Chapter 35

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pls comment if there are any mistakes or capitalization errors. ive been going through and fixing a few things and i would love to fix any if i have missed them thx.

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Y/n's P.O.V.
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The next morning, Harry explains himself to Hermione at breakfast and we all walk around the grounds discussing what to do next.

While we walk there Hermione tells Harry, "It can't be Hagrid. It just can't be."

"We don't even know this Riddle. He sounds like a dirty, rotten snitch to me." Ron grumbles.

I sigh, looking up at the clouds as I say, "I just hope for Hagrid's sake that he has not done such a horrid thing. I cannot imagine that he has after the afternoons that I have spent talking and learning about animals with him this year. Nyx bonding with Fang helped out our friendship as well."

""I hope so too, but the monster had killed someone. What would any of us done?" Harry replies seeming just as torn up about this.

Hermione tells him, "Look. Hagrid's our friend. Why don't we just go ask him about it?"

In theory that sounds smart but I an sure it will get all muddied up and end up hurting people's, mostly Hagrid's, feelings.

Ron scoffs and states, "That'd be a cheerful visit. Hullo, Hagrid. Tell us, have you been setting anything mad and hairy loose in the castle lately?"

"Mad an' hairy? Wouldn' be talkin' 'bou me, now would yeh?"A sudden familiar voice chimes in from behind us.

I whip around and Hagrid is standing with a cheerful and carefree grin on his face. Oh, bloody bullocks. This is going to be a difficult conversation. Nyx meows happily at Hagrid's appearance form where lays across my shoulders.

Everyone but me shouts, "No!"

I just sigh and look away guilt stricken. Hagrid is obviously confused by their strange behavior, and being the man he is, it is easy to tell how he feels since one look at his expression can show it all.

Deciding to quickly change the subject, Harry nods to the strange canister in Hagrid's hand, asking, "What's that you've got, Hagrid?"

"Flesh-Eatin' Slug Repellent. Fer the Mandrakes, yeh know. Accordin' ter Professor Sprout, they still got a bit o' growin' up ter do, but once their acne clears up, we'll be able to chop 'em up, stew 'em, an' get those people in the Infirmary un-petrified. 'Til then, you three best watch yerselves, all righ'?" Hagrid informs us.

We all nod and watch Hagrid lope away. Just then, Neville comes running up to us, look very pale and frightened.

He frantically tells Harry, "Harry, I don't know who did it,'d better come."

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Harry opens our dorm rooms door, revealing his trunk and drawers open and all of his belongings scattered everywhere around the his space. Only a Gryffindor could have done this and it sure does not seem to be on brand for the Weasley twin's pranks. I place down Nyx and she runs off, playing with a toy I bought her awhile back.

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