Chapter 14

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Y/n's P.O.V.
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When Hermione and I return to Hogwarts, we are furious when we find out Harry and Ron spent the whole of winter break staring at the Mirror of Erised. Time passes and it's now nearing final exam time. We still have not found out who Nicholas Flamel is much to the whole group's disappointment.

I am studying my textbook for Transfigurations beside Ron and Harry playing cards. It seems like all they do is fool around these days.

Hermione stomps up to them and scolds, "Look at you playing with your cards. Pathetic! We've got final exams coming up soon. Y/n's the only one with the right idea here. You should both be studying!"

Ron grins smugly and challenges, "I'm ready! Ask me any question."

Hermione crosses her arms and says back with a stern look, "All right, what are the three most crucial ingredients in a Forgetfulness Potion?"

Ron's grin falls.

"...I forgot." He states.

I facepalm at this boy's stupidity.

Hermione is not impressed either, as she asks Ron, "And what, may I ask, do you plan to do if this comes up on the final exam?"

Ron shrugs and replies with a smirk, "Copy off you?"

"No, you won't! Besides, according to Professor McGonagall, were to be given special quills bewitched with an anti-cheating spell." She informs him.

Ron looks betrayed exclaiming, "That's insulting! It's as if they don't trust us!"

He flips a card and groans out, "Dumbledore again!"

Neville comes hopping into the Great Hall with his legs stuck together, other students laugh at his misfortune.

"Leg-Locker Curse?" Ron asks.

Neville just says, "Malfoy"

Suddenly the whole situation makes sense.

Ron shakes his head and states, "You have got to start standing up to people, Neville."

"How? I can barely stand at all!" He responds exasperated.

Seamus jumps up and offers hopefully, "I'll do the Counter Curse!"

"No, last thing I need is for you to set my bloody kneecaps on fire!" Neville yells out.

Seamus slams his wand down onto the table and responds angrily, "I don't appreciate the insinuation, Longbottom. Besides, if anyone cares to notice, my eyebrows have completely grown back!"

I stifle a laugh as he turns around and leaves, showing a bald spot in the back of his head, most likely made by blowing something up.

Harry randomly calls out, "I found him!"

Ron leans over and reads the card, "
'Dumbledore is particularly famous for his defeat of the dark wizard, Grindelwald in
1945-' "

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