Chapter 31

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i just got over a rlly bad cold and now i have an extremely painful stomach bug. how is my immune system so bad😭😭

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Y/n's P.O.V.
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About two weeks later, more Muggle borns have been paralyzed. But the school continues and everyone has to act as if friends, family, or worse themselves, will not be paralyzed at any moment.

Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I are doing just that. We walk through the courtyard as people leave with their trunks towards the trains to go back home for the holidays, boots crunching in the snow. We all are staying at Hogwarts this year. Students keep casting wary glances at us, and will continue to as long as Harry is with us.

Fred decides to poke fun at such an...unfunny and terrible thing, "Make way for the Heir if Slytherin! Seriously evil wizard coming through!"

I glare at him and he pretends not to notice. His laughter is only fueled by Ron's amused grin. Harry looks down upset at this, I put a gentle hand on his shoulder. He gives me a small thankful smile.

Ron notices Harry dismay and comments, "Oh, c'mon, Harry. Fred's just having a laugh."

"And yet jokes are supposed to be funny to people. Does the butt of the joke seem to be laughing, Ron?" I ask him, annoyed at his lack of empathy.

Ron rolls his eyes and tries encourage Harry, "Okay, so half the thinks you're nipping off to the Chamber of Secrets every night. Who cares?"

I scoff and reply, "Obviously Harry."

"Maybe they're right." Harry states woefully.

Hermione exclaims, reproachfully, "Harry!"

Seemingly very frustrated with himself Harry explains, "I didn't know I could speak Parseltongue. What else don't I know about myself? Maybe you can do something...even something horrible...and not know you did it."

I mean he is not wrong. Your brain can block out any memories it deems traumatic. It is how most people with a horrible background and life can still function and never know what happened to them. Hermione looks at me for help but I cannot really argue with him on this one.

(sorry if there's any mistakes from here on. my cat is cuddling my right hand and forearm, im right handed.💀 im also writing this on a phone. 😭)

"You don't believe that, Harry, I know you don't. And if it makes you feel better, I just heard Malfoy's staying over for holiday, too." Hermione tries to reason with him.

Ron gives her an incredulous look and asks, "Why would that make anyone feel better?"

She rolls her eyes and states, "Because, in a few days, the Polyjuice Potions will be ready. In a few days... we may truly know who the Heir of Slytherin is."

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It is Christmas evening and I have gotten only new set of gloves and hat from Mother, I suppose she's the only person who would give me a present...well other than the gifts I got from Harry and Hermione. Ron said he "forgot" to get any gifts this year.

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