Chapter 80

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Y/n's P.O.V.
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I sit next to Ron in the Library, ignoring the gaggle of girls eyeing me with feral hunger on their faces. My gut coils in disgust at such obvious ogling, the least they can do is hide it. I have gained a big following lately. Since I'm a Merlin I already had a small one, but now that I am competing in the Triwizard Tournament, the amount of admirers of me have increased exponentially. I cannot do a single thing without being followed, the constant stares have always been fine with me.

Nyx paws at my face for attention from her place across my shoulders. I sigh lightly, and pet her as I read up on a freezing charm, Glacius. If I practice enough, I should be able to freeze the water particles in the air to create ice shields, as well as freeze the Dragon's mouth or body for about a few seconds. Any extra amount of time for me to brainstorm a way to kill, or at least incompasitate the Dragon, is crucial.

Another spell that might save me my life is Bewitched Sleep, yes that's the actual spell, surprisingly. The charm freezes the victim in time, not allowing them to even breathe, or age as they stay stuck until the wizard or witch who cast the spell releases them. But to preform such an advanced spell will be difficult, especially on such a powerful and large beast such as a Dragon. It will take great amounts of discipline and strength.

Shutting and placing the book I am reading back on it's shelf, I head off to the Training Grounds to practice the spells I need. My entourage unfortunately following me. I stop at the dummies that are set up in the Training Grounds, taking out my wand and getting into proper posture for dueling.

Hours pass as I spend today practicing the Glacius spell. Quickly getting control over the spell, gaining the ability to cast it will ease and on great scales. Studying so diligently over Summers made me a quick learner for spells. I put away my wand when I get a sudden wave of exhaustion. I sway in place slightly, but quickly gain my balance back. Swiftly going back to my Dormitory, and passing out as soon as I lay down.

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My next three days are spent perfecting the Bewitched Sleep spell, rapidly moving up in size of creatures I cast the spell on. I'm fairly confident that the charm has a good chance of working.

Currently, I am standing in a tent with the rest of the Champions, instilling myself with confidence for the oncoming fight with a Dragon. I hear the tent flap open, turning to see Ginny, Christopher, and Kiara. But what makes my face light up, is the black mass of fur in Kiara's arms.

"Nyx!" I shout and take her, holding my precious baby close.

Nyx purrs loudly rubbing her head against my face. I feel my anxiety lowering exponentially and the chaos in my mind clearing.

"Hmph. Not even a hello, or a thank you for bringing your dumb cat." Kiara complains, pouting.

As Ginny laughs at Kiara's statement, I catch Christopher looking at Ginny, red dusted across his cheeks. No way. This makes my plans to get them together so much easier. All I have to do is give Christopher the confidence to ask Ginny out, since his growing love for her is obvious. At this point my side to Ginny and I's agreement will be fulfilled with no trouble, and I can focus on winning or at least surviving the Triwizard Tournament.

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