Chapter 121

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basically replacing ginny with y/n for the romantic parts and i have no inexperienced with writing intimate scenes. hope my extensive smut reading comes in clutch.🤞😣

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Y/n's P.O.V.
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Hermione, Ron, Harry, and I sit in the Gryffindor Common Room. Harry is just back from following Malfoy through his Vanishing Mirror, he found Draco crying. Scared of being caught, Draco drew his wand tried to cast Crucio, and Harry stopped him by using a spell from the Half Blood Prince's Book . It caused multiple gashes to appear all over Draco's body. Thankfully, Snape was there to chant an incantation that sealed Draco's wounds.

Harry sits there numbly, the Half Blood Prince's Book lying limp in his hand. The book must go. I suddenly rise, and step up to Harry.

"You must rid yourself of this book. Now." I command him.

Harry, book in hand, follows me past empty birdcages and down the corridor. I pause and take Harry's hand, closing my eyes. We walk through the wall and end up in the Room of Requirement. Christopher and Ginny showed me the updated version earlier in the year. Said I could use it whenever I wanted to sneak off with Harry. I do not use it since they already use it as a private place to make out. That would be most awkward if I caught them, doing the same thing I was planning on doing. Plus...Harry and I are not that far yet. He's always much too preoccupied to do anything with.

"The Room of Requirement..." Harry says in wonder.

I nod and lead Harry further through the shelves full of piles of discarded items. Harry eyes the odd items filling the shelves.

I explain to Harry, "Ginny and Christopher showed me this place. She told me that over the years people would take things that they no longer wanted or secrets they needed to hide, and place them here. Some items are as old as the Castle itself. Fascinating, is it not?"

Harry nods and we hear a shuffling sound nearby.

We both turn and look over in the direction of the sound, asking in unison, "What was that?"

I turn and look back at Harry, seeing that he does the same. I smile at Harry, amused at the coincidence of us saying the same thing.

Harry and I approach the place that the scuffling sound is coming from. Harry reaches out and pulls aside a tapestry, revealing a cabinet. The doors of the cabinet vibrate. Slowly he opens it and...a black bird flies free in a rush of flapping wings.

I breathe a sigh of relief, today has been shocking enough just with Harry's encounter with Draco, I do not need more excitement.

"You really never can know just what you will find in here." I say.

Harry nods, staring at the cabinet mystified.

"All right. You must close your eyes so you shall not be tempted." I instruct Harry.

I slip the book from Harry's fingers and he follows my orders, closing his eyes. I place the book in a small nook hidden behind other books, a place where I am sure Harry will never find it. Not that I believe that he would try, but just in case.

I return back in front of Harry and whisper to him, "I suppose it is about time I use this place as Ginny told me I could."

(warning: literally just a makeout sesh. skip to the line if u do not wish to read it)

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