Chapter 53

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Y/n's P.O.V.
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After what feels like ages of waiting, I finally get to go on the Hogsmeade Village trip. I'm so glad that I smoothed everything over with Ron, Hermione, and Harry. I could never go in this trip alone... Well, I guess Harry isn't going, but I'm still happy that we're still friends... Maybe?? I'm not sure. With my new acceptance that I have a crush on Harry, talking with him has gotten more awkward for me. I try my hardest not to blush, but from the looks Hermione keeps giving me, I can tell I'm failing at that.

I do not know how to romantically like someone, hell, the only people I love are the twins and Mother. How do I navigate that for a crush, even worse, for a guy. Being homosexual is not hated, but it is not fully accepted either, not to mention almost every pureblood family finding marriage for love weak. This just adds a whole other layer of stress and confusion to my messy life.

We spend our time at Hogmeade, making sure we got to go to every shop and attraction there. Once we get back, I am practically ready to collapse in exhaustion.

The entire Great Hall is buzzing with students telling their tales about their trip. Everyone swapping and showing off souvenirs. I walk over to the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall, with Nyx sleeping on my shoulders, and sit down in my normal spot next to Hermione. I quickly get myself food, and start to eat in hopes that my heart will stop fluttering, after seeing Harry. Hermione elbows me in the side and I turn ny head swiftly, to glare at her. Nyx startles and glares at her in sync with me. Hermione gives me a pointed look, and I swallow my food, paying attention to the conversation. I give her a face, that shows my annoyance for her making me contribute to the discussion.

Satisfied with my attention, Hermione continues her story, "And the Post Office! It's got about two hundred owls, all sitting on color coded shelves, depending on fast you want your letter to go!"

"That is what was most exciting to you? I found the Shrieking Shack the most fun. Ron wouldn't stop screaming." I state laughing.

Ron glares at me, cheeks red in embarrassment.

He quickly brushes it off, to tell us his favorite part, "And Honeyduke's is brilliant! Sugar Quills, Flaming Whizbees- and blood flavored lollipops for Halloween!"

I over exaggerate gagging at the thought of lollipops that taste like blood. We all laugh, but Harry just nods and picks through the spray of brilliantly colored sweets that we got at Hogsmeade Village, sitting on the table.

I quickly back peddle and so does Hermione adding on, "But, I mean, after awhile, it got a bit boring. Don't you think, Y/n, Ron?"

"Oh, yeah... Way less fun without us all together." I state honestly, picking up a piece of candy and eating it.

Ron lies along with Hermione, laying it on way too thick, making it obvious we are just trying to make Harry feel better, "Yeah. Dead depressing. Hang on. I almost forgot. I got something wicked at Dervish and Banges. It's a pocket Sneakoscope."

Ron places a small glass spinning top on the table.

"If there's someone untrustworthy around it, it's meant to light up and spin. Mind you, Fred and George say it's rubbish, sold for wizard tourists, but I thought, you know, it can't hurt, given that..." Ron trails off, not saying anything, but we all know who and what, he's talking about.

Harry speaks it out loud, "Sirius Black's trying to kill me."

I can see Professor Lupin pass us out of the corner of my eye and stop in shock, then quickly walk out of the Great Hall. I wonder what that's all about.

Harry looks up at us and grins, saying, "I'm glad you had a good time. Really. And thanks for this. Rubbish or not, you're right. It can't hurt."

With that, Harry pops a Pepper Imp into his mouth. Why did we even buy those?

"Oh, careful of those, they'll make your..." Ron tries to warn, but is too late.

On cue, smoke curls out of Harry's ears and nose.

Ron defeatedly says, "Never mind."

We all decide to head back to our dorms shortly after that, gathering our candy and making our way to the entrance of the Gryffindor Common Rooms. When we get to the portrait of the Fat Lady, there's a huge crowd in front of it. I raise my eyebrow confused at the crowd, we walk up to the crowd and stop.

"What's the hold up? Only Neville ever forgets the password." Ron asks, confused.

Percy shoves past everyone, trying to reach the front, demanding, "Let me through, please. Excuse me, thank you, I'm Head Boy..." He suddenly stops dead in his track, and orders urgently, "Back! All of you! No one is to enter these Dormitories until they have been fully searched!"

Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I all exchange dark glances. It must have been Black. Then, Kiara and Ginny emerge from the crowd, faces ashen.

"Y/n! The Fat Lady, she's gone!" Kiara exclaims, distressed.

Ron just brushes it off, stating casually, "Probably stuffing her face with apples in that still life on the Second Floor again."

"No. You don't understand-" Ginny tries to explain, but Hermione's gasp cuts her off.

She grabs my arm, and I look to the portrait, seeing it has been slashed viciously, great strips of the canvas hanging from the frame.

Just then, Dumbledore appears, ordering Mr.Filch, "Mr.Filch. Round up the ghosts. Tell them to search every painting in the Castle for the Fat Lady."

Suddenly, a woman screams from above us, I look up to a painting near the ceiling and the Fat Lady is in it, trembling. All the students dash to the landing, where all the paintings whisper fearfully

"There'll be no need for ghosts, Professor..." Filch extends a crooked finger, pointing to where the Fat Lady cowers.

Dumbledore asks her, comfortingly, "Dear lady. Who did this to you?"

In a trance she tells us what we were all dreading to hear, "Eyes like a devil he's got. And a soul as dark as his name. It was him, Headmaster. The one they talk about. He's here. Somewhere in the Castle. Sirius Black."

I grasp my wand in my pocket and scan around us, my eyes tricking me into thinking every shadow around us is him.

The students all react in fear and fright, Dumbledore's voice cuts through, "Secure the Castle, Mr.Filch. The rest of the Great Hall."

Well this will make for a scary Halloween season.

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