them only becoming more noticeable with every day. Sleep is a luxury I seem to not be able to afford these days. The faces of the Death Eaters I have murdered still plague my mind every time I close my eyes. They all had someone out there waiting for them. Friends, family, lovers... Most would probably say that they deserve it, that karma had just caught up with them. And I would have to agree. I just wish that their karma was not instilled by my hands, that their lives were not ended by my doing.

i'm A loud meow snaps me out of my revere. I glance down and soft smile spreads across my lips.

"Hello, Nyx. How is my beautiful daughter on this fine day?" I sweetly ask her.

Nyx chirps happily, causing me to chuckle. She rubs against my legs, purring cheerfully.

I go to reach down, but falter and use my right arm instead. Having one hand is hard to get used to. Not to mention the fact that my brain tricks me with phantom feelings of still having a hand. It is not only hard for me, but for everyone else to also remember.

Nyx does not seem to care about my lack of a second hand, greedy little cat never gets enough attention with just my right hand and rubs against my nub for more pets. She acts as though I do not dedicate a great deal of time to give her my affection every day.

Harry walks into the kitchen and looks at me happily, before grimacing when he sees my left arm. I smile softly at him. Harry's taken to directing all the blame for my amputation at himself.

"How are you doing, my love? Are you excited for the wedding?" I question Harry, striding up to him.

I put my hand on his cheek and stroke it with my thumb. He leans into my touch and sighs.

Harry tells me, "I wish I was. I just want to go and destroy the rest of the Horcruxes."

I sigh and kiss his forehead, connecting both of ours together.

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